Monday, 5 November 2018

Family Introduction


Family Introduction

Definition of Family:
Oxford dictionary: defines family in this way a group of people consisting of one set of parents and their children whether living together or not. In wider sense any group of people connect blood, marriage, adoption, etc.
George Murdock 1949: American Anthropology:
A social group characterized by common residence economic cooperation and reproduction it includes adults of both sexes at least of two of whom maintain a socially approved sexual relation with one or more children own or adopted, of the sexually co habiting adults.

Salvador Minuchin: a contemporary definition of family:  
Family is a group of people connected emotionally and/or by blood to have live together long enough to develop patters of interaction and stories that justify and explain those pattern and interaction.

Reeta sonawat:
A unit of two or more person united by marriage, blood, adoption or consensual in generally consisting of one single house hold interacting and communicating with each other.  

Anderson Sabatelli:
There are certain pattern within the family that are common: four aspects:
-          Identity formation: Aspect of belongingness to one another.
-          Socialization of family members: Teaching children how to behave in the society.
-          Maintains of family boundaries: Acceptable within the boundaries.
-          Promoting the health and welfare of the family members: Family life satisfaction.

John Witte:
Marriage can be approach in four perspectives-
1.      Contract: Marriage is a contract, form by mutual concern of the marital couples and the subject to their will and preference. It is voluntary
2.      Spiritual association: It is subject creeds, codes, cultic, laws and cannon of the religious community.
It is the religious
3.      Social estate: It is subject special state laws of property inheritance and the expectation of the local community. Social and legal
4.       Natural institution: it is subject to the natural laws taught by the reason and conscience nature and customs. Natural order

Definition of Marriage
Vijay Nagaswami:
“Marriage is the partnership a contract between two concerting adult who are both in a state of preference both to make a commitment to facilitate each other growth and personal development by creating a safe, loving, respectful and trusting space as the joint venture.”

10 aspect of new Indian marriage:
1.      It is focuses on emotional fulfillment of both partner and not merely pro-creation of recreation.
2.      It is owned by both the partners in the marriage and not by anyone else.
3.      It recognizes two step of personal space.
4.      It appreciates the fights issues and conflicts as inevitable when two individual engaged in a closed and intense relationship.
5.      Use relational processes to manage their fight issues and context.
6.      Employs a zero tolerance towards abuse whether physical, verbal, sexual or emotional.
7.      Space adequate attention to the experience and expression of sexual and emotional intimacy.
Emotional intimacy, intellectual intimacy, spiritual intimacy, re-creational intimacy, experiential intimacy, physical intimacy.
8.      Believes and parent and children needs their own space and that each should rest outside the marriage space.
9.      Works towards transparent and honest communication styles.
10.  Understand that divorce is a legitimate option (if the marriage does not work despite the best efforts of both partners), but only final one.
Family Structure: What makes a family.
1.      Socio economic
2.      Urbanization
3.      Roles/ power status
A.    Gender
                                            i.            Position of women
                                          ii.            Age of man
B.     Age – Birth (Elder/Younger)
4.      Family Relationship
A.    Filial- Parent child relationship
B.     Fraternal-among siblings
C.     Conjugal - husband and wife
D.    In law - marriage
5.      Family function
A.    Socialization- How the child behaves in the society and family became first to impact.
B.     Individual development- Family responsible for each individual development and has great influence.
C.     Sub systems- The smooth functioning of a family depends on relationship of Husband and wife and how sub0system are in function.
6.      Family interaction
It is based on three things
A.    Cohesion – The bond and connection of the family.
B.     Communication – It is the key in family, building strong relation and rapport through communication.
C.     Conflict resolution – Conflict is not a sign of family collapse but it is part and parcel of family functions but need a dynamic solution.


Author: verified_user