Monday, 5 November 2018



Parenting issues in India [Key Issues]
1.      Ensuring children’s health and safely:
2.      Preparing for life as productive adult: 
3.      Transmitting cultural values (socialization):
What are some of the major factors affecting parents?
1.      The mature personality of the parents: We assume that parents are mature but over a time many parents are immature.
2.      The stable and intimate marital relationship of the parents: Neglecting marital relationship is the greatest factor for breaking the family bond. Children are looking forward to see their parents strongly bonded and work together as one.
3.      Parent’s motivation for having the child: why we want to have a child? This should motivate others but fail to motivate in larger perspective to the children, owing to say that ‘we are not planning/ready to have child but you are born out of our planning’
Two elements of parenting
1.      Parental responsiveness: Refers to the extent to which parent’s intentionally foster individuality, self-regulation, and self-assertion by being attuned, supportive and in touch with the child special need and demands.
2.      Parental demandingness: refers to the claims parents make on a children to become integrated into the family whole, by their maturity demands, supervision, disciplinary efforts and willingness to conform the child who disobey.
Four parenting style:
1.      Indulgent parenting: [Raja Rani Parenting] Categories whose parents indulge on children.
1.       Indulgent parenting is also refers to as permissive parenting or non-directing parenting.
2.       Indulgent parenting is more responsive and less demanding.
3.       It is rarely disciplines very lenient in its approach and avoids confrontation.
4.       Is generally nurturing and communicates well.
5.       Parents are more like friends than parents.
How do children and adolescence form Indulgent parents grow?
1.  They demonstrate behavioral issue in particular to authorities
2.  They have high self-esteem
3.  Children who come Indulgent families shows better social skills
4.  They experience the lower level of depression
5.  They demonstrate high level of self-centeredness
2.      Authoritarian parenting
1.       Authoritarian parenting is high on demands but low on responsiveness.
2.       An Authoritarian parenting provides well-ordered and structure environment with clearly stated rules.
3.       Though the rules are well stated they failed to explain the reasoning behind the rules.
‘Because I say so’
Characteristic of Children who are brought up in Authoritarian Parenting
ü  Usually they do not demonstrate problem behavior.
ü  They have poor social skills.
ü  They possess on lower self-esteem  (no strong communication skills & inferiority complex)
ü  They are obedient and proficient (under supervision and guidance only)
ü  They lack confidence in decision making science they have always been told what to do.

3.      The Authoritative style:
1.       An Authoritative parenting is in the mid-point of both demanding and Responsiveness.
2.       It established it rules and guidelines and explains the rationale behind those rules.
3.       When rule are broken they affirmed but nurturing. 

Characteristic- How do the children react?
ü  They are socially adoptable and instrumentally competent
ü  They are confident, contend, responsible and independent.

4.      Uninvolved parents:
1.       Uninvolved parents are low on responsiveness and lower demanding.
2.       They may fulfill child basic needs but are generally detached from their child life.
3.       In extreme cases may even reject on neglect on the need of their children.

-Characteristic/Result- How do the children react?
ü  They perform poorly in most domains.
ü  Most rank lowest across all life domains.
ü  Lack self-control and have lower self-esteem.
ü  May become hostile insecure and rebellious.

Characteristic of good parenting
1.       Love and affections: it demonstrate security and self-identity
2.       Skillful communicators: good in listening and speaking
3.       The ability to manage stress: affecting in stress managing
4.       Respect of autonomy: encouraging the self-dependent and self reliance
5.      Positive roles models: setting about an example

Characteristic of bad parenting
1.       Being arrogant to children
2.       Breaking promise
3.       Satisfying all their demand (delay gratification)
4.       Never letting children no hardship
5.       Pushing children to hard.


Author: verified_user