Monday, 5 November 2018

The Birth and Expansion of Christianity in the first century


Jesus came into the world to redeem humanity (Phil. 2:5). Jesus emptied (kenosis) and humbled (nekrosis) himself carrying the cross. Therefore, God also glorified him and exalted him highly (Theosis).

Jesus only had a ministry for three and a half years. He took 12 disciples and trained them. They became the nucleus, the centre of the early Church.  Matt. 16:18 said, “I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail over it.”

It was Jesus’ plan to build his Church. It is the ministry of Jesus. But Jesus never formed any organization, no officials of the Church, no liturgy. But Jesus gave the Church:
1.      He gave himself, his very own life. He communicated his life, his purpose.
2.      He prepared a group of people to carry on the work that he started.
3.      He left two simple rites/examples: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
4.      He promised the Holy Spirit to indwell in them, to guide them, to council them, to empower them.

Jesus started the Church, but he did not organize the Church.

The beginning of the Apostolic Church
The active life of the Church started on the day of the Pentecost (Acts 2). The Holy Spirit came upon them. 3000 people were baptized on that day.

It was from this day that the Church started marching forward. Acts 2:41-47 describes the nature of the apostolic church. They met regularly, shared common life, listened to the apostles and prayed together.  There was a sense of awe and fear everywhere: signs and wonders occurred, they were united and day by day, the Lord added people to the Church.

The geographical expansion of the 1st century Church
The geographical expansion was based on Acts 1:8. Within the first century of the birth of Christianity, almost a good percentage of the Roman Empire expressed their allegiance TO THIS NEW FAITH. Christianity could be found all over the empire within the first five centuries. But it all began in Jerusalem. The book of Acts made it very clear that the spread of Christianity was from Jerusalem. Up to chapter 9, the main figure is Peter. From Chapter 13, Paul became the main figure. The first group of apostles (120) were in Jerusalem, waiting. Then, they grew and multiplied. This continued and in Acts 8, we see the dispersion because of persecution in Jerusalem. They began to move to Judaea, Samaria.

Acts 8 – Persecution – All, except the apostles, were scattered to Judaea, Samaria. Those scattered preached the gospel. First, the Church expanded in the context of persecution and second, expanded because of miracles.

Church History is the origin, progress and the impact of Christianity upon Roman society based on organized data gathered through scientific method from documentary, archaeological or living sources.

Thou art Petros (a piece of Rock)
Upon this Petra (a bed of rock)
The Church is not built on Peter


Author: verified_user