Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Peoples’ Experiences and Indian Christian Theologies-Introduction to Christian Theologies in India (ICTI)


Peoples’ Experiences and Indian Christian Theologies

What is the relation between people’s experience and ICT?

The place and role of experience in the book of Exodus paved the way for ICT to empathized more on peoples' experiences.

The liberationist would refer back to the time of Exodus, the people being oppressed physical, psychologically, emotionally, culturally. In that situation, God deliver the people from all aspects. Exodus experience is very clear, what is black and white. Often this is not so clear in other situation. This is why liberation theology has its limitations where it is no longer applicable. This exodus experience cannot be compared in other situations.

In the time of Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, we find different experience. German was in a situation where the church was dying, was blind, church couldn’t see the people’s experience, during time of Hitler’s power. The church was silent to the oppression by the Hitler. The Lutheran thought Church has nothing to do with State. It was in this time where Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer reacted very strongly.
Karl Barth theology was, God is totally different we are not part of God in the sense that we cannot do anything without God. We experience God and possess some goodness so that we can also do something good as human.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer talks about cheap grace and costly grace. in his book “Costly Discipleship.” Both of them responded to people’s experience. Dietrich Bonhoeffer says, if a mad man driving a bull dozer in a street filled with people and killing the people, it is not the responsibility only to care for the people who are in danger or being killed, but also to check on the person who is driving the bull dozer. It this when Dietrich Bonhoeffer decided to kill Hitler. He radically follow Christ. He says, Christ called to die for him. Radical discipleship.

[If our spirituality is just believing and praying from afar without actually going to the situation and matter, there is something which we don’t fully understand who Christ is. Jesus do not only sit and pray but he goes and response/address the issue]

Latin America. Liberation theology in the situation of economy, rich become richer and richer become poorer. {Black Theology- focuses on Africans in general and African-Americans in particular being liberated from all forms of bondage and injustice, whether real or perceived, whether social, political, economic, or religious}. All these experiences shapes and enrich ICT to emphasize more on peoples experiences.

The earlier church understanding in India was very Brahmanic. The theology at that time response to only brahmanic people.
             1. Theology emerges from people experience.
             2. People’s experience design or shape the nature and tone of theology. You cannot to theology by borrowing from other experience.


Author: verified_user