Science and Religion- Additional Resources
Science is defined as “the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.” Science is a method that mankind can use to gain a greater understanding of the natural universe. It is a search for knowledge through observation. Advances in science demonstrate the reach of human logic and imagination. However, a Christian’s belief in science should never be like our belief in God. A Christian can have faith in God and respect for science, as long as we remember which is perfect and which is not.
Mikeal Stenmark wrote a book, 'How to relate science and religion: A multi-dimensional model' and points an exciting way forward in the effort to reconcile what are arguably the two most powerful cultural forces of our time. Stenmark succinctly lays out the central issues of the debate and shows what is at stake for the nature and advancement of human knowledge. The outcome of Stenmark's work is the construction of a "multidimensional model" of science and religion that refuses to automatically prioritize either. Stenmark shows the ongoing though shifting value of both science and religion played out as a dynamic, evolving relationship.
Oxford handbook Science and religion Cambridge companion Science and religion
Albert Memmi in his book 'Colonizer and the Colonized' strongly argues that, in every colonies, coloniser is always
privilege. In the same way he pointed out the relation between Science and the Christian faith.
Christianity has some extended
helped to science
Quiet of them are believe in God
In Dictionary of Sociology, Science does not need religion and
religion does not need science but human beings need both.
In our fellow human being
World is important and it is real.
Bible is the experience of the
early church people. The book of nature is another way of exploring God.
Christin fulfilment is body mind
and soul.
Myths and Facts in Historical
Encounters with Science and Christin faith
Dissection of dead bodies
Earth as flat
Galileo was the conflicts of
science and religion
Darwin and church
Scientific method and end
Religion and the rise of technology
Christianity give birth to science.
It is also myth.
Science Vs. religion
Darwin, Galileo, Copernicus.
Science together with for
enlightens. Science is 500 years old.
Most of scientist were believers
Christianity significantly to
develop the Science. (Christianity is not giving birth to science but Science
is influenced by Christianity)
We find God Primarily in the fellow
human person. Christian experience is to finding God in our fellow human being.
World is important because it is
real and secrete to us.
Through nature also we can find
God. Experience
of the early Christian community.
The popular Myths
The Christian fulfillment is my
soul, body and every together.
Religion is not saving our soul.
- Galileo
- Darwin and the church
- Christianity gives birth to science
- Scientific methods and the end of the esoteric group
- Rosicrucian
Science and religion
The 13th the
theology and the religions are known as “Queen” of science. Theology provide
the basic knowledge and principle to universal. Because the theology knowledge
comes from God. Therefore whatever theology said that is right.
During the time of renaissance period.
12th to 14th century. During the time of
Nicience scientific invention and discoveries changed the status and meaning of
science. No precise measurement are not possible in religious time.
- Science public testing is possible. Religion no public testing.
- Science there is possible for Equation to predict the event.
In religion no Equation to predict the event.
- Question the status of religion
Thomas Torrance:
“In natural science interrogative
form of enquiry is spoken of as discovery. In theology is spoken as
John Polkinghone:
Though religion does not have
empirical testing like physical science theology comes out of a kind of
empiricism: experience of human being.
Skepticism: Enlightenments period
18th and 19th century: the philosophical movement:
Enlightenment period means age of
reasons. Skepticism simply means doubtful attitude. Skepticism argued that
certain knowledge is impassible. Truth is not actual. Skepticism created some
kind of Skeptical attitude among the people. The result was people started to
doubt and started to questions.
Reason and scientific thinking,
challenge and Christian faith. They were attempt to interpret in the scientific
Creationism- everything was created
by God.
- -religious belief and everything came by natural process.
- -It support the theistic creation
Biblical literalism
It rejects that everything was
created through natural process.
It supports theistic creationism.
Two types of creationism/ two
movements emerged to counter the creationism.
Young earth creationism: the whole
earth was created within ten thousand years in six days of 24 hours. The valid
proof for them is ‘Noah flood’, somebody has created the earth. Based on fossil
Old earth creationism: God created
this universe over the long over period. The earth is 13.7 million years old.
Both views accepts that God is the
Historicity of creation
Both rejects the evaluation theory.
Two types of creationism
Young earth creationism: God have
role in universal
God is the creators of all
universe. The whole earth was created with 10000 years within the 6 days of 24
hours. NOAH flood is the proof of young earth creationism. (Noah
is the historical event)
Old earth creationism: God does not
have any role in universal
God created all the earth over a
long period of time. Scientific argue that earth was created 13.7 millions of
year old. The old earth creationism go with the scientific invention.
