Saturday, 21 December 2024

Must Have Books- Science and Religion


Must Have Books- Science and Religion; Encounter of Faith and Science.

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Author: Rodinmawia Ralte
PublisherSECPTRE Kolkata

Ralte resourcefully intertwined Science and Religion in a striking way.  
A wide range of subjects and issues in Science and Religion relations are discussed, including the historical survey of the Science and Religion interface, particularly the relationship between Christianity and modern science. It also contains a discussion on the important scientific discoveries and developments throughout history, theories of the origin of the universe, a survey on various models of science and religion interaction including Barbour’s model, Ted Peters’ and Mikael Stenmark’s model of Science and Religion interaction. Philosophy and sociology of science and the social studies of science, including feminist and postcolonial critiques of science are also discussed. Some of the negative impacts of science and scientific developments are dealt with, and the book is closed with a theological response to the interaction of science and religion.

Author: Sarojini Henry
Interfaith dialogue has today become an existential necessity for global peace and prosperity. Such dialogue requires some basic common ground. In this fascinating book, Indian Christian scholar Sarojini Henry proposes the encounter between religion/theology and science as a common basis for dialogue between people from different faith backgrounds. Henry remarks that for a long time, under the influence of modern thinking, science was assigned a cognitive superiority, because its tenets were said to be subject to verification, while religion, which was often taken to be subjective, was dismissed by many as irrational. But things are changing today. Henry notes that in recent decades, the conversation between science and religion has become a prominent discourse, engaging the attention of scientists, philosophers and theologians. 

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