Sunday, 28 October 2018

Introduction and Meaning in Communication Studies for Christian Ministry

Introduction to Communication Studies for Christian Ministry

Section 1: Meaning of Communication
  1. A. Definitions and scope of communication
The word communication is derived from the Latin root word communis which means common and from the word communicare which means ‘to share, to impart or to have something in common.’ In everyday use, communication means making common or sharing something by two or more persons or groups or persons.
McLaughlin: Communication is the sharing of information for the purpose of affecting the receiver in some predetermined way.
D.S. Dahiya: Communication literally means sharing of ideas in common.
Joseph Devito: When we communicate, we establish ‘commonness’ with someone.
As information dissemination
Reuben Ray: Communication is the transfer of information, ideas, understanding or feelings among people.
As sharing
Denis McQuail: Communication is a process which increases commonality.

The scope of communication can be evaluated and analysed from different point of views.
The Social dimensions
Communication helps to ensure the social enlightenment of the people. It really plays a vital role in the determination of the social behaviour of the human being. It motivates the people according to their own interest and makes them aware of the hazards as well as beneficial things. It works as an instructor and means of transformation in the fast changing society.
The educational dimensions
Communication system is the part and parcel in educating the people. The various tools that we use in mass communication work as instructors to the people who are in search of knowledge. The educational objectives of modern communication system are increasing day by day.
Organisational dimensions
Communication has a vital role in the organisational structure of a system for the smooth functioning. All the three levels of management- strategic, tactical, and operational- depend on the transfer of messages done through the communicative techniques.
Cultural dimensions
Communication provides an opportunity for the promotion and preservation of culture and traditions. It makes the people fulfill their creative urges. The cultural settings of a particular society can be known to the public through communication. Communication helps to spread the cultures into different areas.
Entertainment dimensions
Communication opens a wide possibility of entertainment to the people. It begins from the interpersonal communication to the vast ocean of mass communication. The scope of films, drama, music, comedy etc is really wide in the entertaining aspect of it.  
Integrative dimensions
Communication is the one which connect people from different parts of the world. It develops integration and tolerance towards each other. The different cultures are merged together through the medium of communication. It integrates different people from the different background of the world. It works as a source of persuasion.

B. Forms of communication
Verbal: face-to-face, telephone, radio or television and other media.
Nonverbal: body language, gestures, how we dress or act - even our scent.

2. Different approaches to communication
a. Communication as a process
Communication is a social process like any other processes such as urbanization, industrialization etc. It is an ongoing process in which people engage themselves as individuals or as mass in sharing, creating, sending and receiving meanings.
Frank Dance: Communication is a process by which sender and receivers of messages interact in a given social context.
R. Williams: Communication is a process in which ideas, information and attitudes are transmitted and received.
b. Communication as ritual
The ritual view of communication is a communications theory proposed by James W. Carey, wherein communication–the construction of a symbolic reality–represents, maintains, adapts, and shares the beliefs of a society in time. In short, the ritual view conceives communication as a process that enables and enacts societal transformation.

Carey defines the ritual view particularly in terms of sharing, participation, association, and fellowship. In addition, Carey acknowledges that, commonness, communion, and community, naturally correspond with the ritual view. In a similar way, the term "ritual" holds religious connotations. For Carey, this connection to religion helps to emphasize the concept of shared beliefs and ceremony that are fundamental to the ritual view.

c. Communication as personal benefit
d. Communication as social, political and cultural issues

3. Types of communication (Text book ah a um vawng)
a. Intrapersonal communication
Communication within oneself – thinking, calculating, planning, imagining, recollecting and other unconscious activities. In Christian life: Personal prayer/meditation, worship, preaching
b. Interpersonal communication
c. Group communication
d. Folk communication (folk media)
  • Folk narratives
  • Folk Speech/tales

4. Models of communication
a. Meaning of communication models
Models of communication are conceptual models used to explain the human communication process. The first major model for communication came in 1949 and was conceived by Claude Elwood Shannon and Warren Weaver for Bell Laboratories. Following the basic concept, communication is the process of sending and receiving messages or transferring information from one part (sender) to another (receiver).

b. Types of Communication models
  1. Stimulus response model
This model is the most basic model in communication. This is show communication as an action - reaction process. This model think that verbal words, inverbal signs, pictures, and actions will stimulate other people to give the response in some ways. You can also say that this process is a moving information or ideas. This process could be interactive and have a lot of effect. Every single effect could change another act of communication in the next level. This model ignore that communication is a process. In other words, communication is considered as a static thing.

  1. The Shannon-Weaver Mathematical model
In 1948, Shannon was an American mathematician, Electronic engineer and Weaver was an American scientist both of them join together to write an article in “Bell System Technical Journal” called “A Mathematical Theory of Communication” and also called as “Shannon-Weaver model of communication”

This model is specially designed to develop the effective communication between sender and receiver. Also they find factors which affecting the communication process called “Noise”. At first the model was developed to improve the Technical communication. Later it’s widely applied in the field of Communication.

The model deals with various concepts like Information source, transmitter, Noise, channel, message, receiver, channel, information destination, encode and decode.

  1. Schramm’s interactive model
It is a Circular Model, so that communication is something circular in nature
Encoder – Who does encoding or Sends the message (message originates)
Decoder – Who receives the message
Interpreter – Person trying to understand (analyses, perceive) or interpret
Note: From the message starting to ending, there is an interpretation goes on. Based on this interpretation only the message is received.

This model breaks the sender and receiver model it seems communication in a practical way. It is not a traditional model.

