Sunday, 13 October 2019

Methodological Exclusivism- Dalit Theology


Methodological exclusivism

A.P.Nirmal proposed this method, by asserting that, the exclusive nature of Dalit theology, a theology by the Dalit for the reality and of the Dalit. This theology can exclude others in doing the theology, and to be done primarily by the Dalit alone.
a) Prevents the dominant tradition and idealogical to enter the realm of Dalit theology.
b) It maintains the dalit identity of dalit theology.
However, he open doors for the non dalit for Dalit theology--three knowing.
a) Pathetic knowing- can be  known by Dalits
b) Empathetic knowing-  can be known by non Dalit (OBC)
c) Sympathetic knowing- can be known by upper class
Three types of knowing can infer the three level of knowing to the Dalit suffering. These knowledge of the life realities of Dalit can lead to developed theological discourse.
James Massey, argues that authentic theology can produce by the Dalit themselves.
a) They are the contents of the Dalit theology.
b) Dalit are the primary epistemology source of Dalit theology.
The non dalit who are fully committed to the Dalit cause can contribute and participate to Dalit theology for theology from above but not a theology from below. Their theology comes out from acquired knowledge of theology, Dalit theology comes out of the Dalit is a theology of experience from their life realities and life situation. A theology of experiential knowledge. He says that the solution should be giving priority to the Dalit themselves for doing the theology. James Massey gives three suggestion to the Dalit theologian
a) The dalit theologian must know the aspirations of the Dalit.
b) A Dalit theologian must know that the biblical God is on the side of the Dalit.
c) A theologian must know that Jesus Christ is the model of participation in the struggles of dalit.


Author: verified_user