Thursday, 16 January 2025



 Steko in our Biblical Journey

Johny Laldinthar F.Tusing, BD 2nd Year

Published in UBS, Pune Journal 2017

The word ‘steko’ first came to my sensory perception when the Graduating class organized Theme Presentation on 28th July 2017. The graduating classes stood in front of the audience with full confidence and crooned with their dulcet voices ‘steko, steko…’ in tune with western cowboy music which is very unique and heartbreaking performance. Theme presentation is one of the most significant programme of UBS with great enthusiasm and fanfare. On this very night hundreds of UBS community gathered together with zest and zeal and all the freshers’ dolled with traditional attires thronged the conference hall in a very special way.

Steko which means ‘stand firm’ or to persevere, to persist or to keep one's standing is the need of the hour for the whole community. We should reflect and analyze ourselves exactly where we are standing, otherwise we will be drifting away like a chaff and bears no fruit. We should step in the right direction less our ground will be shifted.

Our commitment, zeal and enthusiasm which give us the impulse to come to UBS for our biblical journey are not the same for every one of us. But we are all gathered together here in the same boat for our spiritual journey and equipping for our future ministry. We need to know that we need to stand firm and work-out to achieve our goals and objectives with full commitment during our stays here in this campus. Our Missions will be doomed when the students inclusive of all the faculty and the Managing Board started quitting en masse on God’s purpose ‘Why I am here’ like rats from a sinking ship will definitely sink one after another and drowned.

As a student’s we should be as tough as leather in our duties and in all respect of our day to day affairs. Many a times we often forget the backdrops of why we are here in UBS, we are more prone to stimulate and hypnotize with the atmosphere of creating a problems than staying abreast with the purpose of our highest grounds of staying. Very often we harnessed to jump into the arena of judging others as quick as lightning instead of our spiritual growth. In order to project ourselves to soar higher in gaining the momentum of popularity we dare to dives deeper than our subjects or works. Instead of spending time with books we spend more times in a happy talk with friends and other activities. All these are instrumental to weaken our spiritual immune system; used extensively by Satan. To defend against dengue in several places in our campus we’ve seen a very touching slogan "if they breed we will bleed". In the same conventional mode if we let Satan to breed in us we will bleed and die in the absence of the aroma of Christ just like a patients of dengue fever die in the absence of platelet or blood.

We should be strong with the strength given by the Holy Spirit and do everything with love because without love there would be no gain or fruits it will be just a handful and prideful noisemakers. As we wait for the Lord return of Christ we should work more as the ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few’ we have a lot to do and we should be grateful and count it as a great joy that we are part of this Mission.

Knowing that Christ has won the ultimate victory and should affect the way we live right now. Don’t let discouragements over an apparent lack of results keep us from doing the work of the Lord enthusiastically as we have opportunity to do so.

In the Christian life we battle against rulers and authorities. To withstand their attacks we must depend on God’s strength and use every piece of his Armor. The whole body needs to be alarmed, as we do battle against the mighty powers in this dark world. Fight in the strength of the church whose power comes from the Holy Spirit.

Lions attack sick, young or straggling animals, they choose victims who are alone or not alone, when we are feeling alone, weak, helpless and cut off from others or struck down with laziness and focusing too much on our troubles and problems; this is the right times that Satan and temptation attack us and we are vulnerable to fall on the prey. We should always keep our eyes to Christ and resist the devil and he will flee from us. This is the way to stand true to the Lord remembering that this world is not our home and to focus on the fact that Christ will bring everything under his control. Staying true means steadfastly resisting the negative influences of temptation and all the forces which will weaken us. We shouldn’t lose heart and give up when our steps are slipped and fall through the cracks. God promise us strength of character. With the help of the Holy Spirits and our fellow friends and close ones (church) you can stay true to the Lord.

‘Stay on guard, continue to stand firm in the faith, be men of courage, grow in strength’ (I Cor.16:13). Steko!! Conquer all challenges by us pass…For our hope is built on Christ, By His power we’re standing Firm. Steko…Steko.




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