Sunday, 13 October 2019

Epistemology of caste- Dalit Theology


Epistemology of caste

How caste system are originated in India
The origin of caste
The term caste comes from the Portuguese term 'casta' meaning breed or race, in Indian term it is  'jati'. The person who define by well known sociologist, S.V. Ketkar, a group of people having two characteristics- (1) membership is confined by birth. (2) Cannot marry outside the caste.

R. Shamasastri, says "caste is social exclusiveness with reference to diet, marriage, birth and Rituals".
G.S. Ghuriya says "caste is a Brahmin child of Indian Aryan culture."
Louis Dumont says, caste system is an institution's denial of the right of the people.

Four main theories of caste system

1. Traditional theory
Caste system is not human product but divine product. The caste system comes from the Varna system. It is based on creation story narrated in Rig Veda, Purusha Sukta X:98:v.11_12. According to this creation story, four orders or varna of people where originated from the sacrifice of primordial being called Purusha. From that sacrifice, Brahmin were originated from the head of the primordial being, Kshatriyas from arms, Vaishyas from the tigh, Shudras from the feet. The society was order based on this story, so called hierarchical social order of the community (status of the people).

2. Occupation theory
This theory was developed by John Collinson Nesfield. According to this, caste group were originated from different occupation. According to him, people were doing different occupation, later different occupation group came to be known as different caste group.  Different in occupation leads to different status.

3. Political theory
According to this theory, caste is a device developed by Brahmin to control the society.
After creation different job were assigned to different caste groups-
Brahmin were Priestly responsibilities so they dedicated as Priestly class.
Ruling of administrative works to Ksahtriyas and known as ruling class.
Business of trade responsibilities is given to Vaishyas, so they came to be known as Business class.
Manual job or odd job were assign to Shudras so they were called as Working class or Service class.

4. Religious Theory
According to this, the caste system developed in order to performed different duties and obligation related to Hindu religion.

5. Racial Theory
Developed by anthropologist Herbert Risley which states that Aryans introduced racial differences to place themselves as superior over the Indians or indigenous group.

6. Evolutionary Theory
Denzil Ibbetson
The society of people group were divided into different occupation group which is later developed into the caste group as we see today. So, it is a gradual evolution.
-Each people group wants to maintain purity of blood.
-Devoted occupation
-Theory of Karma
- colour of prejudice
- economic differences

Common feature of caste system

1. Hierarchical division of society.
Caste system divide the indian society hierarchically as Brahmin, Ksahtriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. Then the Panchamas- Dalit and other backward clasess, so B. R. Ambedkar called it a principle of graded inequality.
2. Restriction on food, drinks and social intercourse.
Kaccha food prepared by water; Pakka food by ghee
The Brahmin should not drink water from Dalit. Social intercourse
3. Civil and religious disabilities. Pollution by touch, by sight, by shadow (of lower caste). Two methods of cleanliness from the by bath and reading vedas. The OBC should come near to the Brahmin to the nearest 36ft.
4. Restriction on occupation
All the job is assign to them for their own class or community. No job should be done outside their own community.
5. Restriction on marriage
No marriage should happen outside the caste, of it done so, ex-communicate or identify will be lost.


Author: verified_user