Monday, 5 November 2018



Eastern Church
The eastern churches are basically Orthodox Church. The Eastern Church which d always had influence and power did not have any say over the empire because the rulers or kings were Muslims.  In 637 the Caliphs recognized the Nestorians as one of the religious groups of Persia. During this time there were three main branches of Christianity in Eastern Church.
1. Nestorianism (Duopoly sites)
2. Monophysites (All character of God blended into one)
3. Chalcedomian( Orthodox)
The Muslims were in favor of Nestorians. It is said that Nestorian Patriarch Yeshuyib II had good relationship with Muslim kings. He negotiated or asked favour for Nestorians to enjoy favor under Caliph. During that time Nestorians sent a missionary named Alopen to China. When the Muslims shifted their capital from Damascus to Bagdad the Christians were not allowed to shift capital, but only Nestorians were allowed to do that. Nestorians were enjoying some status. In North Africa, the Christians were swept out by muslin invasion.
A controversy came up during that time was iconoclastic controversy. The Muslims were challenging Christians as Idolaters as pictures of Jesus and Mary were attached to churches. However; there were conditions for toleration,
No new churches were allowed to build,
No conversion to Christianity from Islam.
Monetary benefit was provided if one was converted from Christianity to Islam. 
            Middle age: Missionary Expansion in the west and East                                      
Ulifialas:  Monastery encouraged people to go on missionary. One of the first German missionary was Ulfials (311 – 381). Visigoths was the tribe where he did missionary work for 40 years and he translate bible to Gothic language.  Ulifialas was a keen follower of Arius. We see that most of the Germans were following Arianism.
Anglo – Saxons However one of the   Germen tribe was Frank and the section was Anglo – Saxons. Anglo Saxons were the people who invaded northern part of Britons. They were not follower of Arianism. Because Anglo Saxons invaded Briton people were pushed away from and Patrick moved to Ireland.
Patrick: He was one among them, He was born on 389. When Anglo Saxons invaded England Patrick went to Irish and started missionary work in Ireland.
Pope Gregory: In the west one of the missionary movements picked up flourished due to the work of Pope Gregory the great. His work influence d missionary movement.
Boniface: He was known as apostle to Germans. He was an 8th century missionary to Germaine tribe. He was anEnglish worked among Germans. He stated many monasteries among Germans and he developed monasteris and involved in revitalizing churches in France 
In east missionary movement began intentionally or unintentionally. They moved from Persia to Asian countries. Thomas of Cana is believed to be the first missionary in East. People were moving out of Persia because they were under the rule of Sassanid’s. They moved to Asian countries. In India they reached in 4th century. In China they reached in 7th century. When they migrated they brought their faith along with them and spread their message where ever they went. One of them was Thomas of Cana.
Thomas of Cana:  His contribution was he brought 336 Christian families along with him. They were Syrian Christians and merchants.. In 345 CE he reached Kodungalloor in Malabar coast in Kerala. They brought their bishop mar Joseph with them. It is believed that when they arrived there were already Christians. . This people played a major role in organizing people and building churches.
Another important people were Mar Sapor and  Mar Parrat  reached in 825 CE. They were sent by Timothy and reached in Quilon. One was Bishop and other was Metropolitan.
Ø  The existence of crosses has inscriptions in Pallavi language which was a Persian language during Sassanid’s dynasty.
Ø  Copper plate having inscriptions in Tamil and Malayalam, These palates were given to Christians by king Sathvi Ravi Gupta Cheraman Peruamal.
Ø  Christians were exempted from paying tax.
Ø  They were given colonies and were allowed to control over lower castes.
Alopen : First missionary to china was Alopen.  Tai – Tsung (627 – 649) was reigning at that time when Alopen reached there. There were some similarities with china and Kerala. He was sent by Nestorian Bishop Yeshyb II who was involved in speaking to Muslims.  Yeshub later ordained him as the metropolitan of China. Tai – Tsung warmly accepted Alopen and Christianity to China and he gained the favour of the ruler.  In 638 Tai Tsung issued a edict of Tolerance where Christians were allowed to flourish. They built a church in Changan. By 650 C E there were 6 monasteries in china. Official religion at that time was Buddhism. Other religions Gonfiscionism, Zoroastrianism were allowed to flourish. After him his son Kao – Tsang succeeded him and came to the power. Tradition  says  by  7th century  there were  358 monasteries,  but History says  in record  there were only 11 monasteries.  Many people/ Persians sought refuge in china. The Persian churches became translators for Arabs. Arabs used missionaries as translators to deal with the govt. In 845 a new leader from Tausit emperor Wu-Tsung came into power and banned all other religions and promoted Tausim.
The three Christian leaders who helped to work for the Christianity in China were;
Duke Kuo Tzu – I .During 7th century, he was an army general and very influential. He gave military protection to Christians and favored Christians in courts.
Issu yazbozid: He was a Nestorian priest and as well as an Army General. He was known for generosity and social work.  Because he was an influential man Christians enjoyed good fortune under his leadership.
Adam (Ching Ching)  7th century: He was responsible for  translating  Syrian book  to Chinese. During his time church had reached heights till 8th century literally. He usually borrowed ideas from Taoism and used Buddhist terms in order to make understand Chinese about Christ.
Proofs:  A strong movement in China “Hisanfu” dispalys  his style  of writing, supposed to be a very  high level of literary work  and Chinese language .By 987  the Christianity in china  w s almost disappeared. A report says no more traces of Christianity were found in china.


Author: verified_user