Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Nationalism and Nation Building- Introduction to Christian Theologies in India (ICTI)


Nationalism and Nation Building

The context in which Indian Theology addressed deeply is the socio-political revolutions. Nation building efforts preceded by the independence struggle, is perhaps the most influential secular context (next only to religious pluralism) which has shaped the Indian Christian theologies. A theology of nationalism (in the sense of nation-building), of liberation and social justice are the key motifs of this context. The whole question of the secular interpretation of the Christian message, and the development of relevant Christian ideologies will occupy several years or decades of future Christian thinkers in India. Indians Christianity was inevitable part of colonial rule. To be Christian means to identify with the culture, tradition and ethos of colonial power. Regardless there was a remnant group who discerned the shallowness of colonialism and supported positively to the freedom movement and the cause of nation building. As Christian faith got minority character the contributions of these remnants are not highlighted both in Indian history and in Christian history.

Indian Christian have more opportunities in free India rather than enslaved India under colonial rule. His nationalism focused on building of a nation on non-violence that leads to establishment of justice. Christian realized that truth is part of every faith at the same time all faiths have its own limitation therefore, we need to respect each other’s faith and create harmony. Many Christian like K.T. Paul was committed to political nationalism, seeing in it also a self- awakening of India which would transform the totality on India’s traditional life. Nationalism had a different meaning for him, for him Indian nationalism is not Indian politics but a great social revolution of which politics is but a part. The secret spring of nationalism was different from unity in regard to religion, language and government, but was recognition by individual persons of something as their common interests, some great object which over-rides individual interest. They identified the importance of Indian cultures and encouraged others not to reject their cultural legacy. Biblical study especially the Old Testament prophets with their prophetic ministry helped them to comprehend that politics is mere one aspect of social life.

The substance of Indian nationalism is that Christ coined the Phrases “Christian Nationalism” and “New Dharma of Citizenship”, and many consider him to be the first Christian statesperson of India. K.T. Paul was convinced of both his Christian identity and national identity tried to integrate both without rejecting anyone and to preach gospel based on Indian identity. Recognizing the social reality discerned the spirit of nationalism as the pulse.


Author: verified_user