Thursday, 7 March 2019

WESTERN CHRISTOLOGIES-- Person and Work of Jesus



Friedrich Schleiermacher
Christological Understanding

(a) 1. Nature of Person of Christ
Critical of two nature and one person.
1. The mixing of two natures leads to third nature. Which would be neither of human nature and divine nature.
2.  Keeping of two natures separately that will ignore the unity of person.
Solution of Schleiermacher
Jesus perfect nature, that perfect human nature express his divine nature. In other word, Jesus’s perfect human nature just expresses the divine nature. Human nature achieves his perfection only in JESUS CHRIST. There is no real duality between Jesus’ human nature and divine nature.
(b) Jesus as mediators
Jesus is the historical mediators between God and human being. Human being can come to God only through Christ. Why Jesus is mediators? Because of his God consciousness. The uniqueness of is also God consciousness. God Consciousness makes JESUS CHRIST different from other human being. Since JESUS CHRIST was God Consciousness therefore he was sinless person. Human being can have God Consciousness that can be done only through Christ Consciousness. In other word, JESUS CHRIST is the personification of God Consciousness.
(c) Jesus as redeemer
JESUS CHRIST is the redeemer. Why and how Jesus as redeemer?
1. Redeemer must be like us. In other word, Redeemer must be similar to us.
2. A redeemer must not be in a condition or redemption.
(d)JESUS CHRIST as Archetypal Christ
JESUS CHRIST is not nearly an example for human being; rather he was an ideal personality. This JESUS CHRIST is an original pattern of God and human being. Jesus is Christ not because of his work, rather originally Jesus is Christ. His physical development is conditioned by his own context but still he is the Christ.
(e) Understanding of sin
Sin is nothing but lack of God consciousness. Jesus helps human being to participate in God’s consciousness. Redemption simply means bringing people into God’s consciousness.
God consciousness is an experience one.
(f) The work of Christ
1. JESUS CHRIST awakens God consciousness in human being.
2. JESUS CHRIST attempted to establish the Kingdom of God.
Karl Barth
Christological Understanding

(a) Trinitarian Christology
Karl Barth, Christ preexistent logo as the second person of trinity. Only in and through trinity Christ can be understood. One can understand out of trinity.
Trinity: According to Karl Barth, Trinity is the self-revelation of God itself. 
Jesus was a mode of being not the person. In other word, is the God in flesh form. JESUS CHRIST is God himself, presently active in flesh. Jesus is both Gods election of God and JESUS CHRIST also God rejection of human sin.

(b) Incarnation
By the virtue of incarnation humanity and God are united. In incarnation Jesus represents God into humanity in his human nature JESUS CHRIST represented Humanity to God. This reality he called it Double Reality/Movement: In incarnation, Jesus- God became human and humans become god’s children. And this incarnation is the double movement. Double word movement from God to humanity and human to God.  In incarnation a covenant between God and humanity was created. In that covenant God acts himself on behalf of entire creation.

(c) Nature of Christ
Jesus Christ is both God and Human. Jesus humanity is qualitatively different form other human. Before became flesh Jesus was son of God and by himself he was God. Because he is God he is different from other human. Since Jesus is God he acted different from other human being. Jesus is authentically human only as son of God. Jesus son of God itself is divinity. As son of God Jesus did not give up his divine nature, as human being, he was not omnipotent but he was limited in his space and time.

(d) Work of Christ
1. Christ is the mediators between God and Human being.
2. JESUS CHRIST played the role and agent of reconciliation and revelation.
3. Through JESUS CHRIST humanity justified. In other word, through the death of JESUS CHRIST humanity is reconciled with God. Through the death of he came to saved humanity.

(e) Revelation of God in Jesus Christ
JESUS CHRIST is the final and ultimate revelation of God. The word of God appears in three forms.
1. Person of Christ
2. Written word
3. Word preached
This word of God is an event not simply the communication of doctrines. Bible is the witness to Jesus Christ. The event of JESUS CHRIST made possible the knowledge of God to humanity. Testified by Christ through Scripture.  The final authority of scripture dependents of person of Christ.

Albert Schweitzer
Christological Understanding

(a) Historical Jesus
Albert challenged that the historical image of JESUS CHRIST described in the Gospel. In other word, the historical JESUS CHRIST developed by every Christian. That historical Jesus is not the full/ Real Jesus. The historical Jesus narrated in the four gospels provided only few information about last three and half of life of JESUS CHRIST. Four Gospel means the information about Jesus given by early Christian or disciples. What early Christian explain?
Early Christian narrated what they wanted and only they understood what they wanted to understand. (They mentioned what is more important in Jesus Life)
Jesus of Nazareth who claimed as messiah who preached the ethics of kingdom of god is not the real Jesus. For Albert Historical Jesus in not real Jesus and did not exists.

