Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Reflect, Revitalize and Reverse.


 Reflect, Revitalize and Reverse.

May 11, 2021.

There are many Pastors, and Missionaries who are having hard time ministering in certain area and peoples group because they don't match them culturally, in lifestyles, educational background, age bar and probably in a wrong place. 

Of course there are certain location where the minister didn't fit for the educational level of the congregation. Where the minister or evangelist had several advanced degrees and a very sophisticated and eloquence vocabulary whereas his church members were barely high school graduates neither well educated. On the other hand, some congregation are well educated, wise, wealthy and intellectual wherein the minister is misfit for the congregation in terms of their qualities.

God has gifted a pastors and an evangelists with different gift and talent to serve the Lord and to built the church stronger. Everyone has a place, area which is fitted and matching which is just right for them.

We need to build our strengths, re-invent our members. We need to reflects upon the dire need of the church today. We got to revitalize with new strategy and outlook. Further, we ought to reverse the circumstances to make it better and stronger.


Author: verified_user