Theology: A Subaltern Faith Movement in Search of New Subjectivity
The Oxford Dictionary gives the meaning of the
term “subaltern” as “an officer below the rank of captain, esp. a second
lieutenant (to its noun and adjective forms), and also uses (1) of inferior
rank, (2) particular, not universal (to its adjective form).
Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Marxist,
popularized this term while writing to counter Fascism during 1920’s and
1930’s, who substituted it for ‘proletarian class,’
Ranjit Guha explains further the meaning of
this term in his preface:
The word ‘subaltern’…stands for the meaning as given in the Concise
Oxford Dictionary, that is, ‘of inferior rank’. It will be used… as a name for
the general attitude of subordination in South Asian Society whether this is
expressed in terms of class, caste, age, gender and office or in any other way.
Sathianathan Clark remarks that “The subordination and subjection that marks
the life of Dalits in India bring them into the contours of a particularly
contextual assembly of subalternity”
The term subaltern is used in postcolonial theory. The exact meaning
of the term in current philosophical and critical usage is disputed. Some
thinkers use it in a general sense to refer to marginalized groups and the
lower classes – a person rendered without agency by his or her social status.
Dalit theology
as Sabaltern in search of new subjectivity.
According to A.P.
Nirmal, the theology of identity, argues that Dalit theology is a theology of
identity. Theology emerges out of identity. The main aim or purpose of dalit
theology is to reclaimed the loss identity of the dalit. The identity reclaimed
aiming is that they are 'the children of God.' Dalit want to achieve the status
of glorious Liberty of the children of God.
James Massey argues
that the original identity of Dalit is that, the original identity of the Dalit
is that they are the original or first dwellers of the land. This Dalit enjoyed
all the basic rights owned land, a natural resources. These Dalit has divinely
undivided humanity of this created world.
P. MohanLal Beer,
the search for new identity is also the
search for self awareness, self esteem and rejection of oppressive
values of caste system. Dalit theology provide new consciousness against the consciousness
of identity implicated by caste system.
Bishop, M . Azariah,
first Dalit bishop, dalit theology is the movement of hope and liberation.
This movement that helps the Dalit to achieve a new subjectivity. This theology
re-define the mission and faith narrative among the Dalit. Dalit theology,
theologically conscientize the need of asserting subjecthood, their identity
within their faith community.
V. Devasahayam,
Bishop head of dalit theology in Gurukul seminary, third dalit bishop. Dalit
theology taught the Dalits of the values of their identity. Dalit theology
encourage Dalit to make use of their subjective experiences to interpret the
Christian faith. For dalits, Dalit theology offered new subjecthood in church
and society. Dealt theology taught them to be proud of their identity.
Common influence of
dalit theology in search of new subjectivity.
Dalit theology encourage the Dalit to fight for their rights in the church and
the society.
Dalit theology motivated the dalit to question their negation of their space in
administrative and ministerial location.
Dealt theology promoted the idea of casteless church and influence the non
dalit to come out of their caste consciousness.
Dalit theology envisioned new Christian community, a community of equals.
Many Indian churches have seperate desk
or department for the affairs of the dalits.
Dalit theology attempts
to destroyed the identity of subjugation and built up new identities of
egalitarian and creates space for new community of justice, equality and right