Tuesday, 9 June 2020

The Alphabet of Faded Life Amid COVID-19.

The Alphabet of Faded Life Amid COVID-19.

(Chiastic Structure employed)

A- mid COVID-19 crisis life wandered dark over the noisy chord,
B- reaking the bonds of the social web in utter annihilation;
C- rimson twilight faded and an arc of rainbow's peace and serenity too.

D- eath is powerful but the dynamism of God triumphs over the last enemy.
E- vidence of fragile human shook the world;
F- aith seems diminishing and the World tremble away in silence.

G- od Jehova Rapha threads our earthly life;
H- ope never faded away in Jehovah Nissi,
I- mago Dei's design is beautiful yet the heart of God.

J- ustification by sola faith is firm and solid;
K- ingdom of God is neither drinking nor eating,
L- ove is the greatest of all.

M/ oral argument for life seems faded;
N- ever quench life quest for existence in nosocomium,
O- mnipotence of God the Creator is questioned.

P- luralistic approach to the world and life wins the souls;
Q- uivering every inch of our movement,
R- hematic of our times' untold despairs.

S- cripture alone and Saving faith must be lifted high;
T- riumphal ovation over this holocaust,
U- nwavering zeal and zest amid the darkness.

V- eracious life What a truly odd request!
W- aning off our pessimistic emotions is profound,
X- erographicing Christ-like character is the antidote.

Y- ahweh who Brings the Host into Existence is our Refuge and Strength;
Z- ion shall be Redeemed with Judgment.

Johny Laldinthar F. Tusing,
YLS, IQC Room- X, East Wing
June 6, 2020; 1:50 pm.

Author: verified_user