Sunday, 13 October 2019

Dalit critique on Indian Christian Theology- Dalit Theology


Dalit critique on Indian Christian Theology

A.P. Nirmal, the Pioneer of Dalit theology argues that ICT is a Brahminic Theology. It had less concern for worldly reality.
1. This Brahminic Theology, not address the majority of Indian issues especially the dalit.
2. Indian Christian theology was promoted by upper caste people who wanted to appropriate Christian faith within the framework of Hindu religious traditions.
3. Philosophical concept used by Indian Christian theology is basically alien to Dalits.
4. ICT tried to developed a theological system in terms of advaita and visishtadvaita.
5. Majority of Indian Christian comes from dalit background but ICT response to the life thinking reality of upper caste
6. ICT had not considered contextual realities.
7. The liberation of dalits and other lower- caste was not the main focus of Indian Theology.
M.E. Prabakar, in his book, ‘ Towards a Dalit Theology,’ Indian Christian theology is characterized by other worldly pietism, pessistivity, uninvolvement in social action and individual seeking salvation. All these comes from Hindu religious idealogy.
V. Devasahayans, Bishop of CSI says ICT has narrow perception of Indian context as it focus of religious philosophical component of Indian society and ignored socioeconomic pattern or realities of Indian society.
James Massey, another Pioneer of Dalit theology, argues that, missionary theology and ICT focus on holiness, personal conversion, new birth and other wholeness. This theological ignored the social realities of the dalits, the systematic theology ignored their life realities, ICT missionary method has very little to do with the history.  It has two history
1. Sacred  history, and
2. Profane  history.
ICT ignored the importance of history because Indian has no place of history Hindu religious thought
Dalit Theology
1. Attempts to interpret or understands Christian faith from dalit perspectives.
2. This theology attempts to response the aspirations of dalit.
M.E. Prabakhar, says this Theology emerges out of the past discrimination and realities of dalit and the present reality. Their struggles against Caste system. Their aspirations for social justice.
Dalit Theology is theologically articulated and liberation from the bondage of caste system, this is the focal point.
A.P. Nirmal, says theology is about dalit, for dalit and from dalit. He argues that, it is a counter theology, the theological position of the dominants. Dalit says human life is the primary data for theologising. And God is the object of theology.
James Massey says, dalit Theology is a faith expression of the living experiences of the Dalit.
The ultimate goal of dalit theology is to enable the Dalit to recover their original status divinely undivided humanity of the created body.
The role of dalit theology build up solidarity among the dalit the forces of social oppression. It facilitates the notional change in the psyche of the Indian Christian in a larger society.


Author: verified_user