What are the similarity between
young earth creationism and old earth creationism?
Both views accept that God is the
Historicity of creation story- both
accept the fact that creation is the historical story
Both reject the evaluation
Young earth creationism argue that
the day gen 1 and 2 refers to 24 hrs.
Old earth creationism: a
day means not 24 hours. P: 19:14, Heb: 1 and 2. II peter: 3:8. Gen 2:4
What is Atheist view?
- It mainly focused on scientism
- Scientism- is the view that scientific method and scientific
observation are real.
- Religious views and religious argument are not scientific
- They not accept that god does not create the universe but it
is the natural process.
- Mind and conscious is not a product come from, God but it is
the function of Brain.
- God is not creator
Intelligent Design:
William Paley an English
theologian. His book natural theology 1802.he argue that god is the creator of
the universe. He took an example of watch. Watch to explain the
intelligent design. Some has made it. Same like this universe also made by the
designer. That designer is none other than God. Therefore, nothing is by chance
but some kind of intentional act behind every action.
The doctrine of creation:
Genesis 1 and 2. Two ideas about
Creation out of nothing (Creation
Ex nihilo)
Creation as ordering
Creation is an imposition of order
based on biblical passages. (Gen: 42:7, 15. 29:16. 44:8.18:1-6)
Theophilus of Antioch and Justin
Martyr: creation is not exnihilo but creation was an act of construction. They
were influenced by Greek philosophy. Greek philosophy never consider God as the
Church father Irenics and
Tertullian: God is the created and the creation is dependent on god for
survival. So God is Author of Evil. Because God created out of nothing.
Therefore God created the evil. So they say creation was construction.
They were influenced by Greek philosophy. Greek philosophy never considered God
is the creator. Mater was pre-existed reality and they don’t use the word God.
Architect ordered the pre-existent mater.
Biblical version of creation
Biblical creation in the light of
scientific source of theory:
Evolution theory: Charles
Darwin. All living organism only through mechanism of natural selection.
Natural selection: A
Random genetic changes voker within and organism genetic cod. Beneficial
changes are preserved because they need to be survey. This closes known as
natural changes.
Everything was simply evolved.
The complex creatures evolved from
more simple creatures
All lives is related because all
organism are related to single
Big Bang Theory:
All matter of the universe of
concentrated as a single hot Fire Ball.
And explosion about 20 million ago
and this matter was broken into different pieces and those pieces are galaxy.
Classical Christian theologians
argued that:
If at all there was mater in the
beginning, who is the creator of that mater. So God is the creator of the
John B. Cobb junior and David R.
Griffin: they argued that, these theories do not excluded God from the creation
or the evolution. God is the source of novelty and order.
Pierre Ateilhard Chadin: whole
universe is the state of evolution. God is immanent within the process of
evolution. God is guiding the universe it was final convergence at omega point.
Evolutionary process finally ascend into union with God.
Karl Barth: he argues that creation
is the theological event, which cannot be interpreted in the light of natural
Wolfhat Pannenber: natural science
can illuminate upon the Christin understanding of creation.
Genesis as ancient cosmogony
Biblical is one of the ancient
cosmogony story. But we cannot claim that creation is the first. Martin Noth
argued that biblical history was written during the time of Babylonian exile.
Biblical creation story was very much influenced by Babylonian, Egyptian
creation stories. One example is Enuma Elish is the Babylonian creation story.
Conrod hyers: biblical stories not a natural history but it is cosmogony.
John Walton: six days of creation
were no about the material creation but they were about function. For example
sun and moon are, to provide the function of calendar.
Evolution Theory:
Does not allowed one man and one
woman. Evolution is happened in many organism.
Historical Adam is not possible
Evolution theory does not accept
one man and one woman
God of the gaps and Reductionism
Science can be explanation about
physical nature in different dimension. At the same time science also so gives
explanation about the physical world. There are areas science cannot explain.
There are certain gap in the scientific explanation about the universe. The
theologian and scholars filled the gaps with God.
Super natural about physical:
God created
Henry Drummond: God
of Gap to criticize the Christian who fill the gap created by scientific
explanation. Biblical god is not the God of the gaps but the whole universe is
creation is the work of eminent God.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: We
are to find God if what we know, not in what we do not know; God wants us to
realise his presence not in unsolved problems but those are solved.
Francis Collins: Intelligent
design is guilty of God of the gaps when naturalist evolution face to explain
something it is best explained by intelligent design.
