Understanding Pornography and Its Statistics
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Overview of Pornography
Meaning of Pornography
The word “pornography” comes from the Greek term ‘pornographos’. Pornographos is a compound word made of porni (“prostitute”) and graphein (“to write”) which means “writing about prostitutes.” The term is dated around AD 1864.[1] Pornography refers to writings or movies on all kinds of sexual activities outside the bonds of marriage. The term “porn” refers to “indecent sexual stuff” which primarily includes “pictures.”
The Oxford Advanced Genie defines pornography as “books, videos, etc., that describe or show naked people and sexual acts in order to make people feel sexually excited, especially in a way that many other people find offensive.”[2] According to Encyclopedia Britannica, “… pornography is the representation of erotic behavior in books, pictures, statues, motion pictures, etc., that is intended to cause sexual excitement. It was originally defined as any work of art or literature depicting the life of prostitutes.”[3]
However, we need to remember that something sexually explicit may not necessarily be pornographic. Various forms of art and literature would be impoverished by a definition such as that. In addition, not everything, which creates sexual arousal, can necessarily be pornographic. That would be to include an amazing range of everyday things by which most persons are not at all aroused, while for some they prove to be very stimulating. To be sure, it is not that the material content of pornography is sexual that is objectionable; rather, it is the manner in which pornography treats sexual matters that makes it unacceptable and discardable. Thus the Lord Longford definition, “Pornography is that which exploits and dehumanizes sex so that human beings are treated as things and women in particular as sex objects.” [4]
According to Nicholas Kristof, Columnist of the New York Times states that “Pornhub is one of the most viewed porn sites; ‘wholesome Pornhub’ attracts 3.5 billion visits a month, more than Netflix, Yahoo or Amazon. Pornhub rakes in money from almost three billion ad impressions a day. One ranking lists Pornhub as the 10th-most-visited website in the world.
General Pornography Statistics
Here are some statistics on adult interaction with
Men admitting to
accessing porn at work: 20%
b) US adults who regularly visit Internet pornography websites: 40
c) Christians who said pornography is a major problem in the home:
d) Adults admitting to Internet sexual addiction: 10%
These statistics clearly show that many people are using
pornography.[5] The statistics below is captivated,
a) Every second 28,258 users are watching pornography on the
b) Every second $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography on the
c) Every second 372 people are typing the word "adult" into
search engines
d) 40 million people regularly visit porn sites only in
e) 35% of all internet downloads are related to
f) 25% of all search engine queries are related to pornography, or
about 68 million search queries a day
g) Search engines get 116,000 queries every day related to child
h) 34% of internet users have experienced unwanted exposure to
pornographic content through ads pop up ads, misdirected links or
i) 2.5 billion emails sent or received every day contain
j) Every 39 minutes a new pornography video is being created in America alone.
k) About 200,000 Americans are “porn addicts”[6]
Youth Pornography Statistics
Teenagers with
frequent exposure to sexual content on TV have a substantially
greater likelihood of teenage pregnancy; and the likelihood of teen
pregnancy was twice as high when the quantity of sexual content exposure
within the viewing episodes was high.
b) Pornography viewing by teens disorients them during the developmental phase when they have to learn how to handle their sexuality
and when they are most vulnerable to uncertainty about their sexual
beliefs and moral values.
A significant relationship also exists among teens between frequent pornography use
and feelings of loneliness, including major depression.
d) Adolescents exposed to high levels of pornography have lower levels of sexual self-esteem. [7]
Women Pornography Statistics
A growing number of
women are engaging in the use of pornography as well.
§ 13% of women admit to accessing porn at work
§ 70% of women keep their cyber activities secret
§ 17% of all women struggle with porn addiction.[8]
It may not be pictorial, in a video, or what we would strictly
define as pornography but a growing number of women are using what we call
erotica. The statistics show that:
§ Women favor chat rooms twice as much as men do.
§ 1 of 3 visitors of all adult websites is a woman.[9]
The difference between pornography and erotica has to do with whom your affection is being directed towards. Pornography generally deals with objectification, whereas, erotica forms a relational. It is a common misconception that pornography is only a problem for men. However, Pornography is a people problem and it affects everyone.[10]
Family/Marital Pornography Statistics
According to
National Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families, 2010, 47%
of families in the United States reported that pornography is a problem
in their home.
b) Pornography use increases the marital infidelity rate by more than
40 percent of
“sex addicts” lose their spouses, 58 percent suffer considerable financial
losses and about a third lose their jobs.
d) 68% of divorce cases involve one party meeting a new paramour over the internet while 56% involve one party having an “obsessive interest” in pornographic websites.[11]
To be continue in PART-II[1] Theodore Pappas, Ed., Encyclopedia Britannica 2004 Ultimate
Reference Suite CD, Encyclopedia Britannica Dictionary, Encyclopedia
Britannica, Inc.
[2] A. S. Hornby, Ed., Oxford Advanced Genie, Oxford Advanced
Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, 6th Ed., (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2000)
[3] Theodore Pappas, Ed., Encyclopaedia Britannica 2004
Ultimate Reference Suite CD.
[4] Lord Longford, Pornography: The Longford Report, (London:
Coronet Books, 1972), 412; as quoted in John H. Court, Pornography: A
Christian Critique (Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1980), 10.
These statistics clearly show that many people are using
[6] Fagan, Patrick F. Internet Pornography by The Numbers: A
Significant Threat to Society..
[7] Fagan, Patrick F. Internet Pornography by The
Numbers: A Significant Threat to Society.
connection. It is a common misconception that pornography is only
a problem for men. However, Pornography is a people problem and it
affects everyone.
[11] Fagan, Patrick F. Internet Pornography by The Numbers: A
Significant Threat to Society.