Sunday, 28 October 2018

Principles of Communications

Section II: Principles of communication
  1. General Principles
  1. Communication as fundamental human rights
Communication must be lifted up as a fundamental human right and communicators called to practise an ethics of freedom and accountability. Freedom of expression must be respected and community groups assured access to technology and to media platform.
  1. Freedom of speech and expression
  2. Liberation, equality, balance in communication
  1. Biblical models of communication
  1. God as the communicating God
Hriet theina dinga tiem ringawt ding: God enters our world, that God speaks to us, and that we can respond. "In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets, but in these last days God has spoken to us through God's Son" (Heb. 1:1f). We believe and we tell each other that God speaks to us through visible creation, through the events of our lives, through the words of scripture, through our churches, and through the signs of the times. These are avenues of God's speech to us, and if we pay attention, we can come to recognize what/how God is communicating with us through them.

But what does this all really mean? Are these messages, coming from all these various sources, like little notes placed in bottles floating up to our shore from some distant island where someone is trying to reach us? "No," we answer, "it is not like that. God communicates with us personally. The realm of God is within us."

We believe that God speaks to us personally and uniquely, person to person. But how does this happen when God does not have vocal chords and use sound waves? In the Bible, many people seemed to receive God's communication as if sound waves were used. God spoke to Moses from the burning bush. Mary received a visit from an angel. Paul was struck down on the road to Damascus and heard Jesus' voice. On the other hand, when we consider people we know who listen to God's communication, we are aware that they are not talking about sound waves and speech patterns. In addition, some of our mental institutions have people within their walls who claim that they literally hear God's voice and their experience is treated as hallucinatory. So when we 'listen' to God's word, are we not using a metaphor (which is a form of an analogy)?
  1. Creation as God’s communication
The Creator speaks through what He creates. Here’s how one poet puts it: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world” (Ps. 19:1-4, NKJV). There’s a continual communication going on from God through His created life (day and night). And though you can’t hear an audible voice, there is a revealed message from God that circles the globe. Wherever there’s creation, there’s communication from God.
  1. Revelation through important events

  1. Prophets and kings as God’s media of communication

  1. Incarnation as God’s communication

  1. Jesus and communication
The Bible shows us that Jesus used different ways to communicate, or share information. His communication was limited to few forms, due to lack of technology.
Types of Communication: In John 8, we see that Jesus wrote on the ground before a group of Scribes and Pharisees. We are able to gather that Jesus could write, but in most of the biblical accounts, He chose to communicate by using spoken words. Just as today, the spoken word conveys a more personal message. Jesus understood that to make a personal connection, we must use the power of voice and person-to-person contact. Voice and person-to-person contact are not independent of one another, but rely on each to establish a personal relationship with others.
Establishing Personal Connections and Relationships: One of the first things Jesus did when He began His ministry on earth was to call 12 disciples, 12 men whom He would mentor. These men had the most intimate knowledge and relationship with Jesus. In fact, Jesus modeled how to establish close relationships by interacting with the disciples, creating personal connections with each of them in such a way that they would go on to tell His story for all to hear. Personal connections carry great weight in the effort to get a message across. People are much more likely to listen to those with whom they have a personal relationship, like their friends, family, and pastors. Sometimes words alone are simply not enough.
Reaching Out to Those in Need: Throughout the ministry of Jesus, we are able to see His healing power; He healed many sick and crippled. We notice in the Bible that every time Jesus healed a person, He spoke. He knew that people needed to hear His voice just as much as they needed healing.  With so many people in need of healing and salvation, Jesus used what was available to get His message out. Jesus understood that it was imperative not to stop with the initial message and that it was just as important, if not more, to follow up with the personal touch.
  1. Apostles and their methods of communication – verbal and written

  1. Different statements of communication principles by World Association of Christian Communication (WACC)
  • Communication is a spiritual exercise
  • Communication builds and shapes community
  • Communication enhances participation
  • Communication promotes freedom and demands accountability
  • Communication celebrates cultural diversity
  • Communication builds connectedness
  • Communication affirms justice and challenges injustice


Author: verified_user