Monday, 5 November 2018

Role of Faith and Level of Commitment in Marriages and Family Life


The role of faith in Marriages and Family Life
James Pawar- Faith Formation
Definition of faith: Faith is an integral, centering process, underling the formation of believes, values and meaning that-
1.      It gives coherence and direction to people’s lives
2.      Links them in a shared trust and loyalty with others
3.      Ground the personal stance and communal loyalty in a sense of relatedness to a larger frame of reference.
4.      Enables them to face and deal with the limited condition of life relying upon that which has the quality of ultimacy in their lives.



Level of Commitment
Johnson & Hudson speaks of commitment in three levels-
1.      Personal commitment:
2.      Moral commitment: Moral obligation which we link to our covenant.
3.      Structural commitment: Formal marriage taking place in a society.
There are eight specific way religion involve in inter faith marriage: (Religious impact on marriage)
1.      Sacred meaningful family rituals and practices unify the marriage and the family.
2.      It gives them a strong belief system and the world view.
3.      The view of god as the third cord in their marriage which binds the couples to each other with strong ties.
4.      A specific belief in marriage as the religious institution that can and should lost.
5.      A focus effort to find meaning in committing to marriage.
6.      A desire to work to prevent problem in the relationship.
7.      An ability to draw on Sacred believes and practices to resolve conflict.
8.      Religious based motivation to work towards relational and reconciliation
Stanley Says “Commitment is a choice to give up other choices”.


Author: verified_user