It can happen within our self or two people; each person acts as both sender and receiver and hence use interpretation. It is simultaneously take place e.g. encoding, interpret and decoding.
Semantic noise is a concept introduced here it occurs when sender and receiver apply different meaning to the same message. It happens mostly because of words and phrases for e.g. Technical Language, So certain words and phrases will cause you to deviate from the actual meaning of the communication.
Note: When semantic noise takes place decoding and interpretation becomes difficult and people get deviated from the actual message.

  1. Berlo’s SMCR Model

S – Source
The source in other words also called the sender is the one from whom the thought originates. He is the one who transfers the information to the receiver after carefully putting his thoughts into words.

How does the source or the sender transfer his information to the recipient ?

It is done with the help of communication skills, Attitude, Knowledge, Social System and Culture.

Communication Skills
An individual must possess excellent communication skills to make his communication effective and create an impact among the listeners. The speaker must know where to take pauses, where to repeat the sentences, how to speak a particular sentence, how to pronounce a word and so on. The speaker must not go on and on. He should also make a point to cross check with the recipients and listen to their queries as well. An individual must take care of his accent while communicating. A bad accent leads to a boring conversation.
It is rightly said that if one has the right attitude, the whole world is at his feet. There is actually no stopping for the person if he has the right attitude. A person might be a very good speaker but if he doesn’t have the right attitude, he would never emerge as a winner. The sender must have the right attitude to create a long lasting impression on the listeners. An individual must be an MBA from a reputed institute, but he would be lost in the crowd without the right attitude.
Here knowledge is not related to the educational qualification of the speaker or the number of degrees he has in his portfolio. Knowledge is actually the clarity of the information which the speaker wants to convey to the second party. One must be thorough in what he is speaking with complete in-depth knowledge of the subject. Remember questions can pop up anytime and you have to be ready with your answers. You need to be totally familiar with what you are speaking. Before delivering any speech, read as much you can and prepare the subject completely without ignoring even the smallest detail.
Social System
Imagine a politician delivering a speech where he proposes to construct a temple in a Muslim dominated area. What would be the reaction of the listeners ? They would obviously be not interested. Was there any problem in the communication skills of the leader or he didn’t have the right attitude ? The displeasure of the listeners was simply because the speaker ignored the social set up of the place where he was communicating. He forgot the sentiments, cultural beliefs, religious feelings of the second party. Had it been a Hindu dominated society, his speech would have been very impressive.
Culture refers to the cultural background of the community or the listeners where the speaker is communicating or delivering his speech.

M – Message
When an individual converts his thoughts into words, a message is created. The process is also called as Encoding.

Any message further comprises of the following elements:
One cannot show his grey matter to others to let him know what he is thinking. A thought has to be put into words and content has to be prepared. Content is actually the matter or the script of the conversation. It is in simpler words, the backbone of any communication.
It has been observed that speech alone cannot bring a difference in the communication. Keep on constantly speaking and the listeners will definitely lose interest after some time. The speech must be coupled with lots of hand movements, gestures, postures, facial expressions, body movements to capture the attention of the listeners and make the speech impressive. Hand movements, gestures, postures, facial expressions, body movements, gestures all come under the elements of the message.
Treatment is actually the way one treats his message and is conveys to the listeners. One must understand the importance of the message and must know how to handle it. If a boss wants to fire any of his employees, he has to be authoritative and can’t express his message in a casual way. This is referred to as the treatment of the message. One must understand how to present his message so that the message is conveyed in the most accurate form.
A message cannot be expressed in one go. It has to be properly structured in order to convey the message in the most desired form.
Enter a wrong code and the locks will never open. Enter a wrong password, you will not be able to open your email account. In the same way the code has to be correct in the communication. Your body movements, your language, your expressions, your gestures are actually the codes of the message and have to be accurate otherwise the message gets distorted and the recipient will never be able to decode the correct information.

C – Channel
Channel - Channel actually refers to the medium how the information flows from the sender to the receiver.
How does one know what the other person is speaking ? - Through Hearing.
How does one know whether the pasta he has ordered is made in white sauce or not ? - Through Tasting.
How does one know that there is a diversion ahead or it’s a no parking zone? - Through Seeing.
How will an individual come to know that the food is fresh or stale ? How do we find out the fragrance of a perfume? - Through Smelling.
How will you find out whether the milk is hot or not ? - Through Touching.
All the five senses are the channels which help human beings to communicate with each other.

R – Receiver
When the message reaches the receiver, he tries to understand what the listener actually wants to convey and then responds accordingly. This is also called as decoding.
The receiver should be on the same platform as the speaker for smooth flow of information and better understanding of the message. He should possess good communication skills to understand what the speaker is trying to convey. He should have the right attitude to understand the message in a positive way. His knowledge should also be at par with the listener and must know about the subject. He should also be from the same social and cultural background just like the speaker.

There are several loopholes in the Berlo’s model of communication. According to the berlo’s model of communication, the speaker and the listener must be on a common ground for smooth conversion which is sometimes not practical in the real scenario.

  1. Gerbner’s Model
Mr. George Gerbner is one of the pioneers in the field of communication research. His works are descriptive as well as very easy to understand any other before. He is working as a professor and head of the Annenberg School of Communications in the University of Pennsylvania.  In 1956, Gerbner attempted the general purpose of communication models. He stressed the dynamic nature of communication in his work and also the factor which affecting the reliability of communication.

5. Barriers to communication and their solutions (Text book ah a um)
1. Mechanical
Breakdown of equipments involving communication. Defective equipments etc.
2. Environmental
When the community or environment we live do not provide us with full freedom to exercise our rights.
3. Cultural
Difference in culture and traditions
4. Linguistic
Difference in language
5. Psychological


Author: verified_user