Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Images and Titles for Jesus in the New Testament


Images and Titles for Jesus in the New Testament

Advocate                     1 John 2:1                    Alpha and Omega        Rev. 21:6
Apostle                        Heb. 3:1                       Author of Life             Acts 3:15
Bread of Life               John 6:35                     Bridegroom                 Mark 2:19–20
Brother                        Matt. 25:40                  Chief Cornerstone       Eph. 2:20
Chief Shepherd           1 Pet. 5:4                     Christ (Messiah)           Mark 8:29
Emmanuel                   Matt. 1:23                    Firstborn from the Dead Col. 1:18
Firstborn of Creation   Col. 1:15                      Friend                          John 15:13–15
The Gate                      John 10:7                     God                             Titus 2:13
Good Shepherd           John 10:11                   Guarantee                    Heb. 7:22
Head of the Body       Col. 1:18                      Heir                             Heb. 1:2
High Priest                  Heb. 3:1                       Holy One of God         Mark 1:24
Image of God              Col. 1:15                      Judge                           Acts 10:42
King                             Matt. 25:40                  King of Kings              Rev. 19:16
Lamb of God               John 1:29                     The Life                       John 14:6
Light of the World       John 9:5                       Lion of Judah              Rev. 5:5
Lord                             Rom. 10:9                    Lord of Glory              1 Cor. 2:8
Lord of Lords              Rev. 19:16                   Master                          Luke 17:13
Mediator                      1 Tim. 2:5                    Minister                       Heb. 8:2
Morning Star                Rev. 22:16                   Our Peace                    Eph. 2:14
Perfecter of Faith         Heb. 12:2                     Pioneer                        Heb. 12:2
Prophet                        Luke 13:33                  Rabbi                           John 3:2
The Resurrection         John 11:25                   Root of David              Rev. 5:5
Root of Jesse               Rom. 5:12                    Sanctifier                     Heb. 2:11
Savior                          Luke 2:11                    Savior of the World     John 4:42
Second Adam              Rom. 12:5–19              Servant                        Mark 10:45
Spirit                            Acts 16:7                     Son of Abraham          Matt. 1:1
Son of David               Matt. 9:27                    Son of God                  John 20:31
Son of Man                  Matt. 20:28                  Teacher                        John 13:13
The Truth                     John 14:6                     The Vine                      John 15:5
The Way                      John 14:6                     The Word                    John 1:1


Author: verified_user