can be understood that Jesus came into the world for the specific purpose, i.e.
to reconcile humankind back to God. To fulfill this one purpose, Jesus taught
the people, preached the Good News, healed the sick and did miracles and at the
end, he gave himself as a ransom for many, so that people may redeem and
reconcile to God. He rose again from the death so that humankind may become new
creature and they may have everlasting love.
continue his works, Jesus trained a group of people to carry out his mission. He
trained group of people, concentrated on his twelve disciples and this twelve
became the nucleus of the early church.
In Matthew 16:18 he says that he will his church which showed that the
builder of the church is Jesus himself. But it is an interesting to know that
that Jesus himself did not build any formal church institutions. He never
created any formal creeds, officials, liturgy but on the other hand, he did
something else.
(i). He gave his very own life to
establish church. His life was his message. He communicated through his life.
It was in him that the church was founded its principles and power.
(ii). He prepared a group of
people, his twelve disciples to carry on his works.
(iii). He left two very religious
(iv). Jesus promised Holy Spirit.
Although Jesus founded the
church, the active life of apostolic life was started in the day of Pentecost
(Acts 1:8). It is significant to understand that the first thing that the
church did was not to organize themselves but to preach Good News to others.
And the activity resulted the baptism of 3000 people. People responded the
ground was already prepared, that was the church. There were signs of fear.
They did signs and wonders. They have feeling of unity, one mind and one
purpose, one goal. They made houses. They made breaking of the bread. Shared
one another. They added number of people to the church.
The Geographical Expansion of Christianity: The Geographical expansion
of Christianity was based on what Jesus told them (Acts 1:8). The book of Acts
tells us the expansion of Christianity. Multitudes were added to the church.
Community started Jerusalem later churches others. Disciples dispersed to other
places as a result of persecution (Acts 8). The church expanded in the first
place as a result of persecution. At the end of the first century churches were
planted in most of the villages, towns and cities in most of the Roman Empire.
Gospel went beyond the Roman Empire just like Ethiopia, to Arabia, Armenia, and
even to Sri Lanka and India and to many other places. Except one apostle all
apostles died at martyrs.
When Christianity was started,
there were no paid missionary. Mission work was started not as a career. Every
Christian were called to witness to what they had heard, seen and experienced.
After Jesus, Paul was greatest missionary. We can see his works through the
three of his missionary journeys. Apart fro Paul, there were other missionaries
like Barnabas, Silas and others. There were evangelists like Philip, Priscilla
and Aquila. Acts 1:4-8 tells us that almost every believer witnessed. There were no permanent or regular salaries
were fulltime paid missionaries like today. They were all supported by the
churches. Many of them earn their own preaching and teachings.
Factors that contributed to the spread of Gospel. There were
several factors for the growth and spread of the Gospel, but there is no one
uniform factor for that. Here we can divide into two factors for the discussion
and they are:- (i). Contributory factors and (ii) Direct factors.
Contributory factors .
*Cultural fluidity. There was a
kind of culturing fluidity and disintegration of existing culture. People were
uprooted from their culture. That resulted disintegration of culture helped
them to new ideas.
*The close association of
Christianity. The close association of Christianity with Hellenism was another
contributory factor. Many Jewish people were Hellenized. Greek culture
influenced Jewish people. This association enhanced the spread of the Gospel.
Direct Factors.
*The obedience of the apostles to
the promises of Jesus Christ to their commission. The apostles were
commissioned by their master in spite of their weaknesses. They waited for the
promises of the Holy Spirit.
*The works of the Holy Spirit.
Nothing can be done effectively in the mission without the Holy Spirit. It is
only by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit that the church could witness effectively.
*Very Structure of the Church
(Acts 2;41-47).
*Very messages of the New
Testament were very clear and challenges.
*Coinonia (fellowship) of the
Holy Spirit. The love and care for
people attracted others to their community.
* Practical application of
Christian Charity was also there. There were hospitality to the travelers among
the Christians.
* Christian Social Ethics. They
accepted that all people including the slaves are equal before God. There were
no social distinction among them.
* The praise, the enthusiasm and
the involvement of all group of people.
many years back, there were misunderstanding of the life and worship of the
first century Church. Many believed that Early Church is a perfect church. This
is true for certain sentence. They were far from being perfect. Our being in
Christ as the child of God is perfect. But the experience of our position in
Christ need not be perfect always. For example we see many problems in the New
Testament. Within few months, there is a deception in the Church (Acts 5:1).
