Monday, 21 October 2019

Dalit understanding of sin and salvation- Dalit Theology


Dalit understanding of sin and salvation

Sin: Biblical concept OT
Chatah - anti social breaking the boundaries; Awon- turning aside; Pesah- rebellion against most High; Greek-hamartia, missing the mark.

Theological concept.
Pellagius and Augustine
Augustine says soon affected all humanity. Adam sin affected only Adam and Eve. Pellagius, a British monk is condemned.
Salvation, soteriology, Saint works of Christ. Salvation is the gift of God. Pellagius says salvation is based on human works.
Structural sin involves the in-humanizing human, social
From liberative perspective

Dalit understanding of Sin
1. Challenges classical notion of sin.
The classical notion of sin, this are individual sin, individualistic, Devasahayam individual traditional or classical notion of sin interpret in individual term. It  take to address the sinful structure. Soul opposed to body. Dualistic notion of soul and matter. For dalit, matter/body is very important. But classical missed it.
A.P. Nirmal argues that forgotten Indian tradition, Lokayata philosophy of materialism. According to this life is form on material objects, earth, air, water and fire. Adma means the body, Vedic idea of materialism. Dalit spirituality, everything is connected. They are against. If redemption is from the other worldly forgetting the present world there is no significant. Ambedkar also focus on this aspect. Because it does not address the socio-religious dimension.
2. Caste System is regarded as original sin.
Caste hegemony robs of human dalithood. Hindus cannot destroy caste without destroying the religion. Ambedkar also critique on the teaching of original sin.
3. Devasahayam condemned the structural sin, dismantled ideologies. Link with karma. Dismantled the theory of karma.

Dalit ideas of salvation.
1. Dalit perspective on salvation is based on liberative from the caste. The reign of God can only liberates from caste hegemony, salvation only happens this world, here and now.
2. Salvation is within the concrete worldly existence. Y. T. Vinaya says that salvation is from within. They interpret liberation and  salvation in terms of humanization. M.M. Thomas also stressed extensively on humanization. Freedom on inequality, social injustice, subjugation, indignity, cultural religious oppression.
James Massey, dalit spirituality leads to the whole salvation. Spirituality include all aspects of life. The current Indian spirituality is drawn from the Vedas, rig veda,upanishad so they crushed the whole spirituality of the dalits. M.C. Raj says, dalit spirituality and indigenous spirituality is same. Human image of God is the principle of equality, here lies the root of spirituality.

Author: verified_user