Monday, 5 November 2018

Historical Controversies or Heresies


Historical Controversies or Heresies

There were many literatures – gospels that were floating around at that time claimed to be heresies image. They are not orthodox. They are:
1) Judaistic Heresies: These people who were Judiastic heresies were known as ebionities. Heresies comes from Jewish background. They wanted the Christians to be obliged to Law of Moses. They rejected teaching of Paul. There were difference between Christians and Ebonites.
2) Gnosticism: It believes knowledge is important and salvation is obtained through knowledge.
3) Marcionism:  They are the people who are versatile in New Testament.
Gnosticism is one of the Phenomenon of first century. Gnosticism is the combination of four elements.
 i)   Hellenistic philosophy of Greek.
ii)   Oriental religion of Persia and the third is
iii)  Christianity.
iv)  Heterodox Judaism:  It is not heresy. It is right opposite to Orthodox having combination many cultures.  .
Gnosticism was common in Christian community. For Gnostic salvation was important. In order to attain salvation they wanted to have knowledge. It is not intellectual knowledge. It is based on revelation, the secret knowledge. For them Knowledge is means to salvation. Only those people belong to this sects were regarded as having secret knowledge. They know the mind of others and could prophesize and knew the secrets of other people and thereby attract people..
It consist of God and world. Anything that comes out of God is pure and good, anything that comes out of the world is impure and sinful. They have the concept of idea of lesser deity below the supreme God – Demiurge who created this world. They denied the real incarnation of Jesus Christ. They believed Jesus cannot be sinful being as they regarded the world would be sinful. The divine spirit entered in Jesus Christ at the time of baptism and left at the time of crucifixion. They denied atoning work of Christ.
It happened in the city of Alexandria. Arianism comes from a person called Arius. He was the bishop of Antioch called Lucian and Arius was his student. The concept of Arianism was first introduced by him. It was in around 300 CE, he became the presbyter in the city of Alexandria. The bishop Alexander was the bishop of Alexandria who confronted the teaching of Arius. His main teaching was of son not co equal and not co eternal to father. Son was regarded as logos or word. The opponents of Airus were accusing for he denied the divinity of Christ as Son. In order to cut short the story there was a council called Nicaea. Nicaea council was held in 325 presided by emperor Constantine. Here a new chapter opened that of involvement of emperor in Church affairs. By the time many of the bishops had already condemned the teaching of Arius. They came up with a new formula in order to solve the problem is known as Nicaea Creed. They added the word Homoousios because Arius had taught a similar word Homoiousios. Arius said father and son are like similar and made up of exact same substance.
It was basically started by prophet Montanus. He had always two prophetesses Priscilla and Maximilla with him. Apologetic event stress on Prophetic life and Ascetic life: They were expecting the end event. The prophetesses believed that they got power from Spirit – Paraclete (Comforter). It was in 172 BC the Monatanism announced Parousia – Second Coming. He said God established a new Jerusalem Phrygia  - which is now in Turkey. In order to be prepared for Purousia they asked followers to follow strict ascetic life. They were really anticipating the second coming of Christ in their lifetime. A Prophetess Maxmilla told that – after me there will be no more prophesy but the end i.e second coming of Christ. The great Tertullian was supporter of this group. Because people saw some corruption in the Church. Their aim was to cleanse the church
Manichaeism was founded in Babylon in 276 AD and the founder was Mani or Manes. They believed that Mani was incarnation of Christ. Just like Jesus Christ he was also born of Holy virgin. Eg. His mother’s name was Mariham. He also had 12 disciples just like Jesus Christ.
It has dualistic approach in understanding of God. They said that in order to get salvation a kind of special knowledge is required. Some thought that they were another religion. It is slightly different from Gnostics. Like Gnostics they were interested in knowledge. Dualist had understanding of black and white. They said that the foundation of the universe is the opposition of two principles – good and evil. They believed good and evil constitute 50% - 50% of the world. They used terms like good and evil light and darkness etc. in which they  talked much about  light as they thought those who  got salvation were regarded  as the son of the light. Augustine was regarded as the son of light and followed Manichaeism for 10 years before he became a Christian. People saw it similar with Christianity. Just like Gnostics they said abomination of all matters. They rejected anything concerned with matter. They believed all matters to be evil; especially they see flesh as evil because flesh is meant for sex. They basically abstained from sex. They avoided eating meat, egg. However, they ate fish. Anything related to copulation is regarded as sin.
Original sin: In their approach there are 2 Gods: evil God and Light or good god. They believed evil God created the world. Augustine a former Manichaean told that, Christians believe that sin started from Adam and Eve from Eden garden.
Before they die if they vow to good God they will be saved. They don’t want to be impure in life in order to be saved. They believed that all individual has a spark, a small participle of goodness in their life.  Those who don’t say vow will be reincarnated. They have some similarities with Hinduism and Buddhism. It spread so widely and even came to China.
Holiness:  Christianity had difficulty in accepting these people that Manichaeism viewed that Christian sacraments and Priests are not holy. On the other hand they believed all Manicheans people are holy. Just like Jesus was tempted by the Satan on the mountain to get the whole kingdom, Mani was also tempted. It was Orthodox Church started fighting against these people to defend allegations against priests. It was basically spread to Persia. During the early period of 300-400 C E they were fought by Orthodox Church. In the beginning Mani followers persisted eventually Mani was captured. In the middle ages they got different names like Cathars, Paulicians, Albigeases, Bogoneils and they became Albigensians.
Monarchianism comes from the  Greek term  one ruler. They believe in the adoptionism meaning Jesus was adopted son of by God. They believed that because Jesus was the true son of Joseph and Mary and was regarded as a common man. They believed that  trinity is convenient   designations. They cannot believe in the identity of trinity. Tertullian was one who spoke much against monarchianism and told that people crucified father also.
It comes out after the name Nestorius who was the patriarch of Constantinople. These people will come up with the idea of Nestorius whether Jesus was fully human or fully God. During the Nestorian time in 381 C E Constantinople was the second powerful church in Rome. They had problem with the title like Theotokos  and Christotokos. There were various titles given to many like Theotokos and Christotokos. Theotokos – bearer of God;  Christotokos – Christ bearer
They could not accept that Jesus was in Mary’s womb for 9 months. So they said Mary was not a bearer of God but a bearer of Christ. The famous opponent of Nestorianism was Cyril of Alexandria. In order to solve the problem there was a debate in the synod of Rome in 430 AD. In this synod the Cyril and Nestorians were made to debate and finally Cyril won. They asked Cyril to give punishment  for Nestorians. Nestorians were exiled to Egypt where they started Nestorian church or Eastern Church.
After the council of Rome there was a council of Ephesus in 431.  Nestorianism was growing. The main leaders and opponents of Cyril, the Nestorians did not arrive in time. So Cyril conducted council before the supporters of Nestorian bishop arrive and this time also Cyril won. Since they were part of the council they started a new council synod of Bethlaput in 484 CE. For Nestorians all other churches were monoplysites and duoplysites.


Author: verified_user