Ananias and Sapira. Acts 6:1, Distribution of food. There were disagreements in
the distribution of food in the first council (Acts 15). Then two prominent
missionaries, Paul and Barnabas heated each other (Acts 15). There were
divisions in the church of Corinth.
spite of some of this imperfection of the early church, the leading
characteristic of the early church is very very impressive. The Early church
was characterized by the brotherly love of the highest order, their moral
earnestness. Their purity, honesty, and meekness and several other things.
Confident gladness in the love of God, Fellowship with the living God,
indwelling of the Holy Spirit, certainty of Salvation, steadfast hope of the
return of the lord.
The Worship of the Early Church. The
Early Christians worshipped in the Jewish Synagogues as long as they are
permitted. But when they were expelled from the synagogues they started meeting
in private houses and sometimes in opened ground. There were two kinds of
worship in the New Testament Church. There were no written liturgies as we have
in the Early Church.
First Meeting. The First Meeting was Sunday Morning. It was the nature of a
prayer meeting and mainly carried down by people themselves in prayers are offered,
testimonies, psalms and Christian songs began to compose. Old Testament was
read and expounded by the leading elder. They also recounted remembered the
Jesus ministry. Non Christians were admitted in this meeting.
The Second Meeting. Sunday Evening Meeting.
This meeting was the nature of love, peace and Lord’s super. Love feast was a
kind of joyful sacred symbolizing their unity. Every one brought food from
their own and all were assembled. Then they gave thanks and eat together. After
that there was Lord’s super.
Organization of the New Testament Church: V.V.Thomas.18/711.
It is understood the early church was independent, self-supporting and
managing their own affairs. No one was above the other. First century Christian
realized that they belonged to one universal Church.
The apostles
were reverenced and their decisions were accepted. But their authority did not
come from normal authority elected by men. Their authority was spiritual
authority. They believed that they were directly appointed by Christ himself.
There were different gifts of the Holy Spirit practiced within the Church
during the first century. They are mentioned in Eph. 4:11. They were not
elected or appointed by any man.
The apostles
were not restricted to the 12 only. It seems that title was basically given to
the pioneers of the Gospel or pioneers church plantations. Prophets and
teachers were mainly to expound, to preach the Gospel, bringing light and meaning
of the Gospel. Pastors were the one who shepherding or taking care of the
people. Evangelists were basically preachers and moves from one place to
another. They were not necessarily expounding churches.
How the Early church was organized. No
one single pattern was followed to organize the Early Church. In the churches
in which Paul established, there seems to be 2 kinds of officials and they are:
- (i). Elders, Presbyters or bishops. These terms were used synonymously. They
had mainly pastoral care, discipline and financial matters. They also presided
over the Lord’s Super. They preached when there were no apostles, prophets etc.
(ii).They were
known as deacons. Under the elders, they were mainly serving under the
direction of elders.
Some of the Problems Faced by Early Church.
Problems concerning to practice and belied are: - (i). In relation to the
observation of Mosaic Law. Whether all
Christians should observe the Law as it is whether the Gentile Christians
should obey all laws, including circumcise. Paul answers in a letter to
Galatians. Council was made in Jerusalem and issue was settled in favor of Paul
(Acts 15).
(ii). Division
in the Church: This was specially seen in the church of Corinth. Main problem
was when more and more gentiles come; they started eating meat offered to idol.
These are divided the church.
Doctrinal Problems: In the first century, Christianity had no written standard of
doctrine as we have today. Even the apostle creeds were not there in the
beginning. In Matthew 28:18- 20,
mentioned about some sort of doctrines.
The first
century Christianity believed in God the father, in Jesus as the Son of God, in
Holy Spirit whose presence they were really consciousness, they believed in the
forgiveness of sins. They accepted all the teachings Jesus Christ, especially
teachings of love. They also expected for final and they believed eternal. In
short, their doctrine is very simple. However, in spite of this simple
doctrine, they faced many problems and some of them are:-
(i). The
Jewish Christian Sects. Towards the end of the First Century, we see several
Jewish sects coming up. Some of these sects are:-
(a). Nazarites:
These people accepted Christian faith strict on Mosaic Law. This people wanted
the decision of Jerusalem Council (Act 15) apply to Gentiles not only to the
Jewish Christians.
Ebionites:- They were the opponenents of Paul. Like the Nazarites, these people
believed everyone to keep Mosaic Laws. Not only for moral and ethical life but
also for salvation. They denied the divinity of Christ. They were trying to
teach the Holy Spirit descended on baptism and left Jesus while he was on the
cross. They believed that Jesus Christ would return to build messianic kingdom
on the earth.
Elsesaites: They also related to
Ebionites. They practiced circumcision, Sabbath, Levitical Laws but did not do animal
sacrifices which were faced in Jerusalem prayer. They baptized by emersion and
maintained ascetic life and vegetarians. They continued until 5th