Strobel includes in this book four chapters which include snippets of interviews with scholars only on those topics dealing with Christmas. These chapters and their scholars are as follows:
The Eyewitness Evidence: Can the Biographies of Jesus Be Trusted? with Dr. Craig L. Blomberg
The Scientific Evidence: Does Archaeology Confirm or Contract Jesus’ Biographies? with Dr. John McCray
The Profile Evidence: Did Jesus Fulfill the Attributes of God? with Dr. D.A. Carson
The Fingerprint Evidence: Did Jesus—and Jesus Alone—Match the Identity of the Messiah? With Louis Lapides, MDiv, ThM
Each of the chapters, although short, delivers a series of objections that the scholars refute with reasonable evidence that should at least make a skeptic pause and think. The existence of God, after all, the only reasonable explanation for the existence of anything, and if God exists, and if God communicates with His Creation, it’s at least reasonable to consider that He did so through the provision of the Old Testament which foretells the incarnation and the New Testament which describes it.