John Chittistr
patriarchy rest four principle of interlocking
It takes the biological differences imposes hierarchy, domination,
power and justifies all of it in the name of intrinsic inequality.
- Dualism: male and female, men & women dualism.
- Hierarchy: The power lies to men.
- Domination: Men have the right to dominate women
- Inequality: Women cannot equal to men. Men are better than women.
Four aspect of patriarchy
1. Religion:
religion often validate the rule of men over women.
2. Families: The
way family established pointed to patriarchy- gender is very important.
3. Societies: The
society stands with the ethos that women are blame for everything. (a double
4. Gender
stereotypes: gender is a culturally condition aspect.
Domestic violence/ spousal abuse/ partner battering/
intimate partner violence
As a pattern of abusing behavior by one partner against another in
an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating, family or cohabitation.
violence is the problem of the lower caste
violence does not cast any serious injury
Women do not
suffer for long
Women choose to
stay in abusing relationship
battering has no effect on children
women staying in an abusing relationship
1. Economic
reasons: Woman is dependent on husband or family for her economic needs.
2. The issue of
children: for the sake of children women preferred to stay.
3. Societal shame:
Strong shame of culture in our society.
4. Fear of life:
the tendency for risk of life is more if moving out of the relationship.
5. Learned
helplessness: behavioral modification
6. Intermittent
reinforcement: tend to justify each other.
Four types of domestic violence
1. Physical abuse:
Any kinds of physical abusive act which includes basic need-medical, sleeplessness
and biting children.
2. Sexual abuse:
forced someone engaging in sexual act when it is not comfortable
3. Emotional
abuse: controlling the other person through humiliation
4. Economic abuse:
when one control the whole economy without the involvement of partner most
likely husband.
Pastoral response
1. Listen
2. Believe what
the victim says
3. Don’t try to
spiritualized the issue
4. Whenever abuse
is involved you need to get the authorized involved
5. Provide a safe
house(through NGO’s)
6. Your primary
concern is the safety of the victim [which means forgiveness and reconciliation
is not the main focus but to get them safe]
Some are the things pastor should not do [Don’t
in Pastoral Response]
1. You don’t tell
her what to do.
2. You don’t tell
her, go back and try harder
3. So many time
domestic violence happened only between husband and wife. Don’t tell her to
stay for the children
4. Don’t blame her
for the violence
5. Don’t offer her
to talk to her husband to straighten up.