Monday, 21 October 2019

Dalit Perspective on Eschatology and Worship and Preaching- Dalit Theology


Dalit Perspective on Eschatology and Worship and Preaching- Dalit Theology

The dalit scholars interpret eschatology as 'the Present'. What is their future in this world. Liberation from the bondage of caste system is the eschatology framework. Their eschatology is not only personal but also communitarian in nature. M.G. Gnanavaram, says, eschatology is to do with the theology of wholeness and completeness not only in this world but also the world to come. Eschatological hope is the casteless society where every dalit is treated with dignity, equality and fraternity.
Kingdom of God:
1. For dalit KOG is basically ethical radicalism, radical change in thinking and approach.
2. KOG is not future but present.
3. The world will be completely transformed into a works where everyone finds freedom from all kinds of oppressive structure.
The Resurrection
For Dalit resurrection is transformed and transfigured existence. Resurrection is a social resurrection. Resurrection is basically call to enter new relation with the entire creation, where God love is stronger than the forces of death. Resurrection is nothing but celebrating life in its fullness which is not hierarchical and patriarchal and non-casteist.

Worship and Preaching
Dalit protective will informed us that, the primary assist of dalit worship is liberation that has physical and spiritual. Worship should seek liberation and justice before God. Biblical God is the God of liberation and Justice.
According to Alfred Stephen,
1. In Christian worship the worshippers should show justice and motivation seek justice.
2.  Worshipper must come out of their oppressive situation.
3. Christian worship will be meaningful if it address the genuine needs and care.
4. Every elements of worship hear to help the Dalit to enhance their dignity and self esteem and respect. We need the liturgy that affirms the equality of the Dalit with others.
Why do we need liturgy for the Dalits.
Majority of the Dalit comes with the wounded psyche. In worship they should assured of God who stands on the side of the oppressed. We must avoid pessimistic, abusive also oppressive language.
The liturgy should not contain the oppressive symbol and gestures.

In  preaching, other  worldly outlook, outside their life does not address their issues. Preaching should focus their life realities and issues. Preaching should lead the dominion to liberate themselves from oppressive social mind.
The preaching should  motivate the Dalit to racist all form of oppressive  structure or system. Christian preaching should liberative in all form of nature. Jesus preaching was liberative in nature, content and praxis. In short, we can say worship and Preaching are the two equal means of empowerment.


Author: verified_user