How the Church Fathers clearly affirmed the authoritative status of Scripture(Bible).
- Irenaeus described it as the foundation and pillar of our faith.
- Tertullian argued that whatever it teaches is true and we must accept its teachings and abide by them.
- Clement of Alexandria called it the first principle of instruction, which is first apprehended by faith and then gives demonstration of itself, since in it we hear the voice of the Lord, which is more to be relied on than any demonstration.
- Origen, for all his speculative bent, regarded the Bible as the norm of doctrine and tried to find a biblical starting point for even his wildest flights of fancy.
- Cyril of Jerusalem refused to countenance any teaching that did not have biblical support; he based his instruction on the creed because he regarded the creed as a summary of biblical truth.
- Chrysostom constantly directed his congregations to Scripture and urged the people to get their own copies and read and ponder them frequently at home.
- Augustine described Scripture as founded on “the highest pinnacle of divine authority.