Friday, 13 September 2019

The NT as a Christian Testament


The NT as a Christian testament

How did the term NT came into use?
It comes from Latin, Novuum Testamentum which itself a translation of Greek H KAINH ΔΙΑΘΗΚΗ, Διαθηκη in Greek usually mean a will (last) or testament.


Διαθηκη-The greek term diatheke literally means will or Testament. Will or Testament refers an arrangement made by one party which can be accepted or rejected by one party but which one cannot alter or change and when accepted, binds both parties by its terms.
-In Psalm, the word Διαθηκη is translated as covenant which in turn is derived from a Latin word convenire meaning ‘to come together.’ It means an agreement, a stipulation or a contract which involves through purpose.
-the term covenant can be traced back to the OT, berith (used 270 times), which comes from barah meaning to cut. When Bible is translated from Hebrew to Greek, the word berith is translated into Διαθηκη as covenant.

Why do we use ‘NEW’?

The term New comes from the Old testament references where God promises that he is going to make a new covenant or testament. Jer.31:31-33). This is fulfilled in the Ministry of Jesus (Luke 22:14-20, 2Cor.3:6, Gal.4:24-26, 1 Cor.11:23-26)
- God made covenants with Adam, Moses and others but they fail to abide by it. So, prophets prophecy that God would bring about a new covenant (Jer. 31:31-33).
- The Old Covenant still stood. But it is renewed.
- Thus the term ‘new.’

When did the New Testament came into existence:

- The term NT came to be used only in the 2nd Century (about 190AD)
- It was not written by the authors to be part of the scripture in the first place. They were records of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ and his immediate followers.

New Testament is the collection of or library of 27 books. It contains variety of documents with different literary types or genres and different literary forms within it and sometimes different view points. Probably written by about 16/15 people over a span of 100 years ( AD 40-150). 1 Thessalonians is the first letter and all the books were written in Greek which is the linqua franca. Some Aramaic are also used for classified meaning


Author: verified_user