It provides less room for God in
this universe.
It denies the Omnipresence of God.
As science and advances, the gaps
will be reduced in this universe.
Science and Religion Dialogue
Book: Ian Barbour: Religion in an
age of science
Conflict: Science
and religion are mutually exclusive, their world views, conclusion are
antithetical. For Example: Creationist argued that scientific theory are false.
Evolutionist argued that biblical creation is not scientific. Scientific
materialism argued that matter and energy are only fundamental physical
reality. Scientific knowledge is the reliable knowledge. Biblical literalism
says that bible does not any mistake.
Independent: both
disciplines has contrasting method and different language. Both disciplines are
independent autonomous and separate. Any attempt to relate or integrate science
and religion actually violate the integrate of discipline. Religion well tell
us why and evolution will tell us how the creation is. Both do not work within
the boundaries. The problem is they try to cross each other.
Compartmentalization of science and religion is not always possible as we
Science and religion are Dialogue. There are areas science and religion can
meet and enter into Dialogue. Scientist teach how physical body function. But
the religion may not be tell us. Geneticist how genes works. Ethical theologian
tell us how to genetic (Knowledge). It is not easy science and religion into
the table of Dialogue
Integration: both
science and religion can contribute one another views, understanding, thinking
and perspective. To integrate the biblical knowledge and scientific
knowledge. Chardin is
the one he say God in the process of evolution.
Ted Peters:
Eight categories the relationship between science and religion:
Scientism: science has the monopoly
on knowledge about nature. Religion provides a pseudo. Religion provides
knowledge about non-existence beings or some fictions or some stories. Fred
hoyle says that “Jews and Christian religion tradition has become
outdated because of model science”. Scientism is always intolerable knowledge
of religion.
Scientific imperialism: argue that
existence of so called divine. Scientific imperialism plays that the knowledge
of divine reality basically come from the knowledge of scientific research. Scientific
knowledge is superior to divine revelation. Frank Tiplar says
“quantum theory combined with big bank cosmology and thermodynamic can provide
a better explanation than Christianity for the future resurrection of the
dead”. Theology should become a brand of physics. Divine
knowledge is comes from the scientific knowledge.
Ecclesiastical Authoritarianism: Till
Vatican II, 1962. Church is the custodian of every knowledge including science.
Church has authority over science. After Vatican II church come to point that
religion and science are two autonomous discipline.
Scientific creationism: attempts to
connect geological data and biblical data with biblical truth. The biblical
truth and scientific truth belong to same thing. Scientific creationism says
that, Creation of the world out of nothing.
Two language theory: basically
argued that science and religion provides different direction. Science direct
toward physical world religion direct towards God/spiritual world. Both
disciplines are sovereign territory. Abert Emsteen says that,
“science without religion is lame and the religion without science blank”.
Science can only ascertain what is, but not what should be. Religion on the
other hand deals only with evolution of human thought and action. Langdon
Gilkey says that, science has how? And religion ask why?
Hypothetical consonance (accord):
Ernan McMullin says that, there are areas where there is a correspondence
between science and religion. Correspondence can be made between what can set
scientific about natural world. In other words science and religion can bring
together. The God question about nature can be honestly asked within scientific
reason. Theologian and scientist basically share common subject matter. There
are possibility of dialogue. Theologian and scientist should subject there
finding or assumption for further explanation or conformation. Openness to
learning is the value which theologian and scientist have to follow the result
is peace.
Ethical Overlap: Scientific
invention basically lots of ethical challenges. Ethical challenges are not
New age spirituality: attempt to
use spirituality in science and religion. No dualism, there is no split between
ideas and skills. David Bohn- explicit order of things that we aspect as the
natural world and that is studied in laboratories is not the fundamental
reality, there is under and behind it and implicate order a realm of undivided
wholeness. Reality is in flowing movement. The new age spirituality seek to
cultivate the awareness of these underline and continually changing unity.
Book: Stenmark- How to relate
science and religion: A multi-dimensional model:
Conservative or reconciliation
model: science should change its content and the tradition Christian faith is
very extent as it. Charistian faith is right science should change.
Traditional reconciliation model:
science has to change some of its content at the same time religion also change
some of its content. But not fully.
Three Views
The independence view: there is or
should be nor overlap/intersect between science and religion.
Contact view: there is, there can
be and there should be intersect between science and religion.
Monist View: there can be a union
of the domains of science and religion.
