Monday, 5 November 2018



What is history?

History is about past. When we write history we have our inclinations or bias. E H Carr says “there are so many writings, but all the writing are not history”. There is no consensus or unity among historians or writers. History basically means writing down events.

Peter Gay and Gerald J Cavanaugh: History is critical thinking about the past
Marc Bloch:  Science of men in time
E H Carr: “Continuous process of interaction between historians and his facts and unending dialogue between present and past”.
J H Hexter :  Any patterned, coherent account of the  past intended to be true
Historians are to see; from the angles and minute, not to tell lies, not to impose their ideas and
Sources must be accurate. It is a science because of enlightenment. Human beings are repetition of nature, Human nature does not change.
Why do we study history? : To learn from the past mistakes, to look at the past critically.

There are four methodological issues / Reasons took place behind the history.
1) Rationale: Every event in the past has a reason behind it. Science always depends up on Imperials’ data. History is not just a record of chronology, but to see the reason behind every event.
2) Proximity: People interpret situation, surroundings, context in different ways. Eg. Paul‘s understanding about women is interpreted by different people differently.
3) Expediency: (Accessibility). It is possible to know the past from the document, and oral tradition. The question arises is it possible to know the real picture of past like church history of heresies. Winners will become orthodox and losers become heretics. History is about winner.
4)  Historiographical unities: Augustine of Hippo differentiated church history with profane history. In his writing he differentiated city of man and city of God. City of man represents history and city of God represents history of Christians. We must adopt the role of the faith in our values and approaches.
However Augustine‘s differentiation may face lot of practical problem. God works in history through natural processes i.e. through people and intervene. World history is basically about, polities, nation, leaders etc and Christian History is of how God works among the people of God.

 It starts with colonial power. By 1930, 84.6% of world populations were colonized or ex-colonies.  Post colonialism does not mean liberation from colonial rule. Post-colonial is not a matter of colonial rule or not. It is a mindset. If we learn education at the cost of our traditions we lose our identity. Post-colonial is not only a critique of western literary but heterogeneous   in nature.  British, Portuguese and Spain were main colonizers. Even after 1947 India became free from colonization, we are still under colonization in the field of dress, food, language.
Post-colonial does not try to state that it is colonial rule. It was basically trying to identify things that are subordinating elements. British gave us alphabets. It replaced the oral tradition. We became westernized in many terms. We lose our traditional identities in many ways. It challenges the norms. What westerners told well was good for Indian, what was told bad was bad for Indians. It challenges the classical history.  It was heterogeneous in nature not only in literature. It has many dimensions. They had a burden for us; they came and preached the gospel. But the side effect is that we are being colonized.
How Post-Colonial came in?
The idea was first started by Edward Said. The Asian people claimed themselves orientalists. Basically orientalists try to tell us what we are. During the missionary era they divided the world into save and unsaved. Unsaved were treated as heathen. Post colonialism is effective anything which is subordinating.
Post-colonial is a mindset document of the colonial past. Why?  Why do we need to document the colonial past?
It is not just a matter of colonial rule. But the mindset  that we are still colonized remains the same. Even after colonial era people can be still colonized by/through mindset because the legacy of the colonial rule is still there.
Even the missionaries were also not free from colonial powers. Colonialism and mission was going hand in hand. For eg. William Pettigrew, a pioneer missionary to Manipur was government appointed teacher. He was also very instrumental in recruiting soldiers to fight in the First World War.
Deconstruction of Post-colonial                                                                    
In Post-Colonial Studies we deconstruct the colonial past or legacy. The way colonial powers influence us did not stop but continued in many areas.
Worship: We see westernized Christianity in church worship.  Western influence is very strong
in our worship. For example songs and, dress code in worship. We need to deconstruct
colonial form of worship to indigenize it.
To deconstruct we must change the hymns to lyrics and bhajans, which is very popular among Hindus.  When the European became Christian they made the Christianity their own way. The Europeans changed the Christianity to set their own culture. Here also we should change Christianity to our culture.
How  to re-read and re-write the history.?
1) Our job is to deconstruct the history.
2) We need to read between the lines, i.e. means we need to listen to silent voices.
3)  We need to take oral tradition seriously.
Why do we need Post-colonial theory or thought?
Sometimes we need to adopt colonel practices to certain extent in our religion because many religion practices have their roots in pagan practices. For eg. Mizoz were closely connected with alcohol. All the important festivals were with practice of drinking wine. Here it finds difficult to Indigenize Christianity.


Author: verified_user