(b) Eschatological JESUS CHRIST
If Historical Jesus did not exist, What type of Jesus, Albert is proposed?  He propose the eschatological JESUS CHRIST. Real JESUS CHRIST is an eschatological figure, who will return as a judge and rule over the world. For Albert earthly JESUS CHRIST is forerunner to the eschatological JESUS CHRIST.
Example: Taking away Jesus from eschatology is like a water plant removed from water. Who is for Albert? JESUS CHRIST should be understood spiritually than historically. Why because, Historical JESUS CHRIST is stranger to us. It is not historical Jesus but the spirit that flows form JESUS CHRIST.
Then where you locate the spirit? Jesus’s spirit is hidden in his words. It is not history but words of JESUS CHRIST that is important. JESUS CHRIST was expecting supernatural kingdom rather than historical intervention of JESUS CHRIST. Early Christian the eschatological kingdom.
Real was Eschatological person, it is not Historical Jesus.

(c) Eschatological Kingdom:
JESUS CHRIST basically preached about Eschatological kingdom (The kingdom that has come). He sends them his disciple to preach about Eschatological kingdom. What is the use of Jesus death? Jesus’s death was part apocalyptic event that meet to final Eschatological. Jesus messianic consciousness was the Eschatological messianic conscious. In other word, His kingdom will come only in future. Christian faith based on his Eschatological concept.

(d) Being in Christ:
According to Albert, Justification by faith is not the main focus but being in Christ.  Being in Christ means the continuous relationship with the Jesus Christ.  It is the experience of Dying and raising again being with the Christ.

Jurgen Moltmann

Christological Understanding
(a) Tortured Christ
Jurgen Motlmann developed this idea out of his experience. Tortured Christ is the brother of Tortured. The Tortured that people are going through in the period of Hitler. JESUS CHRIST today looks at us with the eye of tortured brothers and sister. What we can do for the tortured people? The risen Christ is the judge of the tortures.

(b) JESUS CHRIST is the cosmic Christ
A resurrection prove Jesus is the cosmic Christ. JESUS CHRIST involved participation in creation can be seen in three movements.
1. Christ-in-the-beginning: JESUS CHRIST is the ground of all created beings.
2. JESUS CHRIST as the driving power in the evolution of the creation. That means continues process of creation. 
3. Christ as the redeemer of whole creation:

(c) Resurrection (Theology of Hope)
The resurrection is the conformation of the raising of the dead. Resurrection is the basis of the Christian hope. Resurrection the Christian faith stands and holds with the Jesus’ resurrection. Not only the foundation of hope but the foundation of the faith. This resurrection is the foundation and promise of the eternal life. Resurrection refers is not past happening but the liberating the presented liberating experience the spirit of God. Resurrection happens every day in love we experience many resurrection and many death every day. Resurrection is not closed fact rather resurrection is a present experience. In resurrection God made Jesus the Christ. Christhood was realized in the time of resurrection. 
(d) Crucified Christ (theology of Cross)
In the cross God appeared as vulnerable. God took the suffering and death upon himself, to liberate, to heal and impart the eternal life into humanity. Gods redeeming love ultimately manifested on the cross. God experience human loneliness and rejection on the cross. Resurrection of Crucified Christ is the starting point of the theology of hope. “No theology of hope without theology of cross”. “On the cross son suffered death and the father suffered the death of son”. “On the cross son suffered fatherlessness and the father suffered the sonlessness”. Jesus experience God forsakenness on the cross. God suffering is not his weakness rather God suffered out of his love. In incarnation God understood human finitude (limitation) and the cross God experience the human weakness. What happened on Calvary is not the action of Jesus rather the action of God.
Book: The Crucified God by Jurgen Moltmann
On the Calvary experience disproved the idea that God cannot suffered

Wolfhart Pannenberg
Book: Jesus God and Man
Question: Must Christology start with Jesus Himself or with the Kerygma of his community? Whether we should start Jesus himself or community.
What is the task of Christology?
1. True understanding of Jesus’s significance from his history.
2. To prove that in Jesus Christ, God is ultimately revealed. In other word, History of Jesus help the faith community know that god is ultimately revealed in JESUS CHRIST.

(a) The Person of Christ
Jesus is the Christ of God. And to know Jesus is the Christ of God, one must go back to Jesus himself. The Christian communities also go to the witness of the apostles. He rejected the Virgin birth of the JESUS CHRIS, it is only a legend exists in the early Palestine story. Incarnation is not a sign of the pre-existent nature of God.
Christological Statement:  Jesus’ unity with God is not to be understood as unification of two nature. But this man Jesus is God. 
He criticizes the Chalcedonies formula:
Christ is one and same in two natures. Chalcedonies formula does not take the connect unity of the historical man Jesus as the starting point of Jesus. Rather Chalcedonies formula tells as the different between divine and human nature. In other word, Jesus historical is important.

