Thursday, 7 March 2019




1. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
The Person of Jesus
Jesus was a messenger of God. This message was teacher he use the term Guru. Jesus was a moral teacher but not a divine son of God. The title son basically shows the creative nature of Jesus and natural impurity with the Father. The power that Jesus manifested was really not his power but it was delegated by God the father.
Jesus relationship between Father was not one on identical but only in term of will.  Jesus carried the will of the Father.
The miracles of Jesus
He accepted all the miracles of including virgin birth and resurrection. This miracle are not unique in Indian context. Because Indians have seen lots of miracle performed by many GURU in the very beginning. The miracle of do not apple to Indians.
Jesus’s teaching can attract the Indians.
The Work of Jesus
He rejected vicarious sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. Christian believes that we are saved by the death of Jesus Christ.
saved and saves people through his teaching not through his sacrificial death.
If we follow the teaching of we will be saved. (Humanity will be saved).
The teaching of encouraged the repentance.
How do we get salvation? According to raja ram, Salvation not through the blood of but through the following the precepts of Jesus Christ.
Jesus death is the supreme example of his teaching.
How do we get the forgiveness of sin?  According to raja ram, the forgiveness of sin and divine grace is to follow the teaching of Jesus Christ. Forgiveness is received through repentance not through atonement death of Jesus Christ. 
For Raja Ram, Jesus is simple a GURU who has the pinnacle of spiritual realization and thus are capable of directly transmitting that state to others through grace
Book: Precepts of Guide to peace and happiness 
2. Brahmabandhab Upadhayaya
He develops Christology reflection within the frame work of vedantic philosophy. In other word, He attempt to interpret Christ within the frame work of vedantic philosophy. It is based on Upanishads.
The Nature of Jesus Christ
Two natures are united in Christ. Jesus was Nara (Human) and Hari (God). was union of both Man and God. As the Nara Hari Jesus was both infinite and finite. Jesus was both saguna (personal) and nirguna (impersonal). As an infinite he was God as the finite he was human being.
Trinitarian Christology
Interpreted in line with trinity. And he interpreted with in the Upanishdic attribution to the existence of brahama that is satchitananda.
Sat- truth- Father; Chit- intelligence- Son; Ananda- Bliss- Holy Spirit.
Jesus is the Chit of satchitananda. Other words, was the intelligent or consciousness of Brahman. Other word, is the divine intelligence/ consciousness.
Understanding about the Person of Christ
He rejected the historical Jesus. Why because is Jesus cannot be limited within the history is beyond history.  But he emphasis the Meta-physical Jesus. Because of Jesus’s primarily existence as divine being.
Who is Jesus for him? is the image of Brahman. For him, Para-Brahman became incarnate in Jesus Christ. Jesus incarnation was unique incarnation. Why because? Jesus incarnation was the only incarnation of Brahman.
The work of Christ
became the sacrifices for human salvation.  was both victim and priest. For him, destroyed the power of Sin by taking the cup of human sin.
Incarnation and Avatar
was not an Avatar. If we say is Avatar, It is theological error.
Christ and Krishna: According to him, Krishna belongs to realm of Maya. But Christ is beyond Maya. And Krishna is the avatars of person Vishnu. But whereas Christ is God himself.
3. P. Chenchiah
Christological reflection
Person of Christ: is permanently human being. He was not like any other avatars who took of the human nature for temporary purpose. And Jesus as a son of man Jesus had permanent humanity. For him this Jesus was not absolute God as we believe but God standing in relation to human being.
Jesus was God man not God-man because God-man separates Jesus from God.
God man means Jesus is the product of both God and man. And this product he called new creation.
Why Jesus is son of God? Because the spirit of God entered him. In other words, is the product of work of Spirit
Why Jesus is Son of man? Because Jesus was born out of mother.
JESUS CHRIST  is Adi-Purasha of New creation: In creation Jesus mounts a step higher. It is not  the preexistence of Jesus but his entry as the new form or human being is the beauty of uniqueness of Jesus incarnation.
The word son basically shows the measures of unity between God and Jesus.
In Aham Brahmasmi- I am Brahman – that become reality. Jesus says “I and my Father are one”.
P. Chenchiah rejected Jesus as Avatars.
When we say we are Brahman we experience Moksha
Raw Fact of Christ:
For Chenchiah the central fact of Christian life is direct experience with Christ. For Chenchiah calls that raw fact of Christ is direct experience of Christ. For him in order to have the direct the experience of Christ or Raw fact of Christ one must have Anubhava of living Christ.  In Christ what is the fact of Christ: the basic fact of Christ is the birth of new order in creation. The emergence of new life for humanity. Emergence of new life not tainted or spoiled by sin.  In Jesus Christ, God translated an idea of new man into the fact of history.
Salvation: Salvation is the process of reproducing the image of Christ of becoming Christ. Redemption is effected not by the death of Jesus Christ. But the larger life of Jesus. For him salvation is not just sinlessness but life in its fullness. Life fullness nothing but reproducing Jesus Christ. According to him “Christianity is not primarily a doctrine of salvation but the announcement of the advent of new creative order in Jesus Christ.”
The work of Christ
The work of Christ consist in what he is in then what he did. His argument is based on understanding of salvation.  Salvation is basically union with the Christ. In other word the believer is completely union with the in all his life. Sayujya- State of being fully united with God.  “In union with Christ we are not identifying with Christ in essence but we become a Christ”  Paul says “I no longer but Christ lives in me”.  Gal: 2:20
New meaning of salvation: We need to believe in JESUS CHRIST  at the same time we have to live according to Jesus Christ.
Understanding of the kingdom of God
In order to establish kingdom of god one had to reproduce Jesus. In other word, Reproducing will establish kingdom of God.
What is evangelism- Evangelism is reproducing Jesus Christ.
Two Aspect:
1. One becomes new creation (Evangelist must become new creation)
2. We facilitates other to become new creation
Understanding of Cross:
Cross is the reserve of Love. The powers of the world grappled with the reserve of love. The result, the love won over the powers of this world. Like political, economic social, etc.
Understanding of Resurrection:
Resurrection is the triumph of spirit over flesh
The triumph new order or present order
The triumph of Satyagraha over the passion of warriors and rulers.