The moral: Multi-dimensional moral:
own view
Two premises
There is nothing in the domains of
the science that is not domains of the religion. And vice-versa.
Science and religion are social
practices: both can understand each other.
What is the multi-dimensional
We have to go beyond one
dimensional picture of science and religion
Social dimension: science and
religion are performed by people in co-operation within a particular historical
and cultural setting.
What is the meaning of practices?
Practices is a set off complex and
fairly, coherent socially established co-operative human activities through
which its practitioners try to obtain certain goals by means of particular
Teleological dimension: we need to
see the goals of scientific and religious practices.
dimension: we need to see the method and developed to achieve science
and religion.
Theoretical dimension: We may try
to understand the believes, the story and theory developed by science
and religion
Since science and religion are
social practices, they are subject to change.
Science and Miracles
Christian faith basically affirms
and support of the Miracles. Bible prostrates God who is powerful at the same
time he is the person. At the same time God is the one who do Miracles.
Bible also talk about the false
Miracles and true Miracles. Miracles can be extra-ordinary act of God in
physical. The Miracles are religious in nature.
Rene Latoune: A
true Miracles is a religious wonder that express in the cosmic order, a special
and utterly free action of God.
Different churches understanding
The catholic tradition Miracles are
the signs of holiness.
During the reformation
period: John calvin and Roman Catholic. Roman Catholic No
Miracles happened among the protestant people. We are not preaching in the new
gospel that the reason the Miracles are happened in the life. The ages of
Miracles can be only happened in the revelation period.
Protestant: people says that
Miracles is the acts of providence. Means action of God through natural order.
Miracle is the acts of God, disciples. But the miracles is the acts of
providence. But they claim that Miracles can be only performs by the God.
Main Arguments
Miracles are objective and the act
of providence are subjective.
The 1st debate
happened in the 19th century.
James B Mozleo:
He argues Miracles are special providences or possible because God is a moral
being actively involved in physical being.
John Tyndall: He
argues how we can say that Miracles events being know that it was performed by
J.S. Mill: Miracles
can be satisfactorily testified by our senses or by a testimony.
Apart from two thing nothing can be
a Miracles.
Fredric Temple:
science can never in its character of science admit that a Miracles has
Frances Yattors-
there is no evidence/relationship between prayer and Miracle
John and Henrry Thompson-
trial hospital- he argue that people were healed not because of prayer but
R.F. Littledate-
Change the venue of trial, from hospital to faith community.
Why we are not able to prove
science or Miracle?
Scientist do not see any reality
outside of scientific theory. In other word scientist always see inside the
scientific theory.
Scientist always see the reductionist
methodology. Try to reduce all realities/ Miracles/power of God to
particular thing.
Scientist always value Knowable
universe and try to know universe more and more.
How God can be active in universe
without disturbing the normal or natural pattern of physical world? Christian
believe that God is always participate in the universe.
Miracles are a violation of law.
J.L. Maki- Vocational violation of
natural law does not over throw the loss of nature.
Robert Russel-
God’s action or miracles does not break the laws of nature. God’s action works
within in the limits of natural law but it is hidden from scientific analysis.
I.e. scientific analysis may not be bring out the all the God’s action.
John Polkinghorne-
the scientific and mathematical equation are basically ideal representation of
reality. Reality or physical reality is more flexible or open structure. From
scientific point of view even the initial beginning body is still unknown.
What is the alternative?
Lidiya Jaeger-
Natural world is basically God’s creation Miracles are possible. This is the
starting point of God’s action. In God’s providential action, the laws of
nature or description of God’s continuing faithfulness of creation.
Eastern theological tradition
In eastern theological tradition
there is no separation between natural and supernatural. They believes that the
immense of God’s in creation, and the function and working of Nature is God’s
creation. In other word what are changes happened in nature is the God’s
Kallistos ware-
creation is not something upon which god acts from the exterior, but something
through which he express himself within (the creation).
Christopher Knight-
Miraculous is not the result of something being added to the world. It is a
rather a wiping away from that world of the grime of its fallen state, in order
to reviled it in its pristine splendour.
- Miracles is a reality because scientific explanation are not
always precise and comprehensive.
- Miracles is within natural order though common mind may not be
able to explain.
- Redefining miracles- miracles is the providential
action of God, within the possibility of natural order.
Post-colonial critique and
Eurocentric Science
Post- colonial is a condition
of a period after colonialism. It also refers to a theory and which refers
an attitude of position with de-centralised with the Euro-centrism.
