Tuesday, 30 October 2018




 A. Fall of Jerusalem

Following Zedekiah’s rebellion in 598BC, Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon turned his wrath against Jerusalem, finally capturing the city in July 587BC after a long seige lasting a year and a half. Zedekiah escaped by night and fled towards the River Jordan, but the Babylonians set out in pursuit and captured him near Jericho. Zedekiah was taken before Nebuchadnezzar at Riblah, near Hamath, blinded and led to Babylon in chains (see Jeremiah 39:1-7).
Over the next few months, the Temple and the royal palace in Jerusalem were destroyed by fire and the city walls were torn down by Nebuzaradan, the commander of the Babylonian imperial guard. All the silver censers and the bronze furnishings from the Temple were confiscated and sent to Babylon. The huge bronze pillars and the bronze ceremonial washing bowl (the ‘Bronze Sea’) were removed and melted down to be re-used (see 2 Kings 25:8-21). The same fate probably met the valuable gold articles and treasures from the Temple that had already been taken to Babylon eleven years earlier (see 2 Kings 24:13).
The prophet Jeremiah - who had foretold the downfall of Jerusalem and had tried in vain to persude Zedekiah to surrender - was rescued by Nebuzaradan from amongst the captives who were being marshalled for exile in the holding camp at Ramah, just north of Jerusalem. Jeremiah was offered the reward of luxurious living in Babylon, but he chose to stay behind at Mizpah under the protection of Gedeliah, the new Babylonian governor (see Jeremiah 40:1-6).
Meanwhile, the high priest and the royal advisors were arrested and executed, and the people of Judah were led into exile in Babylonia. Only a few of the poorest agricultural labourers were left behind to tend the vineyards and the surrounding fields.
B.     Babylonian Exile, also called Babylonian Captivity, the forced detention of Jews in Babylonia following the latter’s conquest of the kingdom of Judah in 598/7 and 587/6 BCE. The exile formally ended in 538 BCE, when the Persian conqueror of Babylonia, Cyrus the Great, gave the Jews permission to return to Palestine. Historians agree that several deportations took place (each the result of uprisings in Palestine), that not all Jews were forced to leave their homeland, that returning Jews left Babylonia at various times, and that some Jews chose to remain in Babylonia—thus constituting the first of numerous Jewish communities living permanently in the Diaspora. Although the Jews suffered greatly and faced powerful cultural pressures in a foreign land, they maintained their national spirit and religious identity. Elders supervised the Jewish communities, and Ezekiel was one of several prophets who kept alive the hope of one day returning home. This was possibly also the period when synagogues were first established, for the Jews observed the Sabbath and religious holidays, practiced circumcision, and substituted prayers for former ritual sacrifices in the Temple. The degree to which the Jews looked upon Cyrus the Great as their benefactor and a servant of their God is reflected at several points in the Hebrew Bible—e.g., at Isaiah 45:1–3, where he is actually called God’s anointed.

C. Life under Exile
It was in the exile period that Judaism as a religion was born and the people of Israel were identified as Jews. The exile period was from 587 – 539 B.C.E. Many Jews were deported to Babylon, some fled to Egypt and other places and the weakest and lowest of them remained in Judah itself.
1.      Exiles in Babylon:
a)      Population:
These Jews represented the cream of the nation’s political, ecclesiastical and intellectual leadership. All 3 deportations taken together, approximately 4600 Jewish men were deported to Babylon.
b)     Social Condition:
The Jews may not have faced severe hardships and humiliation. They were no dispersed with the local people rather confined to their own settlements. They were allowed to build houses and they lived together as a community.
c)      Economic condition:
They engaged in agriculture as well as other means of employment. At a later stage some even ventured into trade and became rich.
2.      Jews in Egypt and other places:
A significant number of Jews fled to Egypt, one group with Jeremiah in their company. Some found refuge in Egypt while some others worked there as mercenaries. Many continued to remain there until the end of the Persian period.
3.      Jews in Judah:
All the fortified towns in Judah including the temple were completely destroyed by the Babylonian army. Apart from the ones who were deported and others who fled to different places, many others were either executed or died of starvation and disease. There was a tiny population that were left in Judah. They were completely weak, leaderless and not capable to rise up against the Babylonian empire. In fact they were barely able to make their ends meet.

D. Important Developments in Judah’s History
a)      Identity as Jews:
They strictly adhered to the law and tradition. As a result Sabbath and circumcision received more stress. This became the mark or identity of the Jew. Emphasis was also given to ritual purity including ritual bathing and strict dietary laws.
b)     Development of Scripture:
Records and traditions of the past were carefully preserved. Previous documents including royal annals, primordial stories, ancestral narratives and legal documents were compiled, edited and arranged. The sayings of the prophets, the cultic laws and the priestly narrative of the Pentateuch were carefully recorded in oral and written form
c)      Use of Hebrew as a liturgical language:
Even though Hebrew ceased to be spoken in common life, it was used primarily in the liturgy and worship.
d)     Rise of Judaism:
The exile did not produce a single monolithic Judaism rather several streams of it. The primary among them were:
·         Normative group - required strict adherence to law,
·         Wisdom group – advocated a life of moderation and rational thought
·         Apocalyptic movement – advocated eschatological vision of battles
·         Universalisam movement – observed sharing of the Law and Yahweh as Jews’ true mission.


Author: verified_user