Indian Christian Contribution to Science and
Religion Interaction
Ralte, Rodinmawia. The Interface of Science and Religion: An
Introductory Study. New Delhi: Christian World Imprints, 2017.
Gosling, David L. Science and the Indian Tradition When Einstein
met Tagore. New York: Routledge, 2007.
Science and Religion
conflict, contrast and problems touches every people all over the world which
confront Indian people also. So, Indian Christian can no longer ignore the
gravity of the issues. A number of Catholic theologians are deeply and
seriously involved in the dialogue between Science and Religion. In some of
their institution they have science and religion studies, Jnana Deepa
Vidyapeeth, JDV (Pontifical Institute of Philosophy and Religion), Pune is one
such institutes which gives effort to the study of the interaction between
science and religion. Let’s discuss the contributions to science and religion
by Indian philosophers of science.
Pandikkattu, a well-known scholar
in the field of science and religion dialogue and Professor of Philosophy,
Science and Religion at JDVidentifies few challenges faced by science and
religion in Indian context.
Three main challenges
that face science and religion interaction
1. The
divine between religion and science in freeing ideas. There is no need for
1.1. Religious
elements are involved in Indian science. Ex. Ayurveda.
2. Science
has nothing to offer which Indian religion have not discover earlier.
3. Dualistic
view holds that religion and science are two independent domain which cannot
interact. Dualistic view science and religion are different.
Ex. For Indian realm
of ultimate reality Paramarthika and other realm is practical level vyavabarika
Both science and
religion are at the service of humanity. For him nurturing life is the starting
point between science and religion interaction, it is approachable but never
Kuruvilla arguments:
- He
says that, religion can teach humanity about basic value of life.
- Science
can make human life easier.
should we need Science and Religion? (Kuruvilla)
Science and Religion can help us a renewed vision of God and human.
Science and Religion interaction can go beyond absolutisation and redaction.
Religion can teaches the value of human life. Science and Religion helps us to
know that what we know about Science and Religion.
Dealing the spirit and body respectful. Soul is fact and soul is precious.
Matter and soul is integral part of reality.
Learning respecting the autonomy of both disciplines.
main values of Science and Religion
Accept each other
Affirms each other
Key movements a
Science and Religion dialogue
Admire: the arguments of science.
Advice: to inculcate right steps
Admonish: to correct
Kozhamsthadam- Science and religion dialogue, challenge and opportunities
One of the best known
among Indian Christian in Science and Religion dialogues is Job Kozhamthadam, a
Professor of Philosophy of Science in JDV. His whole idea in science and
religion dialogue can be summarized as “Constructive Collaboration”. He says
Science and Religion should not be adversaries attacking each other. But they
can and should comrades collaborating in a common cause. A correct and unbiased
understanding of the nature and the ideals of science and religion will reveal
that the relationship between the two should be one of constructive collaboration
aimed at satisfying the human quest for explanation and understanding and at
helping quest of human into total and integrated persons. Science and religion
are two living dynamic discipline. Therefore, they cannot remain the same.
Science and religion are subject to change. This change can happen through
meaningful and. This relationship or dialogical relationship can take these two
disciplines into another level of new experiment and producing new knowledge.
Both Science and religion is brought for the betterment of human being. While
engaging the dialogue both Science and religion must be aware of their
Many Jesuit missionary
and protestant missionary were not simply missionary, there
were also scientist. 52 plants are named after Jesuit missionary and their
great contributions in science was undeniable.
carry- Botany and agriculture-1st person
who published first scientific text book in India. He is basically scientist.
Mack- he was accomplished chemical science.
These missionary never
felt that science is an enemy of religion.
Agriculture research
was one of the interesting areas of result of their pastoral concerns.
Allahabad agricultural
institute was started with the pioneering works of missionaries.
P. Chenchiah- He
reveals by creation… God sense atom, but does not sent with it a treatise on
physics and chemistry.
At a closer looks, science and religion are
nor incongruent as it has been proclaimed by thinkers such as William Draper,
Andrew Dickson White and a number of Atheistic rationalists of the nineteenth
century. The Historical instances of conflict between science and religion were
shallow and mainly due to incorrect or limited understanding of both science
and religion. A number of Scientists who had deep theological conviction were
of the opinion that science and religion are not enemies, this includes
Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, etc.