Sunday, 28 October 2018




The history of Christian mission provides a useful framework for grasping the meaning of Christianity as a multicultural global religion by demonstrating a unique characteristic of the Christian faith: that it is universally applicable and locally inclusive. It is important to note that Christianity was a global faith rooted in the Middle East, Asia, and North Africa even before it became a Western religion in the medieval period. From the very beginning, therefore, cultural diversity and theological plurality have become innate parts of the Christian church. With the emergence of World Christianity as a prominent field of study, scholars celebrate the rise of a positive polycentrism of Christianity in which many centers have their unique opportunity to contribute to and learn from one another.

History shapes our understanding of church and missions today, challenging our understanding of sacrifice and persecution, encouraging us to be steadfast in times of trial. It helps us realize the importance of doctrine and theology. It equips us to carry out the work of the Great Commission.
Histroty informs us. Centuries ago, there were world councils in Nicaea and Chalcedon which gave us core doctrine regarding the deity of Christ. Christ as God is not something most of us even have to consider—we just accept it as true. However, this was something that was discussed in the early centuries of Christianity. This is just one example of how history informs our beliefs today.

In addition, it encourages us. Our world is a mess and it is easy to get bogged down by what we see on the news: terrorist attacks, shootings, racism, earthquakes, hurricanes, and so much more. Our worldview appears increasingly unpopular. It is discouraging at times. However, history shows that these things are not new to those who are in Christ. Those brothers and sisters who stood for the faith thousands of years ago, and those who stand up for the faith in areas of persecution today, encourage us to be bold in our faith here and now.
The Early Church: In the first few centuries after Jesus’ death and resurrection, the disciples and other believers worked tirelessly to spread the Gospel throughout the known world. They were responding  to Jesus’s command to “go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). If they didn’t go, no one would ever hear! They faced diverse obstacles, including persecution and opposition from religious and political leaders. Nevertheless, the efforts of these few were instrumental in the growth and expansion of the early Church, laying a foundation of faith and setting an example for fearlessly following Jesus, no matter the cost. 

Most of the disciples were eventually killed for their testimony, but this did nothing to stop the rapid spread of hope in Jesus. Paul summed up their zeal in Romans 15:20-21, saying, “My ambition has always been to preach the Good News where the name of Christ has never been heard, rather than where a church has already been started by someone else. I have been following the plan spoken of in the Scriptures, where it says, “Those who have never been told about him will see, and those who have never heard of him will understand.” These believers’ love for Jesus was so vividly reflected in their lives. The early church didn’t just support a missions movement; they were the missions movement, vividly reflecting Christ’s relentless love.

The History of Missions and the expansion of Missions itself is a living testimony of the Missio Dei.

Author: verified_user