Post- colonialism argue that
Euro-centrism is not the best.
Post- colonialism basically means
perspective which explore/highlights the potential of colonialized. Looking at
the reality through the eyes of colonialized.
Post- colonial critique argues that
science is multi-faceted socially form embodied knowledge.
Science and technology where
integral part of civilising machine of Europe. In other words, Science and
technology Dominate and control the colonialized. This modern science was a
partner of colonialized.
Some tools:
Medicine- was the one of the tools
of colonisation.
Steam ships
Different crops and plants.
Modern European science always
ignore the local knowledge. And this modern science actually destroy the local
knowledge system. Modern science and technology basically destroy our knowledge
system and expanded the boundaries of their empire.
Joseph Neodham_ Scientific
contribution to military, factory, industry, railways, etc.
Sasitharu- Book_
in Glories Empire- the British Empire louted our resources with all the
sophisticated methods and equipment.
K.S. RathaKrishna-
the statement of Lord Macaulay_ India had no science to worthy to be taught in
school or college.
Vergirius Xaxa-
the introduction of euro centric communication facilities and transportation
basically affected the life of tribal people.
It allowed The entry of non-tribal
into tribal light
Disposes of tribal lad and tribal
Factory based production let to the
large scale exploitation of mineral resources particularly tribal.
Euro centric came and encourage to
tribal to cultivate the crops which really need. (shifting cultivation)
Frantz Fanon-
Settlers used gun to control the colonist. This gun culture made the
colonist violent.
Nelson Mandela-
“we are soldiers who will never fight for we have no weapons to fight with”
Desmond Tutio-
“we had land after becoming Christians, we have the bible, they have land”.
Albert Memmi-Book_
colonies and coloniser_ in every colonies, coloniser is always
Feminist critique on Science
Euro- centric science is basically
man centric science.
Feminist critique on science,
exposed the male centre of the science. Women are almost completely excludes
the science.
Evelyn Fox Keller and Ruth
Hubband- Women are excluded from scientific
institution and women participation are very less in scientific invention and
scientific project. Most of the scientific studies are man centre. In the past
women are excluded from higher education.
Edward Clark in
1873- women would ruin their help if they go to college. It will also to damage
The western society also
thinking that women are not capable therefore, they cannot do scientific
Where were women in scientific
studies? Where is women voice?
Sandra Handiy-
while accepting the utility and value of scientific endeavour, scientific
judgement are not uninfluenced by cultural, individual, values and beliefs.
Viginia Woolf-
science is not sexless he is a man, a father.
They question objectivity. They
argue against one perspective and one value.
It is the myths that women are
unfit for science.
Why scientific jobs are given only
men rather than women?
The ideologies or theories that
project women as inferior or emotional.
David Noble- in the middle ages
clericalism envisioned and attempt to maintain a society without women. Though
in the 19th century women were able to enter into academia,
they have to face another clericalism that is a male scientific
Eco feminist scholar-
modern science and technology to dominate women
Vandhana Siva- nature and women
suffer because of modern scientific and technological invention.
Marya Mies- women and nature become
an object of experiment.
Indian Christian contribution to
science and religion
Book: Kuruvilla Pandikkattu-
ever approachable, never attainable- read chap 1 and 3
Three main challenges that face
science and religion interaction
The divine between religion and
science in freeing ideas. There is no need for dialogue.
Religious elements are involved in
Indian science. Ex. Ayurveda.
Science has nothing to offer which
Indian religion have not discover.
Dualistic view holds that religion
and science are two independent domain which cannot interact. Dualistic view
science and religion are different.
Ex. For Indian realm of ultimate
reality Paramarthika and other realm is practical level vyavabarika
Both science and religion are at
the service of humanity. For him nurturing life is the starting point between
science and religion interaction.
Kuruvilla arguments:
- He says that, religion can teach humanity about basic value of
- Science can make human life easier.
Why should we need Science and
Religion? (Kuruvilla)
Science and Religion can help us a
renewed vision of God and human.
Science and Religion interaction
can go beyond absolutisation and redaction. Religion can teaches the value of
human life. Science and Religion helps us to know that what we know about
Science and Religion.
Dealing the spirit and body
respectful. Soul is fact and soul is precious. Matter and soul is integral part
of reality.
Learning respecting the autonomy of
both discipline.
Four main values of Science and
Accept each other
Affirms each other
Key movements a Science and
Religion dialogue
Admire: the arguments of science.
