Wednesday, 27 March 2019

The Sources/ Pramanas of Indian Christian Theologies-Introduction to Christian Theologies in India(ICTI)


The Sources/ Pramanas of Indian Christian Theologies

Western Christian theologies had not yet sought proper guidance on pramanas or sources of valid knowledge. For the construction and development of ICT sources is indispensable. There are three sources/pramanas of ICT-

          i. Scriptures
Scriptures is the word of God and literature of the people of God. Daniel L Migliore in his “faith Seeking Understanding” says “… the detachment of aestheticism lies the real authority of scripture in the life of the community of faith”.  Faith is God given gift and Reason is God given faculty. Scriptures is God’s revelation to human being and it is the mind releasing the essence of God. Scripture is a sign of God’s self abasement. It is the granary of wisdom which is expressed in human language. It is also an important collections of testimonies. hence, the main source of ICT is the scripture.
          ii. Philosophies
It is fruitful to see that in India the question of authority has occupied a central point in all the systems of Indian Philosophy from their beginning. In fact, one of the crucial differences between these systems is the nature of authority of religious knowledge each uses. It must also be noted that in earlier times in India, as elsewhere, there was no differentiation made between philosophy, theology, religion, culture, etc., and so what was authoritative in one area was valid also for the others.
Hence, in developing a relevant theology for India and especially for the Hindus, it is imperative that Christian views of why we believe must first be established and communicated to them.
Pramanas in Hindu tradition of Philosophy:
The term for authority in Hindu philosophy is Pramana, way of valid knowledge (from Prama, right knowledge, knowledge which cannot be falsified). Each school of Hindu thought accepted a set of pramanas as the true foundation for right knowledge. Knowledge gained in ways other than these was not true knowledge — it was either inadequate, transitory, and belonged to the category of falsehood, doubt, illusion, dream, etc., but not true knowledge.
 There are 6 sources from Hindu Brahmanic philosophy
1. Pratiksha - Perception
2. Anumana – inference
3. Upamana – Comparison
4. Sabda – verbal testimony / scripture
5. Arthapatti – postulation
6. Anupalabdhi – non-perception

These Brahmanic Philosophy paved the way to ICT to develops and edify the theology in its rich and diverse context. However, Christian philosophy such as God as the creator, Trinity concept, Christology, The basic tenets of Christian dogmas, the love of divine wisdom creates a great impulse for ICT.

iii. Experience

Experience can be very subjective like, What experience? Whose experience? and many more are instilled in the mind. Indian Christian theologies doesn’t comes out of a vacuum or isolation it deeply rooted in the experienced and life situation of the people.
From where does theology started talking about the suffering of the people? Experience of suffering is very important. In India, the suffering experience of the suppressed and depressed class people is a reality and indispensable. The spirituality of Christians in India is middle class people because of the quiet time. And all people don’t afford this quiet time. It takes cultural experience at the starting. If you are not critical enough while taking cultural experience, you domesticate God where you consider God according to what you want. Western theology has not given a place for experience, experience for local people. For Indian Christian theology experience is one of the most important sources for ICT.


Author: verified_user