Background of
see the background of the Christianity in order to see how Christianity was
developed. Gal 4: 4 says about the fullness of time. It means that time was
ripe or it was the right time. The world was preparing for the coming of the
Christ. The Romans also without their belief or knowledge were preparing to
receive the Christ. Not only Palestine
and pagans even the whole world was preparing for that.
Pax Romana
the time of Jesus’ birth there was chaos everywhere in the Roman Empire. People were no longer religious. There were
many kingdoms/ empire in Roman rule which were fighting each other. Octavius Augustus came to power and united
people in Roman kingdom and peace was maintained.
Background: During the period Rome was the center of
the world, it was the richest city state and was splendid, The Palestine was
under the control of Roman Empire. Palestine’s’ north was Europe, south was
Africa and Palestine is in Asia.
Why Palestine is
lies between two civilizations
Tigris Euphrates (Babylonian)
Nile Valley ( The modern Egypt)
If we look at North and
south Palestine is situated between Europe and Africa. In order to go to Africa
and Europe you need to go through Palestine.
Greeks (322
B C) : Before Roman empire Geeks were ruling Palestine. Under Alexander the
Great the boundaries were extended even to India.
Romans: Romans
are important because during the time of Jesus Christ, Romans were controlling
the Palestine region since 64 BCE. Octaves was one who brought peace in all
these areas. In all these areas Christianity flourished until in 64 CE Romans
captured it.
Political Background:
played more significant role in preparing the background of Christianity. They
destroyed small nations and united them. It created a greater area to where
Christianity could flourish later. Octavius who was the great grandnephew of
Julius Caesar took steps to do it. He was later regarded as Augustus means venerated
which led to emperor worship. Main significance of Roman rule was good roads.
Roads were built in order to enhance the journey for leaders and soldiers. It
also flourished the trade. Many empires Egypt, Sumer Babylonia,, Assyria,
Persia etc came under the Roman
empire. Many kingdoms united and peace
prevailed under the control of military power. Before Christianity spreads to
these areas many empire came under the Roman control. Soldiers wanted peace. Anyone who spoke
against Roman rule was thrashed. Peace was maintained and improved social and
cultural life. There was a lot of
progress in social and cultural life. WHC Frend “The first time in 200 years on 11
January 27 BC peace was maintained.
Social Background
was indeed a dark period because several immoralities were taking place. There
was a huge gap between the rich and the poor. It was a period of all kind of
sexual immorality. The Prime thing was sex. People became gladiators, killing
each other and thirsted for blood. Poor people were treated as slaves. They no
longer had moral sense. There they expected Jesus Christ at this time.
Homosexuality, prostitution, adultery all were practiced during that time.
People were not religious.
there was corruption. Murder and corruption was a common practice. One emperor
Caligula took sex to another new level. He practiced sexual immorality and sex
entertainment. The entertainment was Gladiatorial fight in amphitheater. Amply theater is a big stadium in which water
is filled big boats was brought in to fight.
Summary: Geographically
Philistine was in central position, surrounded by Africa, Europe and Asia. Politically it was under the rule of
Octavius. Under him unification was possible. Peace was there under his rule.
Historians say that peace maintained during his rule among many religions. Infrastructure was in the areas of –
Roads, Ships and trade.
background – Prime importance was for sexual entertainment. By
the time Christ was born Greek language was spoken everywhere and Greek culture
was spreading. O.T was translated into Septuagint (LXX) which helped to spread
Philosophical Teaching
was moral decay. People became more materialistic. People were no longer
religious. Something left was Philosophy of life. Though they turn to
philosophy for answers and solution for problems, philosophy could not give
them any answers. Young William G . said
Philosophy educated the Greece to bring them to Christ. Philosophical teachings
of that time were Cynics, Epicureanism, Stoicism, Platonism, and Gnosticism.
Philosophy prepared people to accept Christ.
Diaspora or Diaspora Jews
were settled everywhere. Eusebius said by the first century there was no nation
in the world were no Jews were found. The Jews were not Christians but they
prepared other nations for Christ as they were waiting for the messiah to come.
That helped to spread the Christianity. They helped other people to believe in
One God.
Religious Background
Romans were quite tolerant in Religious matter. But they were not tolerant to
those religions which stood against Romans.
They had lot of problem with Christianity. Emperor worship was there
from the time of Augustus.
Jerusalem Church was
the first church and the first leaders were the apostles. Apostles were people
directly appointed by Jesus Christ. The Role of apostles was very important
because they were authoritative because they could deny anyone being the member
of the Church. Their job was to preach to the people. As time went on
Christianity also developed some other post like elders, Presbyters, bishops,
deacons etc. Their role was to look after the congregation. It was these
apostle appointed elders. In Acts we see Paul appointing elder.
Bishop/Overseer: James,
the brother of Jesus was the first bishop who presided the first council in
Jerusalem. The function of the Bishop was to maintain morality.
Deacon: Deacons
are the one who meet the material needs of the congregation especially among
poor. They assist Presbyters, they help in sacrament.
Deaconess: The
function of the Deaconess is limited in Church. They take care of women folk.
In Phoebe they assisted Presbyters in sacrament especially to sick women.
Evangelist: They
are meant as preachers. They are itinerant preachers. Because of evangelism
Christianity spread quickly. Philip was regarded as evangelist and deacon.
Prophets: There are basically 2
types of prophets and their ministry,
1. Wandering and 2. Residential
the power of Prophets is they have power to preach to other people and warn to
people. They have power to warn people that they can receive God’s wrath if
they did not turn. They traveled from places to places to strengthen the
people. As time moved on the wandering prophets were declined and number of
residential prophets increased.