Admonish: to correct
Advance: move forward
Job Kozhamsthadam- Science and
religion dialogue, challenge and opportunities
Science and religion are two living
dynamic discipline. Therefore, they cannot remain the same. Science and
religion are subject to change. This change can happen through meaningful and.
This relationship or dialogical relationship can take these two discipline into
another level of new experiment and producing new knowledge.
Both Science and religion is
brought for the betterment of human being.
While engaging the dialogue both
Science and religion must be aware of their limitation.
Many Jesuit missionary
and protestant missionary were not simply missionary, there
were also scientist. 52 plants are named after Jesuit missionary
William carry-
Botany and agriculture-1st person who published first
scientific text book in India. He is basically scientist.
John Mack-
he was accomplished chemical science.
These missionary never felt that
science is an enemy of religion.
Agriculture research was one of the
interesting area of result of their pastoral concerns.
Allahabad agricultural institute
P. Chenchiah- He revels by
creation… God sense atom, but does not sent with it a treatise on physics and
In Jesus creation a mounts a steps
higher… it is not the pre-existence of Jesus but his entry as a new form that
demands attention.
The founders of modern science they
are not against Religion.
Johannes Kepler: he was an unshaken
Galileo: he remained a faithful
catholic believer.
These two people contacting Studies
of material world to available to them.
Astronomy disclose the causes of natural phenomena…much more loftier subjects
are treated by “Holy writ”.
“bible teaches us how to go to heaven, not how the heavens goes”.
God’s revelation cannot be limited to scripture alone and God revels through
nature/creation. In other words, God’s mouth (scripture) and God Deeds (Nature)
should go through him. Nature and scripture or Bible and science both are God’s
revelatory means.
“Universe is bright temple of God” Isaac Newton- “Universe is a
gift coming from God”
Bible also influenced some
19th century
Lord Rayleigh: Ps: 111:2-
Clerk Maxwell:
Alfred North Whitehead
Paul davies The western Christian
philosophy contributed and influenced by European science.
Dick ripp
God creative Rock
A positive view of universe
In the middle age people are
influenced by Platonism which negative view of the creation.
Orderliness of the universe (Wisdom
The rationality of God (middle age
‘God’ is rational)
Science universe is rational
everything is related to definite way. There would be some rationality within
the creation.
Faithfulness of God- rational God
is faithful and steadfast. This faithful of God is manifested in the regularity
(rhythms in nature) in the creation
The human in the image of God.
Scientist attempted to understand, what is the image in words?
Monotheism and universality of God.
We believe that God is one. If God is one and his or her law also the same
applicable anywhere. These are the universal application.
Ethical and social challenges of
science and technology
Bio-Technology result is basically
direct to the diesis affect the first world society.
Most of the modern Technology are
capital intensive Technology not labour intensive Technology.
Manipulating and exploitative
attitude. Promotes the objectification of human life.
Half of the scientist are working
in defence research. And rest of them are working in the project that will
provides the luxuries for the privilege of the societies.
Why we are not redirecting
Technological research to meet basic human needs? I.e.
food health and shelter.
Why we are not spending money for
agriculture, reforestation, and family and creation welfare?
Bio-ethical issue
- Abortion
- Euthanasia
- Surrogacy
- Genetic Engineering
What about the value of human life?
What about the understanding of
What about the understanding of
Love your neighbour?
Responsible use of science and
Strong states policy
The value of human life should be
taught/ promoted
Just and equitable access to modern
science and Technology
Nature care
The biblical concept: respect for
Technology must be enable the human
community to move forward
Philosophy and sociology of science
Auguste Comte: Science
is an objective and value of free activity. Science based on all knowledge is
based on senses and we know everything by observation and experiments.
John Locke: Ideas
are empirical in original. Human mind is a blank tablet on which senses write.
David Hume: Scientific
theory is a summary and correlation of individual observation.
Science argue that, only
meaningful statement are empirical or experimental proposition verified by
- Theological, meta-physical and ethical statement basically
fall short of this criteria.
- Theological, meta-physical and ethical statement also devoid
of cognitive significant.
The philosophy of science is
nothing but the knowledge of science must be verified by data, based on
Farncis B acon
- Basic nature of science is inductive and it should believe
form unprejudiced and theory free observation.
- Any Science must be controlled by observation untainted by
- Science approaches nature without innocent and uncorrupted eye.
- Science untimely based on induction that
means, generalization must be made after strictest and numerous instance
of observation.
- These generalization is proved by Data.