(b) Christology from Above and Christology from below
Christology from Above, the divinity of Christ is important and the concept of incarnation is central for Christology from Above. The progress of Christology from Above start from the divinity of and goes to humanity of Jesus Christ. Pannenburg rejected: Christology from Above basically ignore the historical JESUS CHRIST. 
Christology from below gives important to the historical life of Jesus Christ. Christology from below Progress from historical Jesus to divinity of Jesus. Christology from below gives important to historical of JESUS CHRIST.  For a common believers historical JESUS CHRIST must be the starting point of his or her faith in JESUS CHRIST. Pannenburg supported the Christology from below. What is the significance of JESUS CHRIST in the life of the church?

Resurrection is the divine confirmation of Jesus’s pervious activity. In other word, Resurrection is the divine conformation of pre-Easter activity of JESUS CHRIST. Resurrection confirm that the man Jesus was God. (Who JESUS CHRIST is who JESUS CHRIST  was?) Resurrection clear the dilemma of Jesus unity with God. Whether Jesus’s relationship with God is start from the very beginning or whether Jesus’s relationship started from his ministry activity.  Even though Resurrection is the starting point of Jesus real divinity in the eyes of human being. Empty tomb is proof that fact that Jesus was constantly in relationship with God. It is the Historical proof. Therefore, Resurrection of Jesus is the basis of Christology. For him the Christology must be Christology from below. Incarnation must be understood in the light of resurrection. It is resurrection that validates the incarnation of JESUS CHRIST. Resurrection can prove that incarnation is the divine activity. Resurrection is basically the revelation of God. Through resurrection one can understand the action of God in Jesus life. Resurrection proved that son of man none other than Jesus the God who will come again. Resurrection is the starting point of Gentiles mission.

(d) Theology of Hope
Christian faith is the faith of hope. The faith that provides the hope to the people. The foundation of the Christian is the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST. Since JESUS CHRIST is resurrected the believers also be resurrected. Resurrection confirm the actualization of Christian hope.

(e) Soteriology
Jesus death and resurrection is a substitute for human.
1. Jesus die on behalf of human.
2. Jesus resurrection re-present our resurrection of entire human being. (resurrection from sin)
           Jesus death destroys the power of Satan.
3. Jesus death and resurrection Facilitated the hope to participate in god’s light beyond death. (enjoy the heavenly life)

What is resurrection today? What is Hope today?
Dalit- Liberation from bondage, feminist- liberation from patriarchy, black theology- liberation from racism, etc. Political hope, Economic hope, Social hope all the frame work of Hope is Resurrection

John Meyendorf
Christological Understanding

(a) Incarnation
Incarnation is cosmic event. Incarnation of necessitated because of human failure. Human beings fail to draw all creation to God. Therefore it become cosmic Catastrophe which could be repaired only by the creator himself. Incarnation implies the born between God and human being expressed in the image of God.
Purpose of incarnation?
Attempt to restore human being in his or her original divine glory. In Christ God and human being became one. Incarnation does not eliminate human nature rather incarnation express the manifested humanity in purest and authentic form.

(b) Jesus the Logos
The two main arguments: Jesus is the logo and Jesus is the restoration of entire creation
1. Logo as logos Jesus is the agent of creation. In other word, as human Jesus is microcosm in every creation.
2. Human being sin cast of destruction of entire creation. Human restoration in JESUS CHRIST  restoration of cosmos to its original state. This restoration through Logo. In Logo restoration of entire creation is anticipated.
(c) The Person of Jesus
According to him Jesus is God and human being.  Both divine and human nature are preserved in JESUS CHRIST. Jesus humanity is identical way with the other human being except Sin. In Jesus life human will followed the divine will. In other word, whatever will have everything is related with God. The conformity of human nature with the divine nature is not a devaluation/degrading of human nature rather restoration of original human nature. In other word, the original human nature is divine nature 
Christ humanity
JESUS CHRIST  is human hypostasis of two nature. Jesus each human being is different from other human beings. But Jesus personality is fundamental affinity with the other human being. Because all human being are created in the image of God that is image of Logos.
We are created image of God because of that, JESUS CHRIST is the model for all human beings.
When Logos became incarnate divine stamp put all its nature upon every human being. God did not exclude any individual hypostasis (Human being).
Jess is new Adam in whom every human being finds his or his nature realized.

(d) The Work of Jesus Christ
1. Christ has logos stands as the beginning of the creation. Christ as the incarnate stands at the end of the creation. Because all created being exists in him and created through him.
2. Jesus is the cosmic redeemer: Jesus death made the final restoration of entire creation possible. Jesus death redemptive because our salvation is possible through Jesus Christ.
Why? Because it is Son of God in flesh who die for human being.
Cross is not a symbol of punishment and it is not a symbol to satisfied legal requirement. Cross is the symbol that Vanquish/ destroy/ eliminate the cosmic reality of the death.
Deification and Christ
Eastern orthodox: Salvation means deification- becoming divine, making human divine.
According to John, Deification of humans being happens only in/ through Jesus Christ.


Author: verified_user