Monday, 5 November 2018

Family Study and Rituals


What is family study?
Family study is a discipline that focus on family, the challenges that face and how to help them to meet this challenges and improve the quality of life.
There are three domains:
1.      Parenting wellbeing: the satisfaction of being a parents.
2.      Family relationship: intimacy, communication, boundaries, provision, etc.
3.      Child wellbeing: personal growth and development,

·         Family Wellbeing or satisfaction is the interaction of all these three domains and strongly bonded.
What is the unique aspect of Indian family?
Key issues in relation to Indian Family:
1.      Collectivism vs. individualism:
a.      Collectivism: Collective can be define as a way of life where in the emphasis is on interdependence among the family members and the priority in such groups is on family goals and values over individual.
b. Individualism: Emphasis on self-reliance independents, autonomy and personal achievement.
(M.S. Gore and Tulsi Patel- Family counselor)
2.      The Triangulation:
A two person system may be stable as long as it is come, but when anxiety increases is immediately involves the most vulnerable other person to become triangle.
3.      Parenting a mixture dyads:
A dyads is a two person system husband and wife, siblings or any other combination.

Wolin Dennet defines rituals as “Ritual remind us that communication can be symbolic, that form gives meaning, that reputation promotes learning and the past embedded in the present”
Eg: Teaching a children a symbolic gesture.
Rituals can be divided into three aspect:
1.      Family Celebration: They are culturally condition, religious, culture, ethnic holidays comes under this aspect.
eg- Family learning and teaching takes place simultaneously.
a.       Religious politics
b.      Cultural politics
2.      Family Tradition:
a.       Are less cultural but more unique to families.
b.      They include aspect like- summer vacation, visit to and fro extended family members, anniversary and birthday customs.
c.       By adherence to a specific tradition the family makes a statement about their identity and values.
3.      Routines:
a.       Are most frequently enacted but least conscious planned
b.      They improved actions at meal times bad routines for children and every day greetings
c.       Family routine strengthen the family function.

Five function of Rituals
1.      Rituals makes change manageable
2.      Ritual facilitates the transmission of value and belief. Ex. Prayer before meal.
3.      Rituals contributed to family identity
4.      Rituals provides support and containment for strong emotion
5.      Ritual assured us for continuity


Author: verified_user