A journey into Dalit realities
The term Dalit had etymological significance with Sanskrit' ‘dal’
meaning broken, to crack, to crush, destroy, split.
Dalit Panther Movement that emerge from Maharashtra in 1970s. The
seed of the concept of confirmation of the ideology comes from the writing of
Dr. Ambedkar and Jyotiba Phule
The term dalit is used as
1. The identity of the people
2. The condition of the people group.
Dalit are formally called as untouchables or they were called as
outcasts in Indian society. Dr. Ambedkar called as Depressed classes based on
economic status. Gandhi called dalit as Harijan children of god. Hari means
Krishna. These dalit were also called schedule caste(SC) by the Britishers.
Still officially dalit were called SC. The oppressed or marginalized people's
Today, the term Dalit referred to assertion of pride by the young
generation of the dalit.
The present conditions of Dalit
1. Social condition -The life of exclusion
Arundhati Roy, said when you look at India, through the precept of
caste, at who control the money, who owns the corporation, who owns the media,
who makes up judiciary, who owns the land, who doesn't- contemporary India
suddenly begins to looks extremely uncontemporary.
Dalit are the primary victims of caste system in India for (more
than) many decades. Mayawati once said today upper caste sells tea, will still
be given and more respect than dalit collector (District Magistrate).
According to census 2011, 16.6% are Dalit. 21.9% of dalit houses
are made of concrete roof. 58.2% their houses are floored with mud. 46.6%
houses had one room. Majority dalit still lives on slum, colonies, cherries,
segregated village.
This statistic shows that, the dalit lives unequal lives miserably.
This life realities gives an impression that they are completely excluded from
the mainstream society. Navsarjan Trust conducted a survey in Gujarat,
1589 villages are still exists untouchables.
Life of exclusion on dalit documentation
13 dalits are murdered in a week, 5 Dalit homes are burnt, 6 dalit
are kidnapped, 21 dalit are raped every week. In many villages separate
crematorium were arranged for the dalit.
Dalit reality in India context
National Human Right Commission, it
reveals a shocking dalit discrimination-
- a crime is committed against dalit every 18 minutes
- every day 3 dalit women were raped.
- many dalits are prevented from entering police station in 28% of
Indian villages.
- many dalits do not get mails in 24% of Indian villages.
- recent data or statistics
- 10 states are worst for Dalits- RJ, MP, UP, BIHAR, MH,
- SC/ST prevention of atrocities Acts, there is no anticipatory
bail for the accuser against SC/ST.
March 2018, SC pronounce a verdict, no one must be arrested without
any proper investigation.
SC diluted PA acts for SC/ST.
Many dalits are addressed with their caste names.
Chandra Bhan Prasad,
"caste is not simply a law and order problem but a social problem". Raja
Shekhar Vundru, "being a dalit today is an existential problem".
2. Education
Education is the tools of empowerment but still a dreams. Quality
education is not possible,
1. majority of dalits goes to govt. Schools
2. Majority of the dalits parents cannot afford fees for their
3. According to NHCR report, dalits children are seated separated
in many govt. Schools.
4. One survey says, 23 out of 27 students are committed suicide in
higher education in North India since 2007, majority are dalits.
5. In many higher education institution reservation is not
- The number of dalit faculty are declining in India education
3. Economic condition
- Outcasts in this economically liberalist context- disempower
- Majority dalits are odd jobs, agricultural works
- They are involved in insecure condition
- They do not possessed productive land or in dry land.
- multi national companies also preferred non dalits.
- Dalit chamber of commerce of India, group of dalits coming together
and organise themselves for their business.
4. Political Condition
- participation in political process: outside the camp.
- dalit participation in Indian politics is token in nature.
- recent
survey, 2019 general election 84 reserved seats for dalits, BJP won 46,
Congress- 5, BSP-2,
- DALITS excluded from leadership position in majority political
party in India.
5. Dalit Women: Bent life
Dalit women are discriminated because of gender, castes, class, so
they were alienated thrice or in other words they were called Dalits of the
dalits. Dalit women life is a bent life.