Monday, 5 November 2018

The Biblical and Theological foundation of marriage and family life


The Biblical and Theological foundation of marriage and family life:
Four key themes:
1.      Creation: Gen 1 and 2 begin with marriage and revelation the concept of marriage.
ü  Relationship instituted by God: (Gen 2: 20-25) Genesis account points to the primary of marriage relationship about all other human bonds and to a profound sense of personal attachment, symbolized, celebrated and nourished in the sexual union the word to enjoy with one and other.
ü  God’s gift of marriage is the part of the original plan and purpose for mankind dating before the fall.
ü  Marriage cannot be therefore be simply view as a means of curving man’s sinful appetite. (As was thought by some of the early church father).
ü  Gen: 2:25- speaks of two aspect openness and intimacy.
ü  Gen 2:24- has Triple image
a)      Living (Emotional leaving): husband and wife after marriage they are the separate unit.
b)      Cleaving (Forming Unit): forming the unit. You also joint with the partners.
c)      Becoming (Physical Intimacy): 
2.      Fall: Genesis 3:16;
1)      The fall altered and defaced Gods purpose.
2)      The result was a breakdown of intimacy and trust between man and woman.
3)      What had once been natural outflowing of a special relationship would now need worked out. Like all other thing, the effort could go astray.
4)      Rules and regulation are needed to govern protect and nature marriage.
3.      Redemption: Ephesians  5:21-23:
1)      In Christ God is working to bring creation back to his original intended state: Romans 8:22
2)      Christ transforms marriage so that it once again reflects God and his plan for it. 
3)      Though we are in fall in world, Christ has redeemed it enough so that all can use human marriage and sexuality as an illustration of the relationship between God and his people.
4.      Consummation: Luke 20:34-36:
When consummation happened we will all belongs to God but certain memories will remain to recognized our love ones.

Theological aspect of marriage
1.      Marriage and God’s nature: Fundamental to the Christian understanding of god’s nature is the concept of relationship express not only in the trinity but also in the knowability of god and the possibility of divine human communion.
2.      Marriage and God’s covenant (covenant Theology): God relationship with this people is often describe in the convent term and the same terms are use in marriage.
1.1. The covenant was a mutual choosing, it was the reciprocal promise of exclusive dedication and loyalty. Jeremiah 31: 31-34, Ezekiel 11:20, 14: 11.
ü  It was the aspect of chooseness. Ex: 19:5, Deut 7: 7-8.
ü  A sense of belonging. Gal: 3:29
ü  Separateness. Ex 19:6, Lev 11:44-45.
ü  The aspect of knowledge. Not information but relation. Jeremiah 1: 5, Matt: 7: 23.
ü  Covenant means faithfulness and steadfast love. The relationship between the covenant partners is express by “hesed”, the term that refers especially to love that inspire to loyalty and faithfulness.
ü  Whoever breaks the covenant ceases to be beneficiary of its provision. Duet 30: 21, Lev: 26. 13 times if used
1.      Choosiness Song of Song: 5:9.
2.      Belonging Gen: 2:23 and 24.
3.      Separateness. Gen 2: 24.
4.      Knowledge gen 4: 1 and 1 Cori: 6: 15-17.
5.      Faithfulness and steadfast love. Ephesians 5: 25-27.
6.      Ceases to be beneficiary of its provision.
Marriage and family a Christian theological foundation: By Natali Waever
Covenant: It is essential based on 3 ideas-
1.      It points to a sacred reality since it was god who initiate the covenant.
2.      It is based on active love. It require certain action from both parties.
3.      Covenant is in-dissolvable.

1.      Families are not only legal social and cultural but sacred entity established by god
2.      Family demonstrate love
3.      Family ties cannot be dissolved
Unmarrited favor of God in the contest of Forgiveness and transformation.
1.      Grace is always a relational concept. “Paul Wendell”- No were others splendors of grace more routinely experience than with in the fabric of every day married and family life.
1.      Although the covenant of the grace rule out law are the bases for family relationship family members living in grace except structure, form, patterns, orders and responsibility in relationship.
2.      In reality much of the daily routine family life must be perform according to agreed rules, regularity and order.
3.      For family to function in healthy manner rules need to be in place structure, patterns and boundaries need to be maintain.
4.      Love is always couple which structure, patterns and order. John: 14:15. Love and obedience are not contradictory.


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