Sunday, 18 July 2021

Evidence for the fine-tuning of the galaxy-sun-earth-moon system for life support- A "Just-Right" Universe


Evidence for the fine-tuning of the galaxy-sun-earth-moon system for life support


(Adapted from the author's books, The Fingerprint of God (second edition, Promise Publishing, 1991) and The Creator and the Cosmos (second edition, NavPress, 1995). References may be found in both books.)


1. Galaxy type


if too elliptical: star formation would cease before sufficient heavy element build-up for life chemistry

  if too irregular: radiation exposure on occasion would be too severe and heavy elements for life chemistry would not be available

  if too large: infusion of gas and stars would disturb sun's orbit and ignite too many galactic eruptions

 if too small: insufficient infusion of gas to sustain star formation


2. Supernovae eruptions

 if too close: life on the planet would be wiped out by radiation

 if too far: elements ashes which are not heavy enough would tend to

             form rocky planets

if too infrequent: elements ashes that are not heavy enough would tend to form rocky planets

if too frequent: life on the planet would be annihilated

 if too soon: elements ashes that are not heavy enough would tend to form rocky planets

if too late: life on the planet would be wiped out by radiation


3. White dwarf binaries

  if too few: fluorine which is pivotal for life chemistry would be insufficient

 if too many: planetary orbits will be disrupted; life on planet would be wiped out

  if too soon: heavy elements would not be enough to made efficient fluorine production

if too late: fluorine production would be late for incorporation in protoplanet


4. Parent star distance from center of galaxy

 if farther: quantity of heavy elements would be insufficient to make rocky planets

 if closer: galactic radiation would be extreme; stellar density would disturb planetary orbits

5. Number of stars in the planetary system

if more than one: tidal interactions would disturb planetary orbits

 if less than one: heat produced would be insufficient for life


6. Parent star birth date

if more recent: star would not yet have reached stable burning phase; stellar system would contain too many heavy elements

if less recent: stellar system would not contain enough heavy elements


7. Parent star age

 if older: luminosity of star would change swiftly

if younger: luminosity of star would change swiftly


8. Parent star mass

  if greater: luminosity of star would change hastily; star would burn very fast

 if less: planet distances for life to exist would be limited; tidal forces would disturb the rotational period of life planet ; uv radiation would not be sufficient for plants to make sugars and oxygen


9. Parent star color

if redder: photosynthetic process would be disrupted

 if bluerphotosynthetic process would be disrupted

10. Parent star luminosity relative to speciation

 if increases too soon: runaway greenhouse effect would develop

  if increases too late: runaway glaciation would develop


11. Surface gravity (escape velocity)

 if stronger: too much ammonia and methane would hold in planet's atmosphere 

   if weakertoo much water would lose in planet's atmosphere  


12. Distance from parent star

 if farther: planet would be too cool for a stable water cycle

  if closer: planet would be too warm for a stable water cycle


13. Inclination of orbit

      i.   if too great: Extreme temperature differences on the planet would happen.


14. Orbital eccentricity

      i.            if too great: seasonal temperature differences would be too extreme


15. Axial tilt

 if greater: surface temperature differences would be extreme

  if less: surface temperature differences would be extreme


16. Rotation period

   if longer: perpetual temperature differences would be extreme

 if shorter: atmospheric wind velocities would be extreme


17. Rate of change in rotation period

 if longer: surface temperature range necessary for life would not be sustained

   if shorter: surface temperature range necessary for life would not be sustained


18. Age

 if too young: planet would rotate too rapidly

if too old: planet would rotate too slowly


19. Magnetic field

 if stronger: electromagnetic storms would be too severe

if weaker: ozone shield would be inadequately protected from hard stellar and solar radiation


20. Thickness of crust

 if thicker: too much oxygen would be transferred from the atmosphere to the crust

  if thinner: volcanic and tectonic activity would be too great


21. Albedo (ratio of reflected light to total amount falling on surface)

  if greater: runaway glaciation would develop

 if less: runaway greenhouse effect would develop


22. Asteroidal and cometary collision rate

if greater: too many species would become extinct

  if less: crust would be too depleted of materials essential for life


23. Oxygen to nitrogen ratio in atmosphere

  if larger: advanced life functions would proceed too quickly

  if smaller: advanced life functions would proceed too slowly

24. Carbon dioxide level in atmosphere

if greater: runaway greenhouse effect would develop

 if less: plants would be unable to maintain efficient photosynthesis


25. Water vapor level in atmosphere

  if greater: runaway greenhouse effect would develop

if less: rainfall would be too meager for advanced life on the land


26. Atmospheric electric discharge rate

if greater: too much fire destruction would occur

   if less: too little nitrogen would be fixed in the atmosphere


27. Ozone level in atmosphere

   if greater: surface temperatures would be too low

 if less: surface temperatures would be too high; too much uv radiation would be at the surface


28. Oxygen quantity in atmosphere

if greater: plants and hydrocarbons would bum up too easily

 if less: advanced animals would have too little to breathe


29. Seismic activity

 if greater: too many life-forms would be destroyed

if less: nutrients on ocean floors from river runoff would not be recycled to continents through tectonics.


30. Oceans-to-continents ratio

  if greater: diversity and complexity of life-forms would be limited

   if smaller: diversity and complexity of life-forms would be limited


31. Global distribution of continents (for Earth)

 if too much in the southern hemisphere: seasonal differences too severe for advanced life


32. Soil mineralization

 if too nutrient poor: diversity and complexity of life-forms would be limited

 if too nutrient rich: diversity and complexity of life-forms would be limited


33. Gravitational interaction with a moon

if greater: tidal effects on the oceans, atmosphere, and rotational period would be too severe

if less: orbital obliquity changes would cause climatic instabilities; movement of nutrients and life from the oceans to the continents and vice versa would be insufficient; magnetic field would be too weak


34. Jupiter distance

if greater: too many asteroid and comet collisions would occur on Earth

if less: Earth's orbit would become unstable


35. Jupiter mass

if greater: Earth's orbit would become unstable

 if less: too many asteroid and comet collisions would occur on Earth



Author: verified_user