4. V Chakkarai:
Jesus the Avatars.
Jesus Avatars was once for all and Onetime events.
1. Jesus incarnation was onetime events. But in Hinduism Avatars is a repeated event.
2. Jesus incarnation was historical. Hindu is not historical and it is illusion
3. The nature of Jesus incarnation is human form but in Hindu some are animal form, Samir, human. 
4. The purpose of Jesus came to save both righteous and unrighteous. Hindu the Avatars came to save only righteous people.
5. Jesus as an Avatars maintains his identity that is Logos identity. Hindu Avatars normally merged with the Vishnu. Once the Avatars work is done they will go back.
6. Jesus as an Avatars is dynamic still lives and work through spirit. But Hindu Avatars is not working.
7. Jesus work as the mediators between God and human being.
Jesus as Avatars not conceptually but linguistically.

What happened in incarnation: In incarnation both God and human being entered into new face of life. God adopted himself due to the needs of people.
Person of Christ
Jesus beings Rupa to God. Means form to God. God can be seen on the face of Jesus. God is un-manifested but Jesus is the manifested. Jesus is the manifestation of God the un-manifestation. In Gods immanence takes special form.  Jesus is Antaryamin means indwellers in the hearts of the Bhaktas.  Jesus is Sub-purusha- Jesus is true man. Jesus is the original pattern after which we have been passion/ created. He was not tainted by sin. Why he was sinless person? Because he is the true man. Sinlessness was Jesus’ free choice but not choice of God.  Jesus is Mula-purusha- Jesus is foundation of entire creation.
Miracles of is miracles of sinlessness. Miracles tells us what kind of person he was.
Christ and spirit
Holy Spirit is the at work in us. It is Jesus who works through the spirit. Holy Spirit is Christ himself. The Spirit Christology. For him Holy Spirit is living Christ/ resurrected Christ. 2 Corinthians 3: 17- Now the Lord is the Spirit. Jesus incarnation is the act of experience of Holy Spirit. For chakkarai is not Holy Spirit but it is Christ Himself.
Cross of Christ:
Cross is the symbol and sign of Jesus’ sinlessness. On the cross you see Jesus’ egoless life.  Cross opens the challenges by which divine Shakti/ Energy/ Power flows in the history of humanity.  The healing energy of moral and spiritual restoration flows from the cross.  On the cross Jesus acted as a parama-vaidya (great physician) of the human soul. Sin is basically deciesis, that the reason taking all the punishment himself.  Shakti of redemptive sacrifices of is the “Kriya” Shakti (Active energy) of the new order on this earth.  Jesus ‘Death: Yajna means sacrifice. When we eat Jesus’ body and drink Jesus’ blood and Shakti emerged in the Eucharist elements.  Cross is two Niskamya karma means selfless work. This cross is the reconciliation of Law and love, reconciliation of karma and Jnana.
Jesus’ of history and Jesus of experience
What is the relationship between Jesus’ of history and Jesus of experience? Jesus’ of history refers to knowledge about Christ. Christ of experience refers to experience in Jesus
Kenosis of Jesus of history is the Christ of faith/experience emerges.
Jesus + Christ combination is the new thing which connected God and Human being.
Jesus can be known Christ can be only experience.

