Monday, 5 November 2018

Characteristics of Early Christianity


Characteristics of early Christianity

1. Continue in Apostle’s teaching and discipline
During the early church there was Torah (Mt. 16 – 19). Apostle’s teaching was very much important because it was passed from Christ. Whatever they taught they taught with authority
2. Authority: Apostle’s doctrine was same with the teachings of Christ but in the mean me heresies came up and apostle’s creed began.
3. Fellowship
a) Breaking of bread. It basically means Lord’s Supper
b) Prayer: They were praying for each other. They prayed in boldness for others.
For a Christian in early stage has god relation with other fellow Christians
4) Benevolence: Doing good needs to the people
The early church members were willing to sell their r property so that they would be able to help others. They did benevolence among the Christian community. In Acts Ananias and Saphira got suffering because they lied to gospel.
5) Worship: They went to synagogue for worship. They were following Jewish tradition. They followed Torah and   basically read psalms. They had corporate prayer for helping each other, for community benefit and not for personal gain. The scripture they had was only the apostle’s doctrine of teaching.
5) Instructions: Torah was very much part of their life. They had only few letters of   apostles as scriptures. They met daily at the temple. They always were longing for the fellowship. Whenever they met in the first day of the week, (day after the Sabbath) they had agape meal.
Places influenced Christianity or caused to spread Christianity.                          
 Basically, Jewish community and synagogue worship were the main reasons for the spread of Christianity.
1. Antioch
Persecution under the leader of Nero and Jewish revolts caused Christian to flee Jerusalem and scatter to different parts of the world. When they left Jerusalem, the place to where most of the Jews went was Antioch and Antioch became new center of Christianity.
The Christian in Antioch was suffering. Ignatius Bishop of Antioch was brutally killed (thrown among animals) Even though they face so much problem, Antioch was important for shaping Christian practices and developing Christian theology. The type of Christian theology came out of Antioch is known as Antiochean.
2. Edessa
Edessa a small city is considered to be the first Christian Kingdom. The problem is lack of major evidence. The evidence we can say that by the end of the first Century, the king of Edessa had issued coins which had cross on it.
How Edessa became a Christian Centre?
Edessa was a center for trade where different people with different culture meet. Large number of Jewish community also entered in Edessa. Since they were Jews it was easy for them to accept Christianity. Bardesaauees was a very popular and influential man. He was also a friend of King Abgur IX.  Abigur X was ruling Edessa during the lifetime of Jesus. Bardesaauees says  King Abgur said to have sent a letter to Jesus to send missionary to Edessa. Jesus sent one of the seventy two disciples named Addai because of the king’s request. Jesus also sent a message to King Abgur that your Kingdom will be free from conquest and war. Even if it is a debatable story what only we can say is that there was no persecution of Christian in Edessa.
3. Armenia
It is probably Russia, By second Century there was already Christians in Armenia. We don’t have any direct evidence but only traditions. Gregory the iIuminator a missionary went to Armenia during the reign of King Tiridates III. He was the missionary to convert the Armenia from Paganism to Christianity. Armenia is said to have the first kingdom as Christianity as official religion.  King Tiridates was said to be very sick, Gregory prayed and king was healed and subsequently he made a decree that everyone to be converted to Christianity. So the whole community along with king accepted Christianity. It was said to have took place in 300 AD.
4. Rome                                                                                                                     
Nobody is sure about the founder of Christianity in Rome. We do not have enough evidence that Paul and Peter was the first persons to reach there carrying word of God. But they ended their career there. Before he visited there, he had written letter to Christians in Rome. The writings of Paul reveal that by the time Paul was doing the ministry, Rome was the center of Christians. In Rome one person called Justin Martyr ca 135 C E. Christianity took a big turn after his conversion to Christianity. He became the early church farther.  The city of Pompeii situated outside Rome was having the inhabitation of Christians.  In 79CE the volcano erupted and destroyed the city of Pompeii. On the wall of houses which were destroyed there were images of Christian Cryptogram means Cross.
5. Carthage: Tertullian – Apologist noted that by 200 CE there were Christian churches existed in Carthage and other places in northern Africa. In this African Churches they use Greek as the first language. Africa was also known for the Alexandrian School, which was the center for developing theology. Their main Contribution was the translation of the Bible into Latin.

6. Gaul: It is the modern France. It is said that a person called Crescent disciple of Paul spread the Christianity there.

7. Britain: The origin of Christianity in Britain is uncertain. The writings of Tertullian (160 -225) and Origen (189 – 254) makes it clear that Christianity had already reached Britain.
Evidence is that in council of Arles (France) in 314 C E, there were three bishops from Britain.
Another is that Briton did not suffer persecution because a person called Constantius, the father of Constantine protected Christians in Britain. 

8. Alexandria (Egypt): It is believed that the origin of Christianity belonged to Mark. By second century Christian movement was very strong in Alexandria. Alexandria became the center for learning known as school of Alexandria. They were very famous for one type of interpretation called allegorical interpretation. Allegorical interpretation  is  meaning behind the text. The famous person Origen allegorical interpretation on Good Samaritan is widely accorded.
9. India: During first century there was a fascination for India. People were craze for India. There was a trade between Mediterranean and India in first century, the evidence was the act of Thomas coming to India in first century. He came to India  to work under king in the palace  of Gondaphores as a carpenter. Three he performed miracle, teaching and preaching. He used to help people with the money he earned from his profession. Later he was killed in Mylapore.  It is believed that he came by road but as per Kerala traditional belief he came by ship.


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