Sunday, 13 October 2019

Dalits and Christianity: caste and church- Dalit Theology


Dalits and Christianity: caste and church

Caste is the historical problem in Indian church.
Glimpses of caste in Indian church
Saint Thomas tradition: They are also known as Syrian Christian. They claimed that they are the descendant of the Brahmins who were converted by St.Thomas. St.Thomas maintained their identity either as higher caste. Syrian Christian lives as directed caste social group.
After St. Thomas, Portuguese Christian came to India. Theie main focus is the lower caste fisherman. They religion of Christian begun to be known as lower caste religion. Madura Mission of Jesuit missionary , Robert De Nobili 16-17th century. We can see the caste dimension. He followed a method of accommodation. As a part of method, Robert De Nobili sanction caste distinction. Robert De Nobile and his colleague advice the upper class society to dissociates with the lower caste. The Jesuit missionaries clash with the Portuguese missionaries and they dissociates with them.
Tranquebar Mission 18th century. Danish mission started working in Tranquebar, 1703. Tranquebar mission also adopted method of accommodation. This people also permitted their members to maintain their caste system. They prepare a separate sitting arrangement for lower and upper caste. Then during the communion the preferred was giving in upper caste.

In 19th century (the missionary movement gained its momentum)
Church elements in caste.
Our India mission by Andrew Gordon. One missionary remarks publicly that it was bad policy to received people to accept lower caste people in the beginning of the work. The caste elements in missionary movement is visualized.
J.C.R. Ewery wrote to the mission society,
The conversation of lower caste and raking in rubbish into the church.
Andrew Gordon in his concluding remarks, he said, i between with my eyes upon the large town, cities but having later led from to country villages. I begun with educated class but ended up with among the poor.
C.F. Andrew, in his book 'North India' quotes statement of Daniel Wilson, Bishop Daniel an Anglican Culcutta, caste must be abandoned within the church- decidedly, immediately and finally. In Culcutta, shoe maker converts were called as Mochi Christian. But, upper caste were called as Hindu Christians.

20th Century
B.R.Ambedkar argues that Christian are disjointed community. One of the main factor is Caste except one element that is Jesus Christ. Ambedkar took one such incidents. Dalits submit a memorandum to Simon committee in 1928. This memorandum talks about their life realities. Five highlights
1. Majority Christian follow the Orthodox severity and unreason of caste.
2. We are condemn as Panchamas (5th Caste) or Pariahs.
3. Our fellow Christian treated us as untouchables and exclude us from social relation.
4. There are separate accommodation for dalit Christian in major Christian villages.
5. Segregation is practice even on the reception of sacrament.
How the caste impacted the church
1. Today we are not Christian Syrian, dalit, tribal, nada, Reddy, Brahmin Christian and lots of division. The present social existence of Christianity is common.
2. Churches and denomination are formed on the basis of caste.
Caste dynamism is very strong even today in the church.
3. Marriage alliance are also on the basis of caste.
4. The caste exhibits more in multi racial church.
In many places, Christianity is branded on lower caste.

K.E. Rajpramukh, in the eyes of non dalit Christian, the status of dalit Christian has not changed. The identity of dalit is frame or define by caste not by faith. Father S.Lourdswamy says, dalit Christian are still address with their names. Pauline Chakkalakal, argues that ‘caste mentality is deeply rooted in the psyche of Indian Christian.’
In 2012 Christian of schedule caste origin in India under the leadership of James Massey and T.K. John, this study argues that caste is a reality in Indian church. Dalit Christian trail in all aspect of Indian society. Dalit face discrimination from three main agency:
1. By government
2. By dalit Hindu
3. By non-dalit
Discrimination within the church
1. Exclusion from leadership
2. Social relations
3. Priesthood- dalit were discriminated on the candidacy of the priest in most of all the church.
4. Churches- dalit are not assign in non dalit majority members of the church.


Author: verified_user