His famous Christological statement is 'Jesus as the Avatara'.
For V. Chakkarai
Incarnation                                        Avatara
1. Once for all/ One time event.        1. Related phenomena
2. It is historical.                                2. Not historical but illusions
3. It was human form.                        3. Not consistent, some are semi human, animals or humans
4. Purpose-came to save both the righteous and non righteous. 4. Only for righteous from non righteous
5. Maintains his identity (Logos).    5. Normally merged with Vishnu
6. Jesus incarnation is dynamic schools works through Spirit. 6. Not working
He calls Jesus as incarnation in terms of Conceptually but linguistically.
Both God and humans enter into the new phase of life. God adapted himself into a needs of the people. Christ translated the idea of new man into the fact of this Jesus (history).
5. M.M Thomas
Person and work of Jesus
Jesus is true man God-for-Man. He also used Sanskrit terms Adipurasa and New Adam. He argues Jesus has a divine humanity which he refers as a foundations of the humanism. Jesus humanism is expressed in his self emptying and self sacrificing love. Jesus maintained the unity of the divine will and divine consciousness also Divine Communion. Jesus maintained this unity through his obedience and righteousness. In Jesus God acted historically to established the Kingdom of God. Jesus is God or savior and the body of the Church.
Incarnation, Death and Resurrection
According to M.M.Thomas God actions in human history. Jesus death is God's creative Love. Cross basically exposed the adversaries of this world and misdirection of humanity. The crucified Christ tells us the prototype of the humanity and the source of humanization. Resurrection is gurantee of the humanhood will be reinstated or restore incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus portrayed what means to be a human person.
Salvation and Humanization
Humanization means human inherent in the message of salvation in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the foundation of Humanization and the model of Humanization. Jesus is the source of the reveal of entire creation, every community and nation. "Acknowledge Christ" (Jesus and Secular movement) Jesus was behind Indian Renaissance through his life, teaching and selfless sacrifice for humanity. So, they acknowledge Christ. M.M.Thomas interpret Jesus as the struggles of secular movement for freedom. He argues that Jesus works in the movement which stands for human freedom and dignity. Jesus is the savior of humanity, so he is behind every desire for human freedom. The Christ who awaken the Western culture also awaken and priests Indian culture for the gospel. Jesus was acknowledge by Indian reformers and Jesus did works for the secular Indian which stands for the right and freedom of the people.
6. S. J. Samartha
Samartha developed his Christology from pluralistic context. He edify from his experienced and witnessing from the multi faith condition.
Person of Christ
Jesus is darsana (vision) of God and this Jesus lead us to New Dharma (way of life) and he continue that humanity is not 'maya' of illusionary fact but Jesus is real and genuine. He said Jesus of history and Christ of faith basically refers to one person and would not be compartmentalized.

This is the central message of God. The content of the message is not Jesus himself but God is the main content. Jesus life and work indicates three main characteristics-
1. Comprehensiveness (inclusiveness) it includes everyone comprehensively.
2. It is the communitarian in nature (not individualistic)
3. Power relations. Sharing is the rationale behind the power of the Kingdom of God.
Jesus as renouncer
Jesus renouncer his home, person, position in order to free to do God's will and invite people for/into the Kingdom of God.
Jesus become Jeevanmukta a liberated human being while living on this earth. He said Jesus was like Tyaga (renouncing everything), this Tyaga is 'kenosis'. Jesus kenosis is renouncing everything according to S.J.Samartha. Jesus had the quality of Aparigraha (non attachment to the things of the world). This quality brings Jesus closers to Buddha and Gandhi and Asian leaders and made Asian figure. Renouncers influence the people of Asians because the people respect who renounce everything. Only the renouncer can bring the bearer of the Gospels to the poor and even to the rich.
Cross-Resurrection event
One has to speaks cross-resurrection as a single event. Cross basically points to resurrection and resurrection validate the cross. Jesus is a crucified-and-risen One. Which empowered the disciples to preach the Gospels. This cross-Resurrection tells:
1. Evil forces can be resisted in non violent way.
2. Cross- Resurrection event reminded the sufferings of millions of people around the world.
3. It is worth to fight the evil forces and injustice even if our fight ends in failure.
4. Cross exposes the power and the principalities of this world.
5. Cross can stand without resurrection but resurrection does not have any values(can not stand) without cross. Every resurrection has a cross but not every cross has a resurrection at the end of death. Resurrection basically means God's indication of Jesus life, ministry and death.
6. Christ is not the possession of Christian alone, Christian interpretation of Christ cannot be imposed. One Jesus has many Christologies.
Christologies from above (rejection)

1. Christologies from above does not do justice to the humanity of Jesus of Nazareth.
2. It underestimate the significance of historical experiences.
3. It promotes that only in Jesus God had revealed. This concept is a Stumbling blocks to our neighbour.
4. It is against the monotheistic faith, God is the ultimate reality and the source of salvation.

Theo centric Christology
Helicopter Christologies and Bullock Cart Christology
Helicopter Christology refers to Christology from above whereas Bullock Cart refers to Christology from below.
Helicopter Christology makes lots of missiological noise it keeps up too much theological dust that prevent people from hearing the voice and the seeing of vision of descending divinity. Helicopter Christology is often unintelligible. This Christological points to Western Christology.
Bullock Cart Christology. It's being always touching the unpaved roads of Asia. It carries the suffering, agony and the ground reality of the Asian context with different dimensions.


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