Monday, 5 November 2018

Family Structure


Family Structure

An invisible sets of functional demands that organized the way in which family member interact.

Core Aspect:

1.      Family Sub-System
There are essentially 4 sub-system
(a) Husband wife system- Spousal
(b) Father mother system- Parental
(c)  Sibling System- Brother Sister system
(d) Extended System- Grandparents, cousin, aunt, etc.

   It is possible to understand the structure that govern a family community system/pattern by observation the family action. This include which family members says what to whom in which/what way and also the result of the interaction.

Therapy is the process of challenging how things are done and a major target of challenging is the family sub system as there are the context for the development of complexity and competences.

Sub system are the building blocks of the family then the key aspect in understanding how these sub system to relate one another who holds the power and how authority is demonstrated.

Golden Berg and Golden Berg clearly defines boundaries between sub system within a family help maintain separateness ad the same time emphasizing belongingness to this overall family system.

Family Conflict [sub system]

According to Salvador Minuchen there are three family conflicts-
1.      Alignment
2.      Power
3.      Coalition

1. Alignment:
Whenever there is a difference of opinion, members will team up with one another either from their own sub system or even outside the sub system to exert influence on the decision making process. This is known as alignment.

2. Power:
Power on the other hand refers to the influence that they are exert on any one or more members of the family.

3. Coalition:
On the other is an alliance i.e. formed between two members against the third one.

According to Structure therapy, a functional family is one where clear boundaries exist within the structure of the family which gives sufficient rooms for individual to grow and at the same time maintaining the integrity pf the family.
A dysfunction family is one where the boundaries remain unclear and where family interaction is either mark by extreme disengagement and extreme enmeshment.

Therapeutic steps:
1.Joining and accommodating- Joining gets the therapist into the family accommodation into their styles in his/her leverage to bring about changes.
2.  Enactment- rectifying what is wrong in the system brings a solution for the issues
3.  Restructuring- The power is move from one person to another person and restricting in the family sub system begins.

Aspect of Gender:

It is combination of three things-

1.      Body- Physical attributes
2.      Identity- Internal characteristic of an individual
3.  Expression (experience)- how we express our body & identity (combination of body & identity)
All these 3 attributes are known as Bio-psychosocial –It deals with the physical, social and the life of an individual.

Eight variables to identify our self:

1.Chromosome: the sex chromosome for male and female is different Male-XX, Female-XY
2.Gonads: endocrine glands for the reproduction
3.Hormones: Estrogen-female; Androgen-Male-----Secondary sexual characteristic are developed.
4.Accessories internal Sexual organs- Uterus & prostrate
5.External genetics
6.Sex of assignment and rearing
7.Core gender identity- Psychological self image of oneself
8.Gender role identity- This refers to social pattern of appearance, behavior and role performance associated with basic core gender.


Author: verified_user