Sunday, 13 October 2019

Religious legitimization of Casteism, Scriptural sanctioning of Casteism- Dalit Theology


Religious legitimization of Casteism, Scriptural sanctioning of Casteism

In the institution of caste, caste is scriptural sanctioned. The creation story in the Rig Veda X.98v.11-12 is the source of the institution of caste. Manu Smriti offer a legal recognition to the institution of caste. And gives detail explanation of caste system. Manu Smriti provide different laws register to caste system. Manu Smriti VII.35 teach that King is the protectors of all caste group. Ch. 8:24 teach that caste will be corrupted by the inter marriage. Inter marriage is against the law of Hindu faith. Ch.12:60 talk about violation of caste will be punished. Punishment are-
1. After death: caste violets will become brahmarakshasas (born at ghost)
2. Ch. 11:181 says that ex communication
3. Ch.11: 185- disinheritance: losing the parental property, no claim can be made for caste violeters.
Manu Smriti in Ch. 1:91 says, Shudras is to serve the upper class;
v.78-81 teach that no Shudras can be educated.
Ch. 4:99 says no reading of Veda by the Shudras.
Ch.8:417;10:129, says no property for Shudras.
Ch 10:51-52, rules for Shudras, dwellings of 'kandalas', Svapakas- children born out of inter marriage. They shall be outside the village... Their wealth shall be dogs and donkies. Their dress shall be the garments of the death, they shall eat their food from the broken dishes, black iron shall be their ornaments. They must always be wander from place to place.
Ch.3:4, if Shudras intentionally listens for committing to the memory of vedas, then his ears should be filled with molten Lid, of he utter the vedas, his tongue should be cut off, if he mastered the vedas his body should be cut into pieces.
Bhagavad Gita, Ch.4:13 Krishna says, i am the maker of chaturvarna- four fold caste. One should perform once duty.
Ch.3:26, 29 (to read) theological validity.

The origin of outcasts/dalit
According to Ambedkar, caste system is the internal mechanism of the Aryans and it was an arrangement of society based on the taste of Aryans and their works. This indigenous people were later added with the fourth class- Shudras. Those who refused to accept, the gods by aryans and maintain the indigenous identity were pushes out of their social structure and later they became to be known as dalit and untouchables of the lower caste group.


Author: verified_user