Monday, 21 October 2019

Dalit Perspective on Mission and Ministry- Dalit Theology


Dalit Perspective on Mission and Ministry- Dalit Theology

Mission and Ministry

Mission is propagation of faith in responding to the great commission. Performing philanthropic or social service for the downtrodden people. We are all called to be part of this mission. Christian mission is to achieve salvation for holistic or wholeness. It also reduces from the Nazareth Manifesto.
Mission and ministry are very closely related. They both have the same aim. Both empower people and changes lives. One has to complements and facilitates the other.
What prioritize? Quantity or quality.

Dalit location on mission and ministry.
1. Change in perspective
It is the collective effort of all the Christian communities. Samuel Amartham says,  Jesus proclamation of God news is evangelization. Victims of oppression, healing the wounds. Authentic missional.
2. Pain and pathos of dalit suffering and other marginalized communities as the sources of doing mission and ministry.
Christian mission engage on understanding the pain and the period of the marginalised group.
Loading the pain and pathos also engaging in this missional paradigm.
Divine missional interventional in the pain and the pathos.
3. Mission and ministry as dialogue with the issues of dalit
James Massey says, mission is the dialogue with the life realities of their suffering. It finds its foundation in God who is dialogical in nature. Who participated in human history as dialogue. This dialogue happens in two level-  incarnation and life realities of Jesus.
God dialogue in human history is centre upon the marginalized.
4. Christian mission and ministry among these Dalit.
Through incarnation act, it demands the church to initiate dialogue with the issues and life realities of the dalits. Rediscovering the mission in the life realities of the Dalit not just participation. The ministry of empowerment should be complement with the ethos of mission and ministry. Jesus embraced the marginalized the church much do so. The church in its mission should consider Dalit as their dialogue partner and dalit issues must come a point of dialogue and first from this point.
The issues of the Dalit just come the issues of the dalits. If the church is not sensitive to the realities of the Dalit, then the church is deviated from its mission. The church should not committed to their congregation within their own periphery but sensitive towards the marginalised as a whole.

Dhyanchand Carr argues that, the heart of any worship is that God quest for justice. This should reflect in liturgy. The Christian worship should be a means of empowerment. How it happen, when changes happen in the mindset of the oppressed, in the form of repentance by the dominion.
By the emergence of new social order, is the sign of empowerment. The new social order is the place where God's place for justice is accomplished.


Author: verified_user