During the time of
Constantine Christians experienced peace. People became lazy. Persecution
disappears and Christians increase. There was nothing to worry they wanted to
enjoy life. They soon forgot what was happening in recent past and wanted to
have a luxurious life. During persecution, people remained faithful and worked
hard to keep their faith strong when any trial comes. But when freedom came
after Constantine time people became lazy. During this period time, people
where no longer faithful as they became weak in faith, lead luxurious and comfortable life, which is the enemy
of church, this idea came among the Christians. By the end of fourth Century the
church was controlling the society. Those who had wealth and influence were
able to get good post like Bishop or priest with the money. Church was no
longer in fear. Church matter has become like a business matter because people
gained a lot after they became a Bishop or Priest and spiritual life has gone
People began to think
the peace was brought by Constantine in different way. People like Eusebius
of Caesarea watched the movement in negative manner. He said narrow
gate which Jesus had told become a wider one. People became Christian just for
privilege. The narrow gate which Jesus has spoken became wider one. Countless
multitudes were hurried past in. Some seemingly after privilege and position
without caring to investigate deeply into the meaning of Christian baptism and
life under cross.
It seemed that rich
were controlling the church. People began to ask questions on the life of the
church. They asked how church can occupy influential position in society
without looking its moral and corruption. How do people become true Christians
in such circumstances when everything?
In order to find answer for all these questions people began to accept
monastic life and started to practice monasticism.
life: To leave everybody behind, dominate body and its
passion. People were coming into cities to receive baptism.
of Monastic life: It can be related to Asiatic life.
Asiatic word comes from Greek “Askein” meaning
“exercise or train for athletes”.
of Ascetic Life: During the life of Constantine, widows
and virgins chose their life dedicated to church. Origen. Following extreme
role of asceticism caused Gnosticism. In all these we see monasteries and
Gnosticism were related. Though Church was fighting against Gnosticism church
could not run away from many evil matters.
To live a spirit filled life they thought they should live a separate
life, separated from the evil society. For a Christian to lead to a spiritual
life it was necessary for them to subdue the body.
influence we can see in the bible itself is Paul in Corinth. Paul projected
those people who followed Celibacy. Paul mentions that, if remained unmarried
in this world you are going to be a living witness in the coming kingdom.
Monasticism people became lazy. Some started thinking how leading a lazy life can
be a true Christianity. Apart from secular influence there was Philosophical
influence also.
Greek Philosophy:
Plato influenced people to remain celibate because spouse was seen as hindrance
for the soul to reach heaven. They saw human body as a prison for soul which
has to be set free.
Stoic philosophy:
They saw passion as the enemy of the soul. Whatever feeling they had they saw
it as enemy of soul. They tend to draw themselves away from the society. So
they became ascetic. People like secret virgin, cohabite priests, eunuchs were
there among them. They were set aside; they were married with the church.
kind of Monasticism came out of
early century which was credited to two main people who started the monastic
life; one is of Anthony and second is Pachomius. This people started the
ascetic movement.
was made famous by Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria. He renounced all family
property which he inherited. After projecting He drew himself away from society
to have deeper relation with God. He began monastic movement at the age of
twenty. Since he was in Egypt he moved to desert. People got attracted to his
lifestyle. He began to have followers. He used to teach by word and example. In
347 CE he died. His style of nastic moment was Anthoniam Monasticism. They
prefer living alone isolated.
was a former soldier of Constantine. He was born in 290 CE. He stressed for
communitarian style. He basically started his community as atheistic. He began
the movement at the bank of Nile at Tabennisi. People themselves involved in
labour work lead style of strict discipline. The Monks today are example for
that. This kind of moment spread outside Egypt.
Anthonium spread to
Philistine. Pachomius spread to Greece. Many monasteries were coming out during
400 CE. By fourth century it had spread much faster. Athanasius Bishop of
Alexandria was influence in spreading monastic movement who was a bishop for 45
years 328-373. Even though he was controversial, he often visited them in
desert. He was pillar to the church and much important as well as
controversial. During his forty five years of bishop hood he was exiled five to
six time to Spain and other places. What was interesting is that he spread
monastic movement wherever he went.
Spread of Christianity to different Regions.
First, Christianity
spread mainly in East - Palestine – Gaza. A person called Hilurion of Tabatha
was disciple of Antonym.
Syria: A
person called Tufian the apologist, disciple of Justin Martyr introduced monasticism. Justine Martyr
was very much interested in Monastic movement. Tufian started a group/sect
called “Encratiles”. These people are famous for strict conduct. They said no
to marriage and meat.
2) Asia
Minor (Turkey, West of Asia and Armenia) : Basil of Caesarea was involved
in spreading monastic movement with a purpose of involving in social work. The
reason for involving in social work was because he thought that the attitude of
“love and service to neighbor” must have in people’s mind. During that time the love and service to neighbor was
missing. In this movement people those
who did long fasting without permission would punishment from authority. Local
Bishop was authoritative.
Europe: In Europe Anthonium communal type was followed by
monastic movement. The person who was involved in monastic movement in Europe
was Benedict of Nursia. He was born in 480 CE in Italy. The group that followed
his leadership was called Benedictory Monasticism. He set up a monastery in
Monte casino in 520 C E. This movement was spreading throughout the Europe
mainly in England. Women started joining this movement. Nunneries were set up.
This type of Monasticisim was spread throughout Europe. Their involvement was
religious, social and education.
Monasticism: Irish monasticism was spread by the work of a person named by
Patrick. He was the first person who spread Christianity in Ireland. By 400 CE
in 5th century the Irish monasticism entered in Scotland and north
of Monasticism
Monasticism became center of all higher learning and
education field.
There was development in philosophy.
Monasteries became leaders of the Church. They were
important for preserving rare books including religious. They had set up their
own library.
They stood against the corrupt practices of society.
The leaders were corrupted and had less concern for the poor. There monasteries
came to serve the poor and thereby played a vital role.
They were always critical and checking the morality
of the society. They came out to help poor people while the other church
leaders